What the living hell is this? Are the drop rates intended to be this horrifically bad? They charged 80 bucks for this. 5 hours in a blood gate group and 11/40.
I got mine after like 2 hours maybe at the Blood Gate. Not saying it’s a good quest though.
You’d expect an Eternal Traveler set to come from a quest where you actually have to travel around the world.
i’m 99% sure they didn’t implement this with the intention of people getting it within a day or two.
chill out dude…
ps: i’ve seen two of the mogs already, one of which was in my last M+ run. I would say you’re just impatient
They charged 80 bucks for this and didn’t tell anyone there was a huge grind beforehand. If this was a free in-game transmog, sure, but this was as much as my car insurance.
I’m not gonna chill out over that. They should have warned people about this grind.
they charged 80 for the collector’s edition dude. not an ugly transmog lol…
you’re the one that pre purchased, how is that anyone else’s problem…
also i’ll repeat it…i’m 99% sure they didn’t release this transmog with the intention of people getting it within a day or two. chill my dude.
Another entitled, whiny child. Got mine in less than an hour and a half of playtime at the Blood Gate. Maybe you guys should be more efficient.
i’m not a blizzard white knight…you just can’t accept when you’re wrong.
get to 120 then start qq’ing imo.
Lmao, that super didn’t happen but ok buddy.
That you finished in 1.5h just means you had good rng. Thats all.
But don’t let proof and facts stop you from whining.
Everyone in the group completed it in roughly the same amount of time. Maybe, again, you guys should try being a bit more efficient with your kills and pulls.
seeing as how he just proved you guys wrong, i think this thread is over now right?
I havent done it yet though. All I hear is people saying the RNG is terrible. And frankly I believe that in a game where it took me 7years to get the headless horseman mount.
Entitled? I mean, yeah, it’s a preorder reward people paid $60-$80 for locked behind a bizarre unnecessary grind rather than a lore quest that would have actually given it some context and been fun to go through. This should literally just be a quick turn-in if they didn’t want to go to the trouble.
Then they nerfed the blood gate mobs. Things are dying instantly and people are barely getting any.
But I’m sure some other massive loser is gonna jump in and be like “OH STOP CRYING I LOGGED IN AND BLIZZ MAILED ME ALL OF THEM AND TOLD ME I WAS THE BEST AT THIS GAME AND YOU ALL SUCK”.
The drop rate is awful and should not be gated behind something they charged this much for. Had there been ANY sort of warning about this I wouldn’t have bought the 80 dollar pre-order.
It’s like buying an in-game mount then having to grind for a week non-stop before you can even use it. Defend it all you want, but this is extremely stupid.
Doubtful considering they just want something to cry about.
Are you genuinely trying to compare mount RNG, one of the lowest drop rate items that is also only available for 2 weeks a year, to RNG for mob dropped items that you can farm endlessly? You seem to be quite foolish.

Entitled? I mean, yeah, it’s a preorder reward people paid $60-$80 for locked behind a bizarre unnecessary grind rather than a lore quest that would have actually given it some context and been fun to go through. This should literally just be a quick turn-in if they didn’t want to go to the trouble.
You literally got what you paid for. Other pre-orders had no transmog questline, so the fact that you paid for it doesn’t mean that you are entitled to have it the minute you pick up the quest. If you don’t like it, refund the pre-order and buy the cheap version.
you got a few things for pre-ordering. a mount, a pet, stuff for other games…
and it’s not an “unnecessary grind” - it’s just something new. there’s no other mount that offers this type of thing.
I’m still scratching my head…why would you pre order the game only for a transmog lol…imagine that
I am now 19/40 just by going about my business. Really not in a hurry and I think it is meant as something you really do not even need to grind over unless you really want it immediately. For me it is something we get over the course of just playing our character.
whatever the rng is, it’s terrible currently. People are spending 7+ hours and not even coming close to finishing it. I’ve just resigned to finishing it in 4 days since it gives you 5-6 the first time each day.

Then they nerfed the blood gate mobs. Things are dying instantly and people are barely getting any.
But I’m sure some other massive loser is gonna jump in and be like “OH STOP CRYING I LOGGED IN AND BLIZZ MAILED ME ALL OF THEM AND TOLD ME I WAS THE BEST AT THIS GAME AND YOU ALL SUCK”.
The drop rate is awful and should not be gated behind something they charged this much for. Had there been ANY sort of warning about this I wouldn’t have bought the 80 dollar pre-order.
It’s like buying an in-game mount then having to grind for a week non-stop before you can even use it. Defend it all you want, but this is extremely stupid.
Good god, you’re a whiny little one, aren’t you? Refund the pre-order then. The $80 pre-order gave you $130 worth of stuff. It gave you a free month, it gave you a mount, it gave you a pet, it gave you a boost AND it gave you a flavor transmog set with a matching weapon enchant. If you paid the $80 for the transmog alone, you are an idiot. Plain and simple.

whatever the rng is, it’s terrible currently. People are spending 7+ hours and not even coming close to finishing it. I’ve just resigned to finishing it in 4 days since it gives you 5-6 the first time each day.
Show me actual proof of people spending 7+ hours of actually farming for it in an efficient manner and then we can talk.
Calm down, Ion. We all know that’s you.