The Evolution of Creative Content in World of Warcraft

We can at least give them credit to communicate.
I’ve already dwelled enough on the fact that this changes are rubbish.

Your american nonsense with your woke ideology, most of the world don’t want it because yes, there is a world outside of the USA.

Making Wow reflect the real world, we don’t want it because we are in this game to forget the reality a bit.

So you didn’t learn anything from the disastrous results of the comic book industry and Hollywood when they took this road?

Start counting your losses, because those for whom you do this will not come and play your game but those who do not want censorship and “woke” ideology will leave.

Instead of meaningless changes that give a very negative message to the player base, you should put all your effort in adding content.

Take the incubus: The idea is good as the warlocks asked for years to have new demons so it’s a welcome addition BUT it was done for the wrong reasons.
Therefore instead of being the first step to add more diversity of demons, the incubus will most likely be the sole addition for the years to come.

Instead to waste your time on censorship, you could have use it to actually vastly expand the choice of demons for the warlocks.

It’s the difference between doing things for the sake of a stupid puritanism and doing things for the sake of players and guess what? The first will make you lose customers and the second will make your customers happy.


Just to clarify Im being more process focused on how the changes are being handled than what they are. That process should be customer focused whether its replacing paintings or rolling out expansions.

But to answer your question if the customers wants these types of things then so be it. If i dont like it i can get out the way if its made clear the direction isnt something i want to support. Fish or cut bait ya know.

The blue post said they stem from internal discussions which is the issue to me.

Because Blizzard’s team apparently wants a game they feel comfortable making.

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I think the reason people are annoyed is because this seems like a pointless waste of time considering the state that WOW is in technically right now.

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Then why not remove the ability to wear bikinis and other slooty things about the game. Remove everything remotely like that if they wanna feel “comfortable”

Ok so after reading the OP post, the visual of a Capt Grimm video came to me. It was when the boat was coming complete with club music and disco lights. Then there comes the pause and the Thunderfury exclamation.

I have the distinct feeling this will not end well.

What’s your point? Or do you even have one? Doesn’t change the fact that the altered versions of these images screams puritanism and promotes the idea that it’s somehow offensive to expose your body.

You’re asking why don’t they go further than just editing some piece of throwaway art that maybe a dozen of you actually knew about before someone other than Blizzard told you to get upset about it?

The point is it’s background art, not characters people play.

Go play dress up in the skimpiest gear you can find, champ.

Im pointing out how it makes no sense with what they are doing. You also haven’t read my other post. Im annoyed because this is what they spend thier time doing instead of fixing this game.

My dude, speak for yourself. No one asked you to speak for them.

If it were truly a distraction (and it’s not, because the people enacting the changes are at the bottom and clearly no one has forgotten about the controversy, nor should they), then it wouldn’t be so blatantly calling back to the thing you say it’s trying to distract from. That makes very little sense.

I know this community likes to spray cynicism all over everything it touches, because you guys think that’s so cool being aloof and above it all, but some things can just be taken at face value. I realize it takes effort to think about what those things are, but I’d recommend making that effort sometimes.

This makes zero sense. If anything, it is the “quitting snowflakes” over these changes that are doing “reverse wokism”, if anyone is.

No, because people quitting over this aren’t doing it from a woke perspective. They’re just tired of all the crap and don’t want to be part of this path WoW is taking.


If you think “woke” is an exclusively American thing… you may want to look around a bit.

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I do. Cries on your shoulder Still got pieces that haven’t dropped. Might help I did it more than like once a month.

uh oh, now blizz is censoring questlines


Lol the classic “your a snowflake for being offended that im offended” that totally removes any context from both parties


Then the censorship continues.

So you have no issues with promoting body image shaming. Got it. Guess we know who won’t be playing WoW on Sunday mornings.

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Yes thats correct

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