The Economy is in the Toilet! S.O.S to Blizzard!

I honestly don’t see the problem? You saying me farming consumes to sell on the AH will only increase in value as the game goes on?

That is awesome, go farm for your gold instead of swiping you troglodytes.

Only people mad in here are the swipers who feel screwed that their purchasing power doesn’t get them a bajillion gold due to hyperinflation.

Play the hobby you say you love so much. I mean look at y’all, you’re dedicating time to the game while you can’t even play it. Trolling the forums because it is the closest thing you have to playing while not playing. That is love, now go play.

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There is something to be said about comparing Era to anniversary in this regard.

Anniversary right now has hype, Era does not.
I imagine sellers on Era have a huge surplus of gold to sell right now, left over from the age of gdkp and the exodus of players to anniversary servers, no need for an army of bots.

I also suspect prices on Era are trending down.
I don’t think that comparison carries much weight.

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I got a nice 2.4k gold right now.

I’m chillin.

That’s the thing tho… If there were tons gold buyers and I argue there are not, because if there were then they would run out of gold.

We have not had a botting plague on WMC in over a year. Farming some gold up and having it in stock for sure, but not a year worth of gold to sell if there is an RMT problem on the server.

That’s the point I am making, because if we had the same cultural problems as FRESH and SoD then we would have a bot army because WMC was kinda insane until just this November with the launch of FRESH and now WMC is already starting to grow again.

Like a Troll we regenerate Players and there is nothing Blizzard can do about it.

People don’t bot on WMC because there’s not really been any new players on WMC in ages.

Bots go where the people go, if WMC rose up in prominence again, so would botters, the only diminishing factor being how hideously inflated gold is on WMC.

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This list is hilarious and proof you have no idea what you’re talking about haha

Was a massive rush in May 2023 and in April 2024.

I suspect we will get another around August 2025.

Near all this contributes to inflation because the gold stays in the economy in some format. Especially Edgemasters; the only thing on your list that doesn’t hurt the economy as bad is the purchase of mounts because the gold is removed by the vendor. All of the rest especially BoE and boosts are deviation to the economy

GDKP is actually potentially deflationary because the players who do that horde the gold to have advantage when buying their loot in the auction after raiding.

Edgemasters, consumables, and boosting are the worst of the worst.

But you are burring your head in the dogma believing the BS man… don’t do that.

If you want to get blizzard to police the gold buying make many posts about that rather than all the other nonsense; make it cool to bash on and berate the gold buyers, you need to shame them and make them feel like trash enough that blizzard starts to feel like it’s not worth taking the money from gold farmer subs because they 100% buy subs and they 100% pay them using the profits from the gold selling.

Until blizzard starts to crack down on this in a serious way, the gold buying and in turn the gold bots will be a problem.

Anniversary PVP Server is cooked.
Era wins

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Era is BiS!

So glad these clowns aren’t on era, the WSG has not been so good in 2 years

just pull out your credit card like every nostalgic mind playing vanilla, its going to be fine dont worry

Talking to the GDKP haters is like dealing with flat earthers. You’re so close to getting it but that last bit just stumps you. Guess what happens when you ban GDKP? Now a whole bunch of people who weren’t buying gold are going to do it because reason 2 to 5 of your list has become a problem for them.

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ok but notice how GDKP doesn’t enter into this equation at all :expressionless: that’s kinda the point

I could not be arsed reading the lot, but this is silly.

GDKP increases the investment for the gold buyers because of the financial investment into the game. They are way more likely to pot/flask use consumables and spend more.

Increasing the gold purchases.

Increasing the cost of everything.

The whole thing, right here just looks to me as a inflatable thing. GDKP, the desperation for consumables, the belief that all this feces is required to actually do the game.
It drives the desire for consumption in the belief that its required.
Especially considering how poopy the upperend of the gameplay ‘community’ is about their gears and how gears = ability.

When all thats needed is some luck in drops, cooperation and some skill.

Its VANILLA, its piss easy.

And prices are alot lower than they were on the first run of vanilla. ALOT.
So much so, that its actually hardish to get gold for normalish things.

Can you summarize this in English for me? I want to respond but you’re asking a lot of me.

Your mother is keeping me occupied, sec

This is about the intelligence I expect from the average GDKP denier.

oh noes, you found me out, lets piss on for 200 posts about nothing before this whole thread gets deleted!

This has nothing to do with GDKP. I have spent hours farming ore, jumping layers and still cant find anything. The issue is we’re on a mega server and not enough resources to supply the demand of goods. Raw mats cost a crazy amount because its all farmed up (could be bots could be real people). In return this raises the prices of the pots and consumes needed for raiding. Fix the resource spawn time and the amount you get and prices will drop.


Well and there’s how the ‘if there were GDKPs there would be less gold bought with real $’ argument falls through.

An experienced player like you can use GDKPs to concentrate wealth farmed or bought by others, but you don’t need GDKPs for that: you can sell boosts or play the AH or whatever. You’re not buying gold either way.

People who buy gold, GDKPs or not, are not at the
top of the wealth pyramid on a server. They certainly envy those at the top. But Cezar and Xfour and who knows who else are claiming that those players, once GDKPs enter the picture, well they stop having that envy and will content themselves with the meagre pots they are getting compared to the players who know how to make more?

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