No one is perfect and if that battle rez can save a wipe then it’s worth having at that time. I’d want 2-3 Druids per raid, they can off heal, DPS, and maybe save our butts with some key rez’s if we screw up.
Or (and go with me on this) you could play Holy and never have to justify why you deserve a raid spot.
It won’t be interrupted just as a resist to the snare component doesn’t interrupt the channel.
The hottest take
Fake news. Paladins destroy Warriors in PvP.
Shhhhh, I see you flapping your gums when you should be twirling your finger and giving me Might
Oh that’s neat. So as long as you can get it going, the damage sticks even if the debuff drops.
At least I give out my buffs. 99% of Warriors can’t even be bothered to keep Battle Shout up.
I like to come in close to your ear before I give you my BATTLE SHOUT!!!
In the end, worrying about min/max and throughput only matters if the content is demanding enough to warrant it.
And classic doesnt have that, so it wont matter.
I’m also leveling a warrior to be OP forever
It’s funny. It’s like you have to out DPS Warriors to be viable but no one can out DPS Warriors.
What to do?
Hush Peasant Warrior
A 45 mage cannot mathematically put out 400 dps except during AoE.
Frostbolt has a 2.5 sec cast. To hit 400 dps your frostbolts need to hit for an average of 1000 damage which is well out of reach at 45. Perhaps it could be reached if this 45 mage had full world buffs/conumes, but at that point you’re not really proving anything.
This is too funny… people just want to complain.
The man is having fun, pulling his weight and you psychos can’t even fathom that… and want to try and force people into a box. I would rather have a good ret paladin than a crappy warrior…
Shake the status quo, and the insecure will throw tantrums.
This thread is a textbook example of that.
At lvl45, a Mage has access to all the relevant Frost talents for Raiding but isn’t quite deep enough into Arcane to get Arcane Instability. So we have:
- Rank 8 Frostbolt, average base damage of 313.5, +81.4% of Spell Power
- 6% damage from Piercing Ice
- 2.5 sec cast from Improved Frostbolt
- 200% crit damage from Ice Shards
So a NAKED lvl45 Gnome Mage would average 141.32 DPS, accounting for base critical chance on spells of 6.32% and no resists/misses.
In order to hit 400 DPS under these conditions, the Gnome Mage would need around 600 SP and 18% total spell crit, assuming no outside buffs/debuffs. With just spamming Frozen Wrath wherever I could, and getting generic SP items where I couldn’t, 220 Frost Spell Power is all I was able to get, along with a meager 7.61% Spell Crit.
Otherwise known as 224.8 DPS.
Also know as 400 DPS isn’t happening.
Also also funny to note that this kind of damage output still exceeds what some Warcraft Logs state people are doing on some of the meme specs. /giggle
Nope. What appears to have happened, is that you didn’t actually understand what you wrote. Or did you not know that hunter dps isn’t “max”? Oh, and that’s regardless of spec for you.
I play Ret.
I solo heal UBRS as Ret.
I hit stuff in MC and Judge light and don’t need to heal because our Priest core is amazing and we ran 10 healers last week, which is probably 6 too many for MC.
I pass Warriors and Rogues and Hunters gear.
I played enough Warrior over 8 1/2 years of private servers to know what to expect of them. There is no surprise there.
I run around with Hand of Edward the Odd and proc instant cast Holy Lights and kill everything in world PvP. This weapon is pretty neat.
I don’t have to farm 200g worth of consumes every week. I sell Warriors my Frostmaul E’ko and get to run my IRL friends through dungeons and duel outside of Ironforge.
I love my time and the class.
I’m 32 and the girth measuring via meters just doesn’t matter. Even if I played Warrior or Rogue like I used to. I just go hit stuff and play Steve Winwood - Higher Love on repeat.
I’ve healed Monkeynews on Nostalrius. And played as Ret next to him in Scholomance runs back in NOPE. Before they became APES. He never cared that I was Ret.
You shouldn’t either tbh.
Never gonna happen. Ret will always and forever be a meme in Vanilla/Classic.
But you keep fighting the good fight.
I don’t want to be a jerk here, because I respect hybrid dps a lot and I personally do not mind bringing them to raid.
However, let me point out he is using every posible consumable available to increase his stats… something most people don’t do for MC (because its rather easy).
For example, not many people are using flasks for MC. Because its not needed, and at this point it would be a potential waste of gold. In this video, the paladin has Flask of Supreme power.
A proper comparison of dps needs to be with the other dps of the raid using the same amount and quality of consumables, which many people even hardcore guilds avoid during phase 1.