The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

When they say lowest parsing spec, that likely includes tanks, healers, and maybe even hunter pets.


If “bottom” meant 80-85% of the highest DPS, that’s one thing. If “bottom” meant 30-40% of the highest DPS, that’s entirely another.

We’re not in the former situation.

This mind-reading, sinister motive crap needs to stop. The Spelladin spec doesn’t even compete with Warrior gear…


He talks as if it matters. You don’t need to min/max to clear raids. You can very easily take 100% “sub par” raid comp and still clear raids. Only real time it matters is when you have a ton of braindead morons in the raid group and you HAVE to try and push out every single hps/dps number to kill boss before wipe. I’ll take an entire raid of boomkins, ret pally, spriest, feral druids n odd healers if the players are skilled.

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I knew this was going to happen.

Eh, I don’t think it’s the norm. It’s just some min/max retail players trying to bring their cringe to Classic, causing legit players who’re trying to read this place to go through it all, giving the illusion that everyone is like this.


No. What’s selfish is dragging your friends and guildmates down because you refuse to play your class to its maximum effectiveness. Should we let fire mages raid MC too?

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The numbers being higher means your contribution is higher, buddy. Do you know what DPS is?

I’d definitely care about the Ret Paladin not being on 25 because anyone managing to lose in damage to a Ret is slacking.

Literally EVERY other spec is capable of doing more DPS.

I’d like to point out I don’t actually care about the individual ranking on the meters; I care about the spec’s capabilities.

A well geared Rogue can beat a poorly geared Warrior. That doesn’t mean Warrior isn’t the better spec for DPS.

The fact some specs perform better is always applicable, not just when it’s the difference between downing a boss or not.

400 DPS is better than 200 DPS, so people should strive for 400 DPS, even if 150 DPS is all you need.

You can Rebirth every half hour. It’s not that useful of an ability if you aren’t making mistakes, and if you are making mistakes, it won’t be usable frequently enough to matter.

Because raiding is a cooperative effort, and being useful to the other 39 people in your raid is considerate and makes things better for everyone involved.

This is why people call Ret players selfish. “Why would anyone care about being useful?” Hahaha, that’s exactly the Ret motto.

It’s not about being absolute best.

For example, Rogues are not the absolute best, but people still bring plenty of Rogues?

Why? Because they are, at worst, maybe 5-10% less damage than a Fury Warrior.

Ret, by contrast, is 60% worse. When you only do 40% of the DPS, it’s a problem. That has nothing to do with not being the best. That’s just a silly strawman that anti-min/maxers spew out when they don’t understand the arguments being made.

Then I’d be calling Warriors bad, obviously. I don’t have anything personally against Ret in particular; they just so happen to be the worst spec, is all.

Druid main here. Ret sucks.


Argument debunked. Next?

Learn to read. I never said min/maxing was needed to clear raids.

However, min/maxing isn’t invalidated just because of that fact.


If meme specs like ret pally can raid I don’t see any reason me and the mages can’t raid fire. The content is so easy any spec is viable and anyone who says otherwise is just being negative! :wink::wink::wink:


I’m telling you, go Smite spec and just destroy those meters! Mobs have no Holy resistance aside from level difference so its definitely better!


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Lol this is such a joke of a stance. Once again, if you want to min/max that’s fine, you do you. Atleast I certainly hope you’re just an angry min/maxxer, because if not you must really need to make the boss fight as easy as possible to down them

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What I find is amusing, pre classic release all the cry babies that wanted classic because you had freedom with talent builds opposed to the pick 1 of 3 they have now. Then you see all the hate from not playing cookie cutter.

You think you do, but you don’t.


I’m sorry I’m busy designing my new DEMON MASTER spec where I put my talent points in all my demon buffing talents. I expect everyone in this thread defending ret pallys to let me tank their 5 mans with my improved voidwalker because that’s how I want to play the game and you are selfish and negative if you don’t let me!

Anyone that thought you could just play whatever you wanted in Vanilla 15yrs ago is simply revealing to the world that they didn’t play in Vanilla, or were one of the many teenager kids that had no clue what they were even doing.

At least this time around I’m not being screamed at for being a Bear, but only because the theorycrafting is so much more well established to refute the push back.

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If you switch weapons before the buff expires you lose the buff

Ah, thanks for letting us know you don’t understand the difference between a dps build/utility build and an actual tank who is supposed to lead the raid.

However i will let you tank some elite mobs (so thanks for offering)!

Wanna know why I don’t care what spec players play, especially in MC? Because it’s as easy as a raid can be, and my friends/guild prefer to have fun in a game versus kick someone who isn’t specced into exactly what we want.

Enjoy thinking that way tho


First off, five seconds of this guy’s voice is way too much.

Secondly, all he’s doing is tunneling the boss. All those utility tools paladins have to help their raid and he’s ignoring them because ZOMG METURZ. That strikes me as a terrible way to play a paladin.

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You still have freedom with your talents, though.

Even within Holy Paladin, for example, there’s several different ways to spend your talent points while still being the same “spec.”

Noting, accurately, that Ret is the worst DPS spec in the game is not the same as saying we want to have fewer talent choices that can be changed at whim for every single fight.

That’s because the role of DPS is to deal damage. All the utility he has will not help achieve that goal, and the utility he does bring is clearly visible. He has buffs. They’re applied.

You’re right. Ret is a terrible way to play Paladin.

Have fun trying to get past Vael with all those ret pallys you are carrying!

Imagine getting pissy about a 15 year old game


Imagine saying it’s the end of a spec in a 15 year old game