The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

And that’s the best part - you can still do that. :slight_smile: It’s not a ham-fisted attempt that calls attention to itself for the sake of calling attention to itself.

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Yeah, pretty cool overall. Still want different visage forms other then elf and human :japanese_goblin:

Especially now that they’re looking into letting us stay in visage form during combat.

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Honestly, I think there’s room for more draconic races. They could flat out make a Drakonid allied race, completely with muscles and access to a couple tank specs. :wink:

I don’t want a new race though, I just want my Dracthyr spellcaster to be bulky and muscular.

I think they need to pull a Zandalari on those models. They’re fine to start with, but they really need to make them unique unto themselves. Get a snooty, Venthyr-like idle stance, perhaps. Give us green and blue skintones for relating to Orcs and Draenei.

I think the writing is on the wall that they’re try to make the visage forms “humanoid” rather than Human and Elf, so they really need to lean into that. It’s wasted breath to call for other models at this point. And I say this as someone who had their heart set on an Orc Dragonsworn, who refuses to play Demon Hunter at all because it’s Elf-exclusive.

Oh dude I’ll accept other forms even without the dragon customizations.

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As would I, but I just doubt it’s in the cards at all. They’d have led with that if it was. And if they’re doing unique animations and voiceovers? Say what you will about Blizzard, but they don’t do half-measures for this kind of stuff (even when it’s self destructive not to).

I think the best realistic goals are ones that call for adjustments to their current plans, rather than making a new plan entirely.

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Did they say they’re looking into Visage form in combat?
I know some people want that, but I’m not fully convinced that it makes sense for an Evoker. Shooting fire from your mouth and using claw attack as a human with horns just seems a bit off.
I guess they could swap in and out of forms the way that DH animations do, but it really depends what their filler spells are.

You lost all respect the moment you changed my quote.

… except that’s exactly what I said.

They aren’t gender locked, meaning they’re completely neutral. Exactly like the person above me said, as well.

You’re incapable of having a logical conversation and I’m not replying anymore to someone who changes quotes, which is against forum policy. On ignore you go.

You just made up a bunch of stuff about a race and thought that would go well?

Did you say the same things about druids and shaman and dragons over the past 17 years?

Yeah, an interview with Ion says that they’re looking into it. Lemme see if I can find the source on it, I just saw folks talking about it so it might be folks trolling.

You should keep your gender politics to real life, and out of the game.

Besides, you are wrong on so many levels with this point. You don’t get to make up the rules what a non-binary person would like. Also, Drac’thyr are male and female, with genderized characteristics, so…

I’m tired of these threads, especially since they are intentionally used to polarize the community. They never go well.

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Okay but what if we didn’t


Trans and non binary people exist, inside and outside of the game. There’s no need to get upset about it


It wasn’t controversial when “Male” and “Female” were detailed as playable options.

(… with the exception of Night Elves. Female Druids and Male Anything Elses were hotly debated.)

Ok so it was apparently from a German interview.

“The team is playing with ways to make the Dracthyr’s visage form usable in combat as well outside of using dragon abilities.” -Ion to Buffed

Thanks for taking the time and energy to find the source! (:
This is really cool! Again, I’m not sure how well it would work for Evokers, but definitely could open the door for existing classes.

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This is the part I agree with. This entire scenario was concocted out of thin air to tell others how they should be and all it does is create more issues within the community.

If this is how the OP wants to view it, that’s fine. But this was laid out as a set of rules that corners people into a predetermined restriction of how they should view this race.

A race that isn’t any different than the already gender neutral druid forms, shaman forms and dragons themselves.

All this does is add fuel to the fire for people to be offended.

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Older people dont use the term “cismale”


I had my wife, a sociologist, clarify the term for me last night. :slight_smile:

I imagine they’re going to go the route of DHs with their half normie form half demon form thing they have going on with some abilities. Like you were talking about earlier.