Agreed, Cari's very cool! Everything she's involved with ends up much more chill.
My favorite memory? Hmm. So many, I've had so much fun.
I'd have to go with Gingy's birthday, probably. Cari kept him distracted while the whole guild mobilized. Then we all bum rushed him with a ginormous pile of gifts, gold for a Lightforged Warframe, and of course appreciation.
You could tell he was very surprised and touched by all of it. I'll never forget it.
07/05/2018 10:03 AMPosted by
when we're in voice people comment on Far'koon's name
Great officer auction tonight! We raised over 2 million gold for our guild bank!
We raised 2,000,080 gold today! This brought our guild bank to 7,630,436 gold! Way to go everyone!!
Hi, it's me! As some of you know my father suffered from a hemorrhagic stroke on New Years Eve 2010 followed by a series of mini strokes on his way to the hospital. He had worked as a law enforcement officer in our town for 17 years and this stroke occurred while working the night shift at our county jail. I stayed with him at the hospital from 6pm when he arrived until 4am that night waiting in the ER with him to get a room and see the stroke team. During this time I watched as he deteriorated from being able to speak, move, form sentences, interact with us to choking on his own saliva and coughing and just being unable to do just about anything. Over the course of the next few days my father was moved into the ICU and kept on life support. I watched as hospital staff stuck every tube I'd ever heard of in the medical field and many I didn't into him to help keep him alive. Miracles happened and he started breathing on his own. He stayed in the ICU for the next month before we were told he couldn't stay in that hospitals ICU anymore and had to leave to another hospital. We stayed there for a month before being transferred again. 3 months in 3 different ICUs. During those 3 months I saw things I wouldn't wish on anyone including my father coughing out his trach tube and helping the nurse put it back in because we couldn't wait for a doctor to arrive. We finally were able to move my father into a hospice center with the full intent of bringing him home. I had been working since I was 13 to help the family with income and paying bills this didn't stop and only increased when my father was in the hospital. I worked between 60 and in winters 120 hour weeks to help provide for my family and keep us current with out bills. I ended up having to withdraw from school to work to help with bills. We were able to bring my father home though and I am thankful for that. We also finally worked things out with his pension/insurance to be able to care for him and our family with out me having to work those kind of hours (thankfully because they did end up taking a toll on me) but even now with him home it's not the same. He can't stand, sit up, eat, or even always speak on his own. On rare occasions he might be able to communicate something but often he can do little more than communicate as an infant might be able to. The type of stroke he had and the severity of it he won't ever be able to be the same. We learn to cope and love him for who he was and who he is now but it can be hard emotionally. He requires attention 24/7 and can not ever be left unsupervised with out an adult so my mother and I help to take care of him. I occasionally tell you guys I'm babysitting my dad or watching him, now you know why I phrase it like that.
This whole story isn't me asking for pity or sympathy though, it's trying to communicate more than that. I am giving you a glimpse into my home life and IRL to remind you that we don't always know what someone is going through on the other side of the screen and it's important to remember that. It's important to remember we are all humans and should be treated as such. I am proud to say that you all in my guild do a great job of remembering this and being there for one another and I've even seen you guys go out of your way for people you don't know. I'm grateful to know each of you and thankful you all offer the support and love that someone needs from their friends. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for being who you are. I appreciate you.
<3 Cari
I don't have a ton of memories to pull from yet because I'm moderately quiet and keep to myself. I do enjoy the lols when I actually join discord, or like the time Osirius thought his push to talk was off but the button stuck and everyone could hear me sweet talking about tacos and making a shopping list with our Alexa.
07/07/2018 12:33 PMPosted by
<3 Cari
I don't have a ton of memories to pull from yet because I'm moderately quiet and keep to myself. I do enjoy the lols when I actually join discord, or like the time Osirius thought his push to talk was off but the button stuck and everyone could hear me sweet talking about tacos and making a shopping list with our Alexa.
Oh my gosh I died that night! You both have been such a joy to have around and I am so glad! You're so fun even if you're a little bit more quiet!
We are doing this farming event a little differently! All items will be sent to Cari through in game mail to be totaled and tracked for those participating! Instead of only allowing submissions for an hour or two we will be allowing all submissions between 12am-12am! This gives you a full 24 hour window to farm/gather/collect all items you are wanting to donate to the guild! Again all donations must be sent to Cari through ingame mail to count towards your total points!
The top two donators will be awarded with prizes and join the Emboldened rank! :smile:
The winners will be announced on Monday 7/9/2018!
Good luck and happy farming!
There's still a couple hours left to enter but I think it's safe to say Farming Day has been a resounding success! You all have raised so much in mats/items for the guild bank! 1,404,609g in one day! Great job, you guys! We will announce the top 2 donators tomorrow!
07/08/2018 08:43 PMPosted by
There's still a couple hours left to enter but I think it's safe to say Farming Day has been a resounding success! You all have raised so much in mats/items for the guild bank! 1,404,609g in one day! Great job, you guys! We will announce the top 2 donators tomorrow!
Deysana has added more RBG events to the calendar to help people with their appearances and last minute pushes!
We will be rotating our PvE calendar soon when BFA comes!!
We have several giveaways going in the discord right now so make sure to head over to #giveaways to enter into any of those as well as check out our raffle for the depleted kyparium rocket!!
I know many of you are leveling up your professions and getting ready for B.F.A!
Just a reminder to those who have been around for sometimes and those newer! Any items/mats you see in the guild bank are there for guild use and progression! If it helps your character progress and you don't have access to that part of the guild bank please ask an officer for help getting them! This goes for just about anything in the guild bank aside from mounts and pets! Those are for guild giveaways!
Good luck!
The Emboldened would like to welcome the members of the former <Resolve> raid team into our family! For those in The Emboldened or those considering joining and interested in PvE content, please contact Kaarson for more information as he will be leading the PvE portion of our guild now!
Welcome to the team guys! We're all very excited to have you here!
Welcome Resolve members to the guild! I hope you enjoy your stay!
I was in Resolve for a short period of time before my break. Really nice people and even had some great RP with Sledge before he left. Great to see they are joining the family. Cheers.
My favorite thing about this guild is the guild bank and nice fridge they have
Jealousy knows no bounds sometimes.
Welcome former Resolve peeps!!!! Always good to have fresh faces in the guild!!!
We have extra RBGs on the calendar through the rest of the season!
We are also doing AOTC giveaways and runs through the rest of the xpac!
Kaarson is talking about doing a H. KJ kill to help those of you who just got your MT. the appearance!
We will also be changing up our schedule come BFA for RBGs/Raids and social events! Please keep an eye out!
I'm just a farmer. It's honest work, for an honest day's pay.