The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

But but but it can be done 0.6 seconds faster, though!!

And after all of that, you are almost a warrior.

I hearted the loyalty portion.

lol and warriors will never be able to heal, dumb dumbs with no intelligence

lol because classic is sooo hard that you need optimal specs and class to clear content. Only scrubs need optimal specs to clear

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Rets trying to shame players that say the spec is bad as min maxers and elitists remind me of morbidly obese people saying it’s fat shaming to not pretend they are just curvy

You can be happy and fat (ret)
you just can’t be healthy (good dps) and fat (ret)

no one can tell you to lose weight (play holy) but they can point out that it’s unhealthy (bad dps) and you can choose to ignore the advice and be happy but it’s back on you if you limit yourself.

Some posters pointing out that the game isn’t hard and 14 years old? Yup. We know. But it’s 14 years of data we already know so I counter with “why do you think ret is good after 14 years of contrary evidence” (Should I now compare ret to flat earthers?)

Rets, if you find guilds that are happy to carry you and you’re happy in that role then grats! Glad you are happy, no one is trying to take that away from you but spreading misinformation will make a lot of homeless players with a poor spec that can’t find groups in later content. Will you take responsibility for them?

The other argument being made is some are inventing nefarious reasons for advising a spec is bad (don’t want to share gear, hate others having fun, brutal elitists) That’s cute. Maybe we can do the same? How about ret boosters are actually elitists convincing players to play bad specs so they can have someone to feel jealous over their gear as they pose in ironforge like back in vanilla?


Min-maxers are the absolute worst.

I would much rather people have fun raiding with some unique/fun even if sub-optimal specs than a group of basement dwelling tryhards REEEEEing because that one Ret in the group made Ony kill take 4 seconds longer

Classic is an RPG… Have fun with it


I said this in another thread and will repeat it here

some posters are misusing the term Minmax

Minmaxing is not taking a warrior tank because they rolled nightelf instead of human. The tiny edge only bleed edge guilds care about

Ret compared to better dps is not a minmax issue, it’s a no good at your job issue. Would you take a fire mage? A hunter that tries to tank? A bandage spec healer warrior? Why not? They are having fun you minmaxer!


Sweet, this thread inspired me to roll a pally.

There is a big difference between a sub-optimal dps spec (Ret) and a bandage spec healer warrior…

Ret is still a dps spec, just like feral cat and boomkin druid… even if those are subpar to pure dps. And yes, I’ll happily have a ret or a cat dps in the raid… especially in MC/Ony where your meters aren’t worth jack.


But they all been theory crafted. Lol

Been 15 years still theory crafting haha.

Still more to do and theory craft. So so much more. Whoever created this game was genius.

Ppl will still have excuses and blah because they just don’t know or understand.

Hybrid class are op if done correctly. More for experienced players and theory crafters.

Wherever you said it before, it’s likely just as true that what you said there as here that your post was nothing but word salad.

I like how some people are still trying to pretend spelladin somehow fixes lolret. The damage is barely above standard AP ret despite requiring you to jump through even /more/ hoops to be able to deliver. Same as always, a ret paladin is a waste of a raid slot unless it’s the only way you’re going to get a blessing you are missing.


dudes, i’ve got this totally legit dps spec for paladins, where you use holy shock. It’s never been thought of before.

Sounds amazing. I’m sure this revolutionary concept will grow into a full blown internet meme in the not so distant future.

The problem with this is you’re basically using a crapton of consumables, plus that god damn 2h blue trash mace which you have to farm (which is in and of itself a ridiculous idea and clearly not how it was intended to be used) just to get decent results. That last part alone is not worth it. The minute “farm some low level garbage item for a use effect” comes up, you should probably take a step back.

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Calling the results decent is maybe giving it a bit too much credit. Even moonchickens have better DPS.

Well, no, actually… they’re the best. That’s sort of the point of it, after all. Haha.

Hell, this thread is all about min/maxing a Paladin’s DPS. Bad as Paladin is for DPS, they’re still trying to figure out the best way to deal damage with it. That’s min/maxing.

Min/maxing doesn’t only apply to raid compositions. It doesn’t mean playing Warrior instead of Ret Paladin. You can min/max bad specs.


That’s right. You exist to heal my booboos.

Never forget your place.

Paladins won’t be healing you until TBC.