The Eternal Traveler

Meh. I bought the pre order for, you know, the game, and the mount and the pet and the boost which I all got the day I hit pre-order. Yeah the rng is bull but there are better things I can be complaining about in my life. A long grind in a game isn’t something I feel I should moan about. I mean, it’s like going to the store and buying something, and you get all this good stuff but you have to wait a few weeks for your complimentary cereal box watch and being pissed because the snail mail is too slow. Ain’t that big a deal

I grind Pirates for an hour a day plus doing my usual dailies. I have 9. My luck seems to be terrible. I have never seen a drop of 5 or 6 at a time. At this rate I may get the transmog this year.:persevere:

meh…why preorder at all

Dandelione never preorders

Dandelione buys only after seeing reviews

Be like Dandelione

People put weed killer on Dandeliones. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Just kidding to lighten my day.

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You sound like a man child.

My main issue is not how long it takes but how ungodly boring it is.

I think this is what makes me scratch my head at the complaint so much. If you go about playing the game like you always do, you will automatically get it in about 10 days if you log in once a day. Probably less than that, since you will invariably get some doing other things like you always do.

Three months from now, are you going to be ticked that you only had that transmog for 82 days and not 92 days? How about 355 days instead of 365? If you did sit down and grind it out over a few hours straight, you literally only lost a few hours of being able to utilize it. It’s truly the most minor of things to complain about in perspective.

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For Horde currently working on this, the Arathi counterpart is the Naga camp in south Darkshore, where Commander Ral’esh spawns. Just get a group together and pull everything, they die super fast. Got more than half of what I needed here Sunday morning, as I said, a bit over an hour.

The drop rate is like 1% or something, but there’s like bad luck protection for the start of the new day. I farmed blood gate for about 6 hours or so. The first 10 was easy. Mid range from about 12-20 was rough and seemingly took forever. Then in am hour and a half i went from 20 - 40. It’s an unnecessarily low drop rate imo, but still doable. I don’t think it was meant to grind out in a day.

Best advice is a small 5man group at blood gate to farm. Raid wide stuff does so fast its hard to keep up with. 5man just designate people to pull them to mid and the others to kill. Way more efficient.

I missed a memo…

I think what people are pissed about is Blizzards unhealthy obsession with RNG. It’s even leaked over to the CE of the new xpac. It’s like… they can’t help themselves. I picture them with a needle labeled “RNG” and they’re sitting in a dark basement muttering “this is the last time…”

I started at Arathi, 1-15 took <2 hours. I finished at Blood Gate which went from 15-40 in about the same time…so if I had started at BG to begin with I expect it would have been ~3 hours.

But it isn’t RNG though. From what I’ve read, you have a guaranteed drop pretty immediately each day, and then a small chance after that until the daily reset. If it was purely a low% chance all the time I’d understand, but like I said, you’re guaranteed to get it in about 10 days if you just log in, kill a couple mobs, and log out every day.

The RNG portion of that is only if you have to have it right this second and you’re willing to sit down for hours on end rather than just play the game and let it roll in on its own.

I don’t think there is anything nefarious about it. If it was a grind that took months, or RNG that came out to taking months, I’d agree since it is kind of a backhanded way to entice people to stay subbed for a few months. But this is nowhere near that level.

On day 1 I grinded for about 30 minutes and got 6. I decided it wasn’t worth it. Then yesterday after finishing my emissary quests I noticed that I had gotten 5 more. If that holds up, I should complete the quest in a little over a week of playing the game. I’m still not that excited about the transmog but looks like I will get it quick enough without any additional effort.

Oh my lord, the people in this thread actually saying people who want the quest nerf are “entitled” or want “instant gratification” are literally the worst type of players on WoW.

If this was a quest that was available to everyone, it’s be an entirely different scenario, and I’d be agreeing with you that it shouldn’t be changed.

But people paid REAL MONEY for this quest. We were not told that it would be a horribly low drop rate.

Some people bought the bonus editions entirely for the transmog. Why people buy the rare/epic editions is not up for you to decide if it was “stupid” or not. (As some of you have claimed it is if they bought it for the transmog alone)

The fact that for the FIRST TIME EVER a “Collector’s Edition” (or Digital Deluxe in this case) bonus is timegated behind a horribly low drop rate grind quest is not acceptable.

If the drop rate was static, and 1 dropped every 5-10 kills, I’d find that more acceptable. As then we’d have to do like 200-400 kills. But COMPLETE RNG is not acceptable. Period. There are people with over 10,000 kills logged and not even halfway through. (Check Reddit)