The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

Classic raiding isn’t that hard. You don’t need to min/max or choose optimal builds to down the bosses. People are taking optimization way too seriously. Our culture needs to change on this.

Play whatever you want, the point is to have fun with friends.


Imagine doing this on progression fights in later raids where you’re wiping over and over. Those consumable/pummeler costs would be out of control. Best use of your DKP is probably just to get Onyxia bags to hold all of it.


I thought the entire point of classic was to have fun and not worry about elitism :man_shrugging: this entire thread is full of elitist telling OP to put on the dress.


You totally didn’t even answer the question. I’m guessing this means that dps is pretty bad in comparison.

It’s hilarious that instead of answering a simple question, you immediately go to the mom’s basement metaphor. Why so defensive?


People miss the point.

Ret will NEVER compare to Fury, Rogues and Mages.

But for those saying that 300 dps is bad on phase 1, should check world of warcraft logs.

Besides fury warriors, most classes are doing around that.

Many ppl didnt even watch the video.

The point is, if you can bring more versatility to your raid, why not?

Good luck gearing a raid with only rogues, mages, and warriors.


Yeah, glad I have no interest in raiding.


ret is a garbage spec for people who want people to carry them through content. this video is not a new thing. there is no magic combination of gear that will make ret not suck. 300 dps is not good enough to bring you over literally any other dps.

most guilds that are struggling to raid right now because of all the stubborn paladins and priests who refuse to heal are the people i really feel sorry for. not every guild is a super zerg guild like olympus.


People are just stuck in this 15 year old “meta” which doesn’t even apply truly due to the fact itemisation is different. If you can bring the dmg then there’s not a problem.

Also people have been downing bosses with 58s, 20 manning it, people in greens, half the or 80% of the raid dead.

Bringing a pala or even a balance druid will be fine

What? more than 286 guilds have done 10/10 MC (recorded). There isn’t a struggle and there’s no correlation those who are failing is solely due to paladins.

I do love that people are so against palas, saying it’s bad for the raid, yet do what i mentioned above or other random things. “Lets pull the whole raid”. “we wiped, stupid Ret palas fault”


But, but, but!

They can kill said boss a whole 5 seconds faster with those classes! :stuck_out_tongue:


They’ve always been viable. They just don’t meet the personal standards of some tryhards.

PSA: Nobody cares what you like/dislike. And you can choose not to invite any spec you want.


It doesn’t matter that it’s 15 years old, everybody in the raid should be carrying their own weight. The rets are a joke and regardless of what delusions they may have they are being carried.

Ret is stupid, it’s trash and move on already.

People act like the few people playing off-meta will hold back your ony and MC runs lol, this aint mythic, most guilds who arent absolute trash will be farming it shortly after stepping in, you arent going to fail these mechanics and enrage timers if you have half an idea of how to play.

Raid with the people you want to raid with, unless your racing apes to the clear, your bros playing a less than ideal spec wont keep you from progressing.


Not to mention, this isn’t brand new, fresh, never-seen-before content. There are literally hundreds of videos how to low-man or cheese these raids and also, people this month have did them with people under 60 in greens.

It’s just tryhards trying to push unnecessary standards on 15 year old content lol. I’m actually surprised of the few of them that are actually out there and the rationalizations they come up with. They’re really reaching.


Compared to the DPS of other specs… it is.

They’re doing more than that, you mean.

You can do that as Holy and be far more useful.

An ungeared player in any of those specs will do more DPS than a geared Ret for a quarter of the effort and with no consumables.


Content is so easy that nobody needs to be carried. Let people have fun.


No one is stopping you from having fun. If you have a group that doesn’t care how you spec/play, more power to you.

But Ret is a very unfortunate spec right now.


Spelladin? In my day we called them Shockadins…shakes fist


Unfortunately, tryhards like to believe they’re carrying people. It makes them feel superior. They’ll come up with the most off-the-wall reasons why they feel they’re carrying someone.

I wish I could find that thread where this one was preaching about carrying people in a raid but then another person from his guild posted and said something like “you didn’t carry anybody, we would have completed the raid even if you weren’t there”.


Shockadins uses holy shock
Spelladins dont.

Shockadins only becomes viable after t2.

For me personally i dont mind healing.

You can go for a 21/0/30 spec, you can heal and dps.
Just carry 2 sets of armor.

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Some of the people in this thread are gold. One Ret Paladin caused their Guild to wipe in MC. Bwahahaha.

You could probably have half the raid not put a single point in their talent trees and still clear MC.

At this point the nerfed game is carrying you. How many overpowered Warriors are there already. Thank Blizzard for buffing them so obscenely in 1.12. Blizzard is carrying all of you lazy elitists.