So I gotta ask, how much was the bounty on the quest givers in silithus last night? Cuz you guys really kept them down. xD
Not sure about NPC's, nobody was paying attention. The 290 player kills though, that's what we were counting. Was in just an hour or two. No need to be salty in a recruitment thread, it's not fitting of your tag.
This guild welcomed me with open arms. They are pretty active and have tons of things to do which is impressive considering the end of expansion lull. Guildies are always helping each other whether it be capping, bgs, raiding, RP or World PvP!
Hahah ye the quest givers were just an unfortunate crowd of victims caught in the crossfire! Sorry!
I am glad that you appreciated the humor that was meant. I didnt mean to sound 'salty'. I waved at you seconds before I was obliterated.
Belayed thought, is there a bounty on Warbringers?
There isn't a guild bounty on Warbringer (because y'all are qts) but we host "bounty night" every so often and for that event we gather everyone in a raid and each group/party is a team and they type a 1 for every killing blow they get in the world on a character above 100. We keep track and pay out for those killing blows.
Rules below:
Come on out and get paid for your WPvP kills on Alliance players! We split up into teams and go out into the world and WPvP for gold! 100g per KB - 100g per bubblehearth/shredder - 200g per rage whisper screenshot posted in discord - 500g per KB on Ally GM - 500g per KB on a multiboxer toon.
Your guild philosophy and bounty nights etc sound awesome. Well done.
Do you know of an alliance guild that does something similar?
I am not sure what goes on Alliance side overall to be honest. I really enjoyed my time in Coldridge Company during my brief stint on the blue side but the leadership in that guild has completely changed.
You could always come on over to the horde and hang out! ;)
I've made a new edition to our bounty board guys! The person who posts the most kills on them gets an additional 25k pay out at the end of the month! Have fun!
Ha, perhaps at a later date. I have some IRL buds on the alliance side. If I make a horde toon I’ll let you know!
For sure! If you guys decide to start your own guild, I'd be happy to hang out sometime and let you know a bit about how we run ours and the different events we do! Good luck!
As a lot of you all know we love giving out guild repairs and gold rewards for different guild events and prizes! Every so often we like to do a raffle to help raise guild funds! Typically we do our guild banner raffle but since we've got a little extra balance lying around in a gulid bank ($$$$) fund, why not offer you guys something else?!
Go ahead and cast your vote in what you think a fun raffle item would be!
For those who are unaware how our guild raffles go, we sell tickets for in game gold that gets donated to the guild bank. You can usually buy a maximum amount of tickets and then on a pre designated date we have a random number generator draw the winner for the prize!
Easily my favorite single memory was when we were trying to RP as a guild in Thousand Needles, and <Effortless> came trying to disrupt us. When we called in ISR to run over watch -so we could RP in peace!- and they got stomped twice with Merker bubble hearthing each time. Then when they weren't able to do anything about it, they just randomly zoomed past trying to knock us off the towers and bridges. They didn't do a single thing and hardly interrupted us at all, but Jarleon and that one Dorf had a beautiful butt baby together and I couldn't have been more proud.
Overall however my favorite memory is the multiple times i've logged in and people have randomly said "HI!" or when we're in voice people comment on Far'koon's name or things he says.
10/10, would rejoin guild if given the chance to do it all over again
I've been apart of the guild for a few years now both as a member, officer and guild lead and have made so many memories over these few years.
The day we all surprised Kuthoro with the ghastly charger mount was pretty exciting to me because as a guild we'd managed to collect the funds and purchase it with out him ever finding out and totally surprised him when we gave it to him in Warspear.
Our indoctrinations were always fun because the guildies would find new and interesting ways to murder my character while I was alt tabbed going over the meeting notes and stuff!
Or in WoD, Aynra and I decided to do a 2 man For the Horde at peak hours on a Friday evening and met no resistance except a single paladin! Getting drunk and being convinced to go goblin on my rogue was one of my less fond memories but still funny.
I'm still so happy that Phen came Horde with me when we decided to reform Warforged Legion and treasure all our new memories just as much as the old Warforged Legion memories.
Surprising our officer Gingi with the Lightforged Warframe for his birthday was a fun one! I've also enjoyed just seeing the guild as it continues to surprise and motivate me to not just be a better player but person. I've seen everything in this guild from helping eachother with simple gearing runs to learning PvP and earning first 2k+ achieves to buying a computer for a member, to helping raise money to help members who have been sick or going through a hard time IRL. I'm so honored to be apart of this community with you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.