The end of Ret Meme... Spelladins

Well this thread sure went places.

I miss the old days of WoW. I haven’t raided yet here on classic, but during this era of retail my guild did MC with Feral Druids and Ret Paladins dpsing, non-combat rogues etc and no one cared because it was just fun doing it as a guild. We knew we weren’t the optimal raid group, in fact we only had enough people for 1 MC team, so we kinda had to take what we could get, but it was fun seeing our small guild come together.

I almost think PUG runs sound more fun than the intensity so many guilds are running with

Best to just wait for TBC Classic to play a Paladin (among others).

Once you get to Naxx and AQ the hardcore guilds will have a bench line up ready to go to swap out classes as needed. The more casual guilds most likely will not. Having extra mana on tap will end up more valuable than an extra 3-500 extra dps from another warrior who probably won’t be as geared as the best geared warrior. Freeing up globals by cleansing, having guaranteed armor from imp LoH, providing extra resist for the raid, and backup healing. You also have a form of wipe prevention if things start going south. Ret may not be ideal when all you want is dps, but having a ret around when you want an extra cleanse or heal around can smooth out a lot of fights when you can’t field an optimal setup on demand every fight.

My guild back in vanilla, cleared everything except KT and C’Thun, all the while using pvp specs. We would have downed them as well, but TBC was coming out soon, and my guild lost interest in pve.

This version is even easier, so I don’t imagine you need to bring try hard builds, but people are too worried about what others will say about their logs.

That being said, I would never use this “spelladin” build, because it seems like too much work for mediocre damage.

Hey now…we’re talking about rets here nervous laughter …

Awww :slightly_frowning_face:

No, but your shenanigans are drawing some druid aggro.

You are arguing against posts posted over 4 months ago…

Whoops, didn’t notice.

Well hey, the thread was near the top of my feed lol. I didn’t necro this crap.