I don’t disagree that that may have been the intended purpose, only that I don’t see how it was necessary in the first place. The quest by design is very bad IMO, even if someone who doesn’t necessarily want the mog immediately can finish it in a tolerable way. They had a lot of opportunity to do something much more interesting here.
Next time, try a blog. Or Twitter. This here is a discussion forum, where other people get to have a flying f over the things that are posted.
I got it the day after I completed the pre-order. 1-15 in Arathi, then moved to Blood Gate to finish it up. If I had started at Blood Gate my total time would have been <3 hours, as it was it still wound up <4. Yes, a story-driven chain would have been preferable but it was - for me - a relaxed farming grind. Nothing I haven’t done before for a variety of things.
This is where they tell you to go to make a suggestion.
Yeah that’s what I figured after my several hours of grind with only 17 to show for it. I figure I’ll just carry on playing as normal and they quest will gradually finish in its own time.
lol, these Veruca Salt threads are always classic.
I didn’t find it to be a grind at all. Took me about 80 minutes while killing Blood Trolls at the Blood Gate. Made thousands of gold too, so it was a pretty fun romp with some friends.
The name of the quest suggests to me that this is something that may take you longer than a few minutes to farm up. I had really good RNG, so it didn’t take me as long as some others to get. I understand that part can stink, but do your best, grind it out and maybe make some new friends in the process.
Took me two days, doing what everyone else was doing…the ‘efficient’ way, so can it, champ.
Just solo’d freehold and got none.
My WQs aren’t giving me anything. I shouldn’t need to go find a blood gate group to get them. Still sitting on 6/40 from two days ago.
This thread was amazing. Oh god the salty tears. Imagine being so upset over this cus you aren’t gonna be like first in your group of friends to stand meaninglessly in org/stormwind lookin like a fluffed peacock. Calm the calamity that are your mammaries friends, you’re just gonna replace the T-mog with any other variations of Shadowlands gear.
I think I’m with the whiners on this one. If this was included in the base game as a pre order bonus, I’d say, ok that’s reasonable. But if I’m paying extra for the fancy deluxe version with the undercarriage wash and the wax spray finish, just give me the damn outfit.
While i too thought it was gonna be a transmog given upon buying I’m not too fussed , im sure i misread something about it in the description. Yeah, see grants a quest, i kinda skipped over that. But imagine this, 9.0 is at least like what? a year away almost a year? August maybe? If you got one of those essence thigns per day you’d have it in 40 days. This is all about trying to feel special imo. You already are special munchkins. You dont need some outfit you’ll replace because honestly who keeps on a buyable transmog once everyone and their mother gets it? People like exclusivity and thats partly the problem here.
5 hours? Yikes thats some horrible luck.
I went into BrM spec, threw my ox statue down with a group of 2 mages, a ret and a DH. Got all 40 of mine in…3? 2.5-3
I feel for you. Good luck in your hunt!
You are the definition of a spoiled player. They put in description “access to the Eternal Traveler quest, which unlocks the transmog”. You also got many other items instantly.
Calm down, it’s not meant to be achieved within the first day…
It feels very punishing, but if you stick with it they will eventually drop. I spent about 3-4 hours of in game time over two days and got all 40. It wasn’t fun, immersive or engaging, but they did drop eventually
3-4 hours. this is why they timegates things sometimes. because if you let the playerbase grind through content its A. Hard to figure out what an acceptable grind is and B. if you make it too short your players have nothing to log in for. The community will literally burn itself out. As they say give mice an O button and they’d hit that till they died.
There are more places than just Blood Gate to get this, but everyone goes to the same spot. Try other places, might get better RNG rolls. Spent 30min at Blood Gate on Saturday, and an hour and change Sunday morning somewhere else and finished it all.
I wouldn’t care if it was actually the “first few per reset are fast and easy” but I haven’t gotten any since the first day doing my normal routine.
That’s kinda balls, really.
It is. I heard some people have really really bad luck with the rng on this one. I read that some people spent hours grinding and only get 1 or 2 to drop. That sucks.
I’d say you’re definitely lucky in your drop rates, or daylight savings pulled a fast one on you. Took me 7 hours to grind it out at the farms in Arathi.
6 hour podcasts do make it a bit easier to suffer through, but I think Blizzard intended the ‘grind’ to be more of a week or two hold to keep people playing. But, fashion doesn’t rest and neither do I.