The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

Ummm… Curse of Recklessness says “Hello!”

so like most specs in bfa then should we start calling frost dk’s a meme?


This is a major reason I rolled Horde. Paladins players really are this selfish and self centered.

I haven’t the foggiest what the builds are like in BfA, I quit at the conclusion of WoD, but if Frost DKs are parsing near/at the bottom, then yeah.

I don’t think you actually know what having friends is like if this is your attitude.


there are only a few top classes in retail aka the meta so most retail classes and specs are memes.

I will argue this until the servers get shut down.

Nobody is forced to bring anybody to their group. If your guild wants to play like that, great!
But if you tell me it’s selfish to play how I want, I will laugh at you every single time.

I’m raiding with friends/guildmates. When you join a guild you normally tell them how you want to play. If they agree, great. If not, there’s always the next.

Some players like topping the charts with mages/wars and others like playing laid back. If you tell someone they are being selfish for not following youtube guides for a 15 year old game, I think you’re a child.


Cool, only 2 locks per raid needed then :slight_smile:

Three. You’re going to have Mages because not every fight is melee friendly and the Warlocks themselves deal substantial damage as Sac/Ruin spec.

Toss in a Priest deep enough into Shadow for Shadow Weaving and the Warlocks compete very well for the top parses that favor ranged.

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You are really internalizing a discussion that isn’t about your class. Now toss me a regrowth while I lifetap out some more dps.

all locks are need for is banish and hunters are needed for tranq shot.

and you only need 20 mages for one button frostbolt.

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Just put on the dress and no one gets hurt

I mean, you say all this, but he did well in the raid. This guy showed video evidence of him doing well (and beating mages in DPS), you’re just talking.

Why are you banishing anything? Zerg Garr and AoE the adds after.

Magmadar dies really fast and hits for maybe 1k against Warriors, even less against Druids. Tranq is entirely optional.

If you’re going to be grumpy about the discussion of min/max, at least get some of it accurate. If you wanted to truly cap out the tip/top speed kill, you’d prioritize as many Fury Warriors as you could and the relevant debuffs/buffs that benefit them.

This doesn’t make the spec work. It certainly doesn’t make it top the meters. It makes it reasonably comparable to my level 45 mage’s damage output.

Beyond that, it does this utilizing a method that no reasonable human being would want to employ.

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Can’t wait to see your dps logs :slight_smile:

The irony with this one is almost unreal.


Considering I was having to tank for the feral druid in our Ulda run last night I think they’ll be pretty good!

Yeah, I was perplexed too.

In the last month I have learned from these forums that WoW classic’s endgame is in such a nerfed state, that lobotomized keyboard turning monkeys could faceroll it in greens, but it’s still very important to min/max your raid composition and those playing sub-optimal specs are selfish and a detriment to the groups chance of success…