The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

I answered the question you posed to me. I didn’t go read every post you’ve made on the subject.

They are fixing what they want to fix and going as far they want to in their fixes, and none of us know what that point will be. I suspect their internal discussions about what to change take longer than the actual process of changing things. You being annoyed that they’re not doing what you want is a personal problem.

i’ve gotten more death threats through a whisper than i do my cellphone if i don’t pay india a large sum of money

I always play WoW on Sunday mornings. It beats going in to church. Of course, I’m afraid that someday the church will come after me like it’s the Spanish Inquisition or someth -


NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I honestly am completely disconnected from all of this, but I do appreciate the effort to communicate intent.

The very thing I laughed at many years ago in some shows or movies about the future is coming true. But I have zero say in this so wish Blizz the best - I’m sure the changes will be welcomed by the growing population that treat everything as offensive or not inclusive.

Well, if it’s not the Church coming for WoW right now they fooled me, because that’s what this feels like.

Right its just me its not the fact that WoW is on a massive subscription decline and has been for years and have to deal with devs constantly wrecking the game with every expansion. Also its not that hard to read my post that was literally right above your own…

No, I think if a player has body image issues, they can change their own character however they want. That is how they realize the game they want, through what their characters are capable of, not because some piece of background art that got changed.

And who is making the body issues worse? The company that made the change and didn’t tell anybody about it, or people like you, who won’t shut up about how damaged these people are supposed to be by this?


They must have been reading my posts today

Still, we want to remain mindful of whether certain elements of that world are welcoming to all players

Somewhere, somehow, every piece of content will be conceived as not welcoming. Been easier to just up the rating or have us read and agree to a mega new EULA

"Hi, new and returning player…answer these 9,000 questions. If you disagree, that quest will be absent and any and all references replaced with fruit…have a toggle

I prefer that before we get tons of in-game changes, we have actual changes to the culture that led to sexual harassment, discrimination and unequality that affected workers.

By making these in-game changes, the message is there is no issues in the workplace – the blame is instead transferred to the in-game content. The game content is changed, but the true culture within the company isn’t.

You can bring people from Disney, Amazon, and even the Pope – or place $18m funds for victims; but that doesn’t change the culture.

The company does not dictate how it will be fixed. I have not read yet an open letter from Jen Oneal and Mike Ybarra about willingness to meet with the ABetterABK workers, and to listen to their feedback on how to change the culture of the company. Nor have I read any of these co-leaders acknowledge reading the 4 demands.

When Jen and Mike sit to listen to ABetterABK workers, and make a commitment to talk to ATVI leadership … then you can change our collective minds that everything is alright. Changing things in-game is meaningless if not accompanied by the things Blizzard has not focused on (as mentioned).

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I appreciate the official statement. I disagree with the direction you’re going in. I agree with the removal of references to real people, especially those who committed atrocities within the real world, and they should absolutely be removed. I feel the changing of names like Twin Consorts is over the top, and ridiculous.

Hone in your target marker on more appropriate things. Twin Consorts, the paintings, and emotes? Not appropriate targets. References to despicable people like Afrasiabi and Mccree? Appropriate targets.


You believe them?

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So male sex slaves, male demons that rape women as they sleep, removing paintings, and changing emotes achieves that?

Genocide? :+1:
Murder? :+1:
Torture? :+1:
Violence against women? :+1:
Cannibalism? :+1:
Slavery? :+1: but let’s change the name to mean the same thing.
Heroes talking about when they murdered children? :+1:
Mind control? :+1:
A picture of a scantily dressed women? :-1:


Yes, a lot people have left. No, they don’t have all the same issues you do. I guarantee I don’t have the same issues with the game you do, but, like yours, they take a backseat to whatever Blizzard feels it needs to do right now.

I don’t read a lot of people’s posts.

Seeing as my initial post wasn’t even directed at you, you’re just going to have to get over it.

Thank you for doing this. The fact people are so upset about it just goes to show how deeply ingrained sexual misconduct is in our society and culture. People really don’t like having the traditional structures that kept them in power changed. Cognitive dissonance is strong with these ones.

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Are they going to change Mylune “smashing you against her bosom?”

I’m not with Blizzard. I don’t know what their internal conversations are or why they choose X over Y.

Swapping out two paintings is, when it comes to employee hours, probably much easier to change than excising all murder from this game.

Speak for yourself. I unsubscribed because of this.


They just told us about them with this post. And you’re right, I’m not going to “shut up” about it because this type or moral grandstanding and posturing is despicable and has a history of leading to the ostracization of marginalized groups. Pretty sure one of the stated goals of Blizzard is inclusion. This isn’t reflective of that value.

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