I joined this guild a while back, not sure when. It was a temporary home for me on a new server. I was looking for a 2k or 2.2k+ guild. After a month or two these guys and gals have really grown on me. There is NEVER drama which I absolutely love (I might of been the only drama I’ve ever seen in guild chat and I regretted that moment) Cari is absolutely amazing and wants to teach people everything about PvP. Phen is the best. Period. Thanks for inviting me guys you’ve formed an amazing group of people.
We are all very glad to have you in our ranks! I actually teared up so much when Phen read this to me last night!
I have a few characters I am hoping to bring back to the frontlines in the upcoming weeks leading up to the new expansion: Twin Belf Brothers (a DK and a Paladin), a Tauren Shaman, a Goblin Priest. A few other characters show up from time to time but for now, I am focusing on healing and tanking. I haven't played since mists, so I'm not looking for or asking to be carried through a raid spot and rated games. I am looking for a community of fun loving RPers who like to kill alliance scum and find magical armor and weapons. I play a lot of healers, so thats always good.
I plan to twitch all of my runs, and hoping to RP and WPVP. I am really keen on finding a way of scheduling server wars between other alliance guilds, designate a battlefield and a time. Showcase some of this Emerald Dream magic that you cant get anywhere else. Imagine if the first
I will mostly be playing in the mornings tues/W - 9am-230pm PST
You sound like you would be a great fit for our community! Feel free to add me on bnet romantically#11455 or discord cari | pizza #4334
This guild welcomed me with open arms. They are pretty active and have tons of things to do which is impressive considering the end of expansion lull. Guildies are always helping each other whether it be capping, bgs, raiding, RP or World PvP!
Huge shout outs and thank you's to those who participated in our guild fundraiser to donate to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America! We will be starting a second campaign soon and will be donating those profits to another charity you've chosen! You guys Rock!
RECRUITS - 1g (Come to a guild event and you'll rank up it's not that hard.) CONSCRIPT - 250g HEADHUNTER - 400g MERCENARY - 600g PROVEN - 750g BATTLEMASTER 2000g
To the people who are at the recruit rank and feel this is unfair, I apologize but we aren't the kind of guild to join and then AFK in. Simply coming to events and being active in the community ranks you up! To everyone else enjoy your increase in repairs!
*Throws gold into the streets at guildies like that scene with Aladdin when he was riding on the elephant on his way to see Jasmine and the genie was singing.*
pretty sure he was Ophended that you left him out. Short people have this issue where phenetic energy builds up and they have to take it out on someone, you are the unfortunate victim of the phentastic crime.
I am still really proud to say that when the guild was originally given over to me a few months ago there was only 300k in the guild bank and a long term member steal about 40k in mats/gold from bank and now we have almost 6 million! Mind blowing to me!
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The silent auction for Wookie's Officer Auction is available in the discord! Feel free to start casting your bids or save your gold for an officer who will be available at the upcoming event!
All auction gold raised goes straight towards the guild bank!