The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

Have fun only playing how the youtube guides tell you!


Imagine hallucinating other posters emotions like you are some kind of mind reader.

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Iā€™m sure youā€™re perfectly content telling other people how to play a video game lol

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Iā€™m perfectly content telling other players when they are being selfish yes.

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For once Ohshiftson and I see eye-to-eye on something. Thatā€™s refreshing for a morning.

Heā€™s correct, and all you doubters will disagree when youā€™re actually doing end-game content. If youā€™re not utilizing your classes full potential in a raid, youā€™re a selfish player - period. This comment will now get grouped with ā€œmin/max elitistā€, but that couldnā€™t be further from the truth.

If youā€™re coming to a raid, you should be utilizing the best spec for your class. Hybrid DPS serves no real purpose in the group, other than for utility purposes. They can all be substituted for other DPS classes that can outperform.

Why should a Ret Paladin take gear from a Fury Warrior? Why should a Feral (cat) Druid take gear from a Rogue?

If hybrid DPS are in a raid, they should be the bottom players to receive any loot, as it does not properly optimize the raid.

@ me if you will. Iā€™m ready.


Youā€™re telling others to play how YOU want them to, yet you call them selfish?



If you can create a method that can make the spec work, then why not? The op has literally linked a video showing they can make it work and even top the meters.

You talked about carrying, carrying what? If iā€™m topping the meters and iā€™m being ā€œcarriedā€, then what about everyone below me?

People are going into raid with greens, no flasks, no enchantments, with 20 people, people not even 60. I think having a pala in your raid will be the least of your concerns.


Butā€¦ the meters manā€¦ the meters.

Thatā€™s likeā€¦ the ONLY metric in the entire game.


Seriously, theyā€™re reaching at this point.


If you are a ret paladin in a raid there are 39 of your guildmates and friends in there with you. By playing ret you are not performing your optimal duties and punishing your friends and guildmates. Yes YOU are being the selfish player. If you want to run around solo reck bombing mobs you can do that to your little heartā€™s content.


Nope, Iā€™m pushing all the required buttons. Iā€™m using all the required buffs. Iā€™m performing my duties.

I mean, is that all you got? Really?


uuuuuuuh no.

you have a meme class with an extremely specific gear list, full shopping list of consumable (including the MCP) doing as much damage as your regular, unbuffed mage after a weekend of BRD farm.

This video point out how the best of the best ret paladin can beā€¦ is your run-of-the-mill mage.

if you donā€™t see how people still laugh at thisā€¦

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Say it with me now ā€œOPTIMALā€


Oh, is that all thats bothering you? Just re-read what I said and put optimal in there wherever wonā€™t upset you.

Anywayā€¦ next subject?


The next subject should be how holy isnā€™t just the best pally spec but one of the best specs any class in the game can roll and how any player not smart enough to recognize that shouldnā€™t be in the raid at all.

We recognize it. We just donā€™t want to play it.



For funsies I looked at the Smite Priest thing, and thatā€™s literally all it is. Even if you had the green light to take up a debuff slot for Holy Fire, you wouldnā€™t use it because its less DPS than just casting more Smites.

Although to be fair, Smiting for 670 every 2 seconds isnā€™t horrendous (this is unbuffed, with Phase 1 BiS with a focus on Hit/Crit over raw SP), and if you got real crazy and had a Ret available to give you Sanc Aura and judge Justice, you could do pretty decent damage of around 450ish DPS. Alas, no critical strike damage talent really hurts the scaling despite the spec getting 10% Spell Crit for free from talents (which is pretty huge).

Too bad the Smite-to-Heal spec wonā€™t exist for a looooong time. I liked that build.

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whats a ret meme? i never started to hear about memes until all these private server players start saying it.


In what world is having friends a list of checks and balances? A series of exchanges?

ā€œOh, Iā€™d better flagellate myself and play in a way I hate otherwise my friends might hate me.ā€ Dude, if your friends are gonna be sour because you played something you like, theyā€™re not your friends.


So because Iā€™m playing feral dps instead of resto, I canā€™t use the tools my class provides me optimally?

I canā€™t innervate healers, pop tranq if the group needs it, battle res, or give melee a 3% crit bonus and additional armor debuff?

If you ask me, I think that taking a warlock in a very melee-favored raid such as mc is a dps loss, considering you provide next to no value outside of your soulstone and CotE.


Replace ā€œmemeā€ with ā€œjokeā€ and you get the concept. Just a new term for an old idea.