The Economy is in the Toilet! S.O.S to Blizzard!

Not saying anything new but using Auctionator I’ve been recording price differences from early Dec-Today and the gradual increase across the board for nearly everything is a bit concerning.

Normally I wouldn’t care about the bots, but it’s starting to affect my gameplay as the auction house is starting to get obnoxious.

Blizzard we are only about a month into these servers and while I am having fun, if these pricing trends continue nothing is going to be affordable by Phase 3-4.

Realistically (aka not banning bots because Blizz isn’t going to do that let’s not kid ourselves) what can be done to fix this situation or is it already F.U.B.A.R?

This is on the Nightslayer Server keep in mind so the vast quantity of sweat may also be a factor.


A lot of prices will drop significantly once Dire Maul comes out, but not everything.

I suspect some of the prices are hyper inflated due to gold sellers and their army of bots setting market values way above normal to encourage people to buy gold.


Imagine if we had left GDKP alone. Gold Sellers/Bots wouldn’t need to hyper inflate the market. They could just let the usual clowns buy 100,000’s of gold to disperse back to their respective servers.

Medellín - Better to control one aspect of the enemy you know, then let chaos run wild.


You’ll also likely see some materials come up,

ex: Ghost Mushrooms, fewer available in DMW than in Mara but more other valuable herbs

Everything RTV related is probably going to crater once people start spamming jump runs though, 100% the reason I full dropped mining in 2019 to level herb.

Bear in mind it’s also the holidays and all games get an activity bump at these times. The in mid-late January things fall off again. Prices will start dropping in a few more weeks.

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we love to blame the economy on the gov’t, the bots, Russia and China, but in reality, player behavior shapes the economy…


Its bots for sure not everyone having a mage alt in ZF printing 50g an hour


Thanks Biden

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You’re so right…wow wasn’t originally made for megaservers, layers, loads of bots and easy mage boosting/summon sellers. Legit players are going to have an insane hard time to make anything from scratch unless they get the obscenely lucky rare epic drop or easy thorium grinds…something needs done. Normally leveling and if you go double gatherer, you can make loads of gold, but selling/farming is like 1/100 worth the amount of time it takes to get it bc of bots.
I can see why people want to buy gold, blizz is enabling it by not doing anything to fix the problem


Thanks, Bidenobama!

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The economy works both ways.

If prices are inflated, sell Copper Bars (for people levelling Engineering) on the AH and fund your entire levelling journey by level 20.

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Is anyone actually shocked? Are there really people who thought it wouldn’t be this way without GDKPs? Now you just can’t farm anything without making a mage/hunter alt or getting lucky.


The only reason the value of gold in contrast to things on the AH could matter in any meaningful way is if your only source of gold is through farming as a bot would.

These sorts of complaints don’t seem to make any sense.


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Gold buyers assumed things would be better for themselves because they thought the primary driver of gold buying is just for GDKP and they wrongly assumed so.

The real driver for Gold buying is Raid consumables; and ironically the GDKP’s DO indeed soak up purchased gold but that gold is effectively eliminated from the economy because its used as currency for loot. As the economy swells so does the price of loot in GDKP, and as a result the GDKP soaks up even more purchased gold.

Its a strange situation where GDKP actually removes gold from the trade economy because the chase for that higher tier loot like AQ and Naxx does truly drive people in some cases as demonstrated by the high cost on some items in GDKP raids.

I suspect the real hate for GDKP is the gold buyers who could not afford AQ and Naxx loot and are thinking that they will have better loot options if GDKP pugs don’t exist.

Joke is on them because the 2 big GDKP guilds I know from Era are doing LC TOP-KEK.


don’t worry, the GDKP ban made this situation 5% better :expressionless:

I would argue it made the economy worse because there is all the gold buying and flooding the economy but none of the GDKP players hording gold for loot.


How do I short blue sapphires in-game?

This reminds me of when back in the early 1900’s people were angry at the wolves around Yellowstone National Park because they were eating cows so they hunted them to near extinction and drove them out of the area.

Because they were removed from the ecosystem deers and moose exploded in population and ate all the trees and grass.

Because all the trees and grass died small animals and insects died off.

Am I saying GDKPs were actually ‘the unsung misunderstood heroes’ and should not have been killed?

I dunno but it seems like another solution is needed. Something isn’t working


It’s almost like fresh servers did nothing to fix the “problems” the forum karens kept screeching about. At least era realms cannot have av weekends anymore.

The truth is slowly and painfully coming to light for the deniers