The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

You’re more like old 'wise’ky

If he’s preforming at what a level 45 mage can do, then i’m worried what those below (including mages) him are performing at.

Lmao, this is not +20 mythic runs. Its 15 year old content with next to no difficulty (until naxx and even then…) groups chance of success???..As a hunter.

Hey, just cause “think you need top tier players to raid in classic, you dont”

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Correction, toss in a shadow priest not an abomination mix of healing and shadow talents. Shadow dps isn’t bad, you just need a lot of consumables for mana.

Are you able to put up DoTs and Mind Flay or naw? Right now there’s room for a Shadow Priest to do that sorta thing but once we get more debuffs available (Nightfall, Thunderfury, etc) how much can you reasonably drop off your rotation to keep DPSing like that?

Same here, lol. I haven’t watched the video myself, but chances are the mages are decursing or something. Fights where they do that their dps ends up being tanked.

It could also be that they’re not using terribly good gear. Going in with sta/int/spirit gear really hurts the dps. I’ve seen tons of mages wearing that sort of stuff, and while it gives you double the health and a bit of extra mana/crit… it defeats the purpose of being a glass cannon. My mage is in nearly full spell/frost damage gear and is fairly comparable to what this pally is said to be managing. That said, the pally will likely go oom quicker (maybe not an issue on fights this short, but likely a big one in later tiers) and has no method of regaining mana beyond drinking a pot.

Then why are you playing a hunter? Or are you the lucky guy that gets to do mediocre dps so you can tranq shot every now and again?

In fact, if you aren’t a warrior or a mage and you’re complaining about min/max, you’ve already screwed up…

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There should be room for SW:P and mind flay is a minor debuff so that will get booted and not take over a major debuff slot, so they are fine.

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What happens to Mind Flay when you channel it and it gets knocked off by something else like Deep Wounds or Ignite? Does it cancel your channel or do you get to still deal damage or…?

Lol at you guys saying “but I’m beating all other DPS on the metres! Why aren’t they getting replaced?” Don’t worry. They will be replaced as well.

My gnome friend, I’m totally comfortable with that regard.

But many players who like to preach this “Ret DPS” like to run around thinking guilds actively recruit them. They don’t - as I’ve seen it first-hand. Most guilds that do this are lead by Ret Paladins who want complete autonomy of the guild or else they’ll never have a chance. That’s on the player at that point.

“They will”? LOL. Sweetie, if it hasn’t already happened, it won’t.

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So you just knowingly playing a D-List healer and hold back your raid/group’s potential.

Got it. Please, lecture some more people on inferior specs, and what annoys you about people enjoying the game, some more.

That’s fair to an extent. Like I said before all guilds are different and some want to min/max or make the raid as easy as possible, and that’s fine.

My issue with this topic is constantly spreading information like “you can’t take rets” or “guilds won’t want you”. That is just genuinely untrue, and it turns people off to the game. You can absolutely get through Classic raids without optimizing.

Basically all I’m saying is this: telling players they have to play one way, and they’re being selfish if they stray from that path, is bad

There may be room for it, but there may not. Warlocks aren’t even able to always use corruption, and that DoT is basically the difference between them keeping up with mages and being second class dps.

That’s really cool. It’s awesome to see people still coming up with new ways to play their class. getting 4th place in most fights using a level 29 weapon is hilarious. I pity all these elitists who can’t see the good in anything.


Make it to 60 and then find out. Just lol.

Because I can’t tell otherwise… LOL.

Elitism and gate keeping is a big part of the vanilla experience though.


It went right over your head.