The Essence Grind on Alts is Worse than Forced Pathfinder Part 2

People usually complain about people being able to get raid rewards from ‘trivial’ content though. You mean people raiding would be ok now with people doing world quests getting ‘raiding’ essences.

Couple issues with that argument.

  • For alot of classes their BiS primary or secondary essence is already outside of raid so that is irrelevant.
  • It’s not a reward, it’s a progression system. It’s literally a washed down artifact weapon which in legion you had to grind outside of raid. so weve been there done that.
  • It’s not a “raiding” essence. It’s a BiS that will usually only NOT be your BiS if your doing heavy AoE. It’s 9/10 a “ST” essence not a raiding only essence.
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So gear is a progression system too ?

However in Legion we could do any content for the same potential reward. In BFA we HAVE TO do world quests. Furthermore BFA never required rep to get gear (essences)

Are talents a reward? Like your entire gimmick is to make the dumbest random arguments known to man to avoid the topic. No gear isn’t a progression system. They can be used as a measure of progression but aren’t themselves designed as a system of progression but as a system of total character power output.

The entire essence system, is meant to go through the tree unlock all the check marks and forget about it. and just for arguments sake since you just want to make the dumbest arguments on the site, even if it was a reward…

its the same system but washed down we had in legion and no one gave a crap you could get the AP outside of raid

idk if your not following the convo or not but ive literally said multiple times the issue is we can’t do more than the one set content type. I never argued for any of the points you tried to contest me over. If you were just agreeing that’s my bad, but it seemed like you were trying to argue points I never made.

Lucid Dreams is a strong essence for a lot of specs. Grinding 6000 follower XP and getting Revered with multiple characters is not enjoyable, and does not require me to step out of my comfort zone. Even if we settled for just rank 2, that’s still mindless grind, it just doesn’t take as long.

Getting rank 2 of the M+ essences can basically be done in a day for all 3 or so specs if you chose to do so, so getting rank 2 on multiple character isn’t hard at all.

Raid essences, depending on much you raid eill come in time, and aren’t difficult. Luckily I don’t “need” the ones that come from PvP. I’d like to get them on my monk, but I’ll make due with the other ones available to me. Mechagon is another place I just can’t force myself to grind out essences again. Even VoP is off putting to the point I only need to do one more run on my main to get Tank 3 and I just don’t want to.

I have three character at HoA lvl 65 or higher, and another at 63. I can say with absolute certainty that the grind for certain essences is absolutely, mind numbingly tedious. If you want me to do challenging content to earn them, then fine. I want to do challenging content anyways. But I want to do it on multiple characters.

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You’re right but you have to remember that you writing on us forums , who is full of toxic players and people who don’t have jobs.

Their only occupation trough whole days is wow , and they ofc don’t have enough content to do. Unfortunately blizzard supports them more than other people and because of that we have to deal with those type of things

So, many times (even more than I’ve quoted) you have said this is a NEW system, and lacks catch-up mechanics. But you seem to miss the point that because its a NEW system, it will take time to be given catch-up mechanics.

  • AP isn’t new, it arrived in Legion. So a catch-up mechanic from the get-go (AK) was to be expected.
  • Item level isn’t new, it arrived a long time ago. So a catch-up mechanic from the get-go was to be expected.
  • Essences are new, so a catch-up mechanic from the moment they were introduced is not to be expected. Players should expect to see something in 8.3, when the next round of essences are introduced, and the first round are made easier to acquire.

If essences are just as difficult to acquire in 8.3 and beyond (assuming there is anything left in BFA) then players will have an actual complaint to lodge about the essence system. Right now, you do not. Yea it’s tough doing it all over again for alts, but it’s a brand new system – you can’t expect to already have catch-up mechanics.

That’s a pretty broad brush you’re stroking with.

I provided more than enough details what’s is the problem with community who agree and disagree on something

I finally got into mage and loving it…and lost complete interest due to essences. Maybe next expansion! He was gonna be my raid alt why I stopped him. No thanks I don’t wanna grind just to have high dps, once was enough for dh.


Hmmmm. Well I don’t work and I no-life the crap out of WoW. Am I being toxic? A number of my friends no longer work and no-life this game and they’re some of the most pleasant and helpful people I know. We also happen to think thay some essences are too much of a grind.

You know a big reason why we have catch up mechanics is to help people who start late get a step forward to participate in the end game content where most of the population is. It is my theory that Blizzard should have learned through the complaints of their customers and their inevitable fixes that catch up mechanics are required as a patch ages. Doing this stuff for the first few weeks of 8.2 was alright. Doing it again is tiresome and makes me want to stop playing the game. Its tiresome because its time locked and its not rewarding to play. Its stressful. I have to get online and do xyz world quest all across the map to get this essence. Meanwhile I just spent my whole time hating everything I did in the game instead of having fun. Its maddening. That I take my free time out to play a game and am pigeon holed into doing what Blizzard wants me to do instead of what I want to do. It upsets me that I cannot enjoy farming mythic plus because I have 7 hours of world quest farming each week. Then it further upsets me that if I choose to do those world quests Blizzard employees discuss how great the world quests and essence systems were because look at how many players are doing it when really we are dying inside.

Blizzard always have come back to adjust systems for catch up mechanics. Making this system with no catch up mechanic in place shows a lack of consideration for their past adjustments and their player base today.


Would you agree then on old pathfinder being removed , Azerite traits being swapped when you switch between specs , like old gear sets used to switch? Or as well essences?

Most of the stuff should be account wide not character specific , unless is class/profession specific

They should just see how good games creates a concept .

Like ESO example

You have one max lvl character with 500 cp?
You start a new one it has those 500 cp as well . It can’t get anymore points until it hits lvl 50 , but I has that progress

I don’t see why wouldn’t Blizzard do this as well .

It is literally part of a piece of gear though. So to equate it to gear makes perfect sense. The legion artifact was a piece of gear as well. Sure it has a little bit extra but still gear.

Yes I know you want to claim you shouldn’t have to earn this on alts. Well using your own eg, the legion artifact you had to earn each one of them on each alts as well.

Azerite should swap on spec change. Reforging was, as my buddy Rastlin would, a slap in the face. I don’t mind Pathfinder, but I would prefer they find a better way like Storm Peaks. I don’t think most things should be account wide, but some some sort of loyalty reward system would be awesome. Successive character starting off at friendly comes to mind. Reduction in price for essences would be huge. The AP grind sucks but if they just made the AP rewards in M+ be like they were in Legion, I’d be cool with that.

The problem with intereactions on the forums is that generally, only extreme takes are give any attention. There are some really well thought out posts that got one or two likes/responses. But someones else makes a thread with a short inflammatory statement and people flock to it like moths to a flame.



Comments #1 and #2 are mutually exclusive. You can’t blame a system for no catch-up mechanics in place without first going back and adjusting that system for those catch-up mechanics. Going back and making adjustments takes time.

Unless its game-breaking (read: gives players an advantage) Blizzard doesn’t make real-time changes to game mechanics in the same patch cycle. Changes are made a patch cycle later. We’re still in 8.2 – yes I know technically it’s 8.2.5 but that’s still 8.2. So in 8.3, we can expect to see adjustments to systems that were introduced in 8.2.

As I said before, if 8.3 arrives and no changes have been made to alleviate the essence grind, then you have carte blanche to complain about this. Right now you have not given them the chance to make things better (as development cycles go); in other words, your complaints are “too soon, Executus.”

As someone who stopped playing BfA awhile back and only has a few 120s at like 370ish ilvl, coming back to BfA never seems like a good idea. The pathfinder grind isn’t attractive. Catching up on alts AP and essences seems awful. I have a 110 of every class in the game (I did every single mage tower for every spec in Legion), but I can’t even casually PvP on alts in BfA because of how the gear and systems work without being at a seemingly huge disadvantage.

Maybe something they should think about considering what a small playerbase BfA already has. If you want people to actually come back, don’t make coming back seem so awful.

This is also coming from someone who has had game time throughout the entirety of the expansion, so it would have been easy for me to log in at any point and actually play, I simply chose to not log in and let my game time die instead. That’s how interesting BfA content was to some of us.

edit: The 8.3 announcement makes me think I may log in to unlock Vulpera, but I may not actually want to play one until 9.0 depending on how easy it is to come back into the 8.3 soloable content and how interesting that content is.