The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

Well guys,

Paladins is a high experimental class.

Last week, Judgement managed to Test fully the Spelladin.

Its a mix of STR/AP gear with 150 spell power (in total) gear.
Also uses fast 2 handed with seal of righteousness

People are pulling 300 to 400 dps, which is very good for phase 1.


Pallies will always be beta Warriors. You can’t hide from this fact. Please just accept it.


of course they will.
Just saying theyre viable. At least for now.

Fury, Rogues and Mages will always dominate the DPS.


Is there a gear set up and talent choice I need for this?

Yes, theres a guide.

Truckloads of spell power and fast if not slow 2h with stats and magic in it

There are people who would forfeit their accounts for Maul of the Redeemed Crusader in naxx40

The video shows the one in current wow, phase 1…


150sp in blues…
also a 2 handed from GNOMEREGAN (the one with 3 charges or 50% speed increase.)


Yeah, its great, I’m playing ret too. The amount of effort he puts in would net him like 600+ on Fury warrior. That said, if the ret player is good, they’re still an asset to your raid.

Ret is a spec for specialists who want to push a bad class as hard as it goes. Sure, its viable, but its a willing handycap for the player in question.


Ret is a meme spec played by selfish players who are forcing others to carry them.


I mean… if you can solo Ony with 20 people min/maxing (but not even playing optimally), why not take another person playing well?


This sounds nice… until you realize what other specs are doing.

Ret is still the lowest parsing spec on the Alliance.

Because being Ret is the opposite of playing well.


I really dislike min/maxers who dump on others who refuse to do it. It’s a 15 year old game, relax. You don’t need to stack Fury Warriors/Mages/Rogues to kill a boss.


I really dislike players who purposely play inferior specs and pretend they’re not inferior.

If you play Ret because you enjoy it, by all means, but don’t act like it’s a good spec.

Never said that you did.


It’s viable. That’s really all that matters.

And yet you’re dumping on anyone who doesn’t play that. Weren’t you also dumping on Hunters too?


Viable? Sure. It’s also “viable” to have 15 people AFK. Doesn’t make it good.

Does it meet the minimum DPS requirements of the current raid content? Absolutely. Is it still the worst DPS spec on Alliance? Absolutely.

Nope. I said they’re worse DPS than Mages, because they are.

They’re not literally the worst spec on the Alliance, though.


Im happy people are starting to feel positive towards ret im actually running a guild that would love ret paladins and spelladins alike called off spec home of the meme specs where we not only allow meme specs we search for them


hay that belongs to druids for feral dps/ tanking ;D

300 to 400 dps?!

You mean, this build can make a ret pally competitive with a level 45 mage?

Also, how long until he goes oom? Also, how much work is required to make this useable? My understanding is that gnomeregan weapon has charges, and is basically a consumable item.

Specs that rely on that item are just downright silly. It shows just how badly broken these specs truly are. It’s like if hunters were required to go farm SM for whistles in order to have a pet.


and if the class relies on also having damage from the weapon you are hamstringing your dps.

The reason it works for Feral Druids is because Weapon Damage is not used at all. they could equip their lvl 1 weapon and get the same dps as a lvl 60 weapon that has no Str/agility because for a druid its just a stat stick or on use item slot.

but as far as relying on an item for damage goes, its the same for every one. other wise there would be a no weapon kill of rag.

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The spell build uses SoR and other external coefficients, shadow oil and dragonbreath. MCP applies a 2.1 speed seal of rightiousness on a 1.1 attack speed, which is really good when you stack SP. The build is stacking on hit SP scaling.

The issue with the pure SP build is that you’re straight up useless unless you’re popping consumables. The build’s QoL is extremely poor.

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