The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

I’d probably choose another word

Eh, I’ve been getting mixed responses. And generally the people saying not to use it aren’t representative of the community themselves, so their impressions seem to be as dated as mine were.

:man_shrugging: Live your life as you see fit broski :+1:

Ok, but if they don’t actually reproduce, and they don’t actually have sexes, then how can they be “queer-coded”?

Neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality can exist in a species that doesn’t have binary biological sexes or sexual reproduction. Being gay or straight are literally terms used to describe sexual orientation, so no, the “they could be gay because they don’t have to have sex to reproduce” argument still isn’t going to work. It’s like claiming that a starfish can be gay.

There’s a distinction to be made about male and female characters going into a gender-neutral form and a gender-neutral character choosing a male or female form.

No there isn’t. You are reaching.

Because this is a fictional universe regardless? Losing the forest for the trees in this particular line of discussion. My point was that we don’t know the finer details, so it’s kind of pointless to debate what those finer details may or may not be.

Yeah, a very large majority of the LGBQ communities identify themselves as the queer community. It’s the coalescence of all the different non-straight sexualities. The only people that still get offended by the word Queer are people who are in the older generations, who lived through times when it was used as a slur. But it’s been reclaimed by the younger generations.

ok i’m a nobody so here’s my thoughts
i’m clinically annoyed by people taking offense to things they don’t understand. if they don’t understand it then they shouldn’t talk about it. if i hear the phrase “”""“gender politics”"""" one more time oh my G O S H
it is not a personal affront to you to have options in a Video Game. having a plethora of options is a GOOD THING for those who prefer to be more ambiguous. no assumptions are being made about any community. it is simply. you can choose to lean into the gender presentation of a race or not. its not rocket surgery.
it’s literally an option. simple as. deal with it. cry about it.


That’s great Kathleen, I noticed something here, you joined the forums 13 mins ago. Much like a pile of others posters.

Have another toon?


Absolutely there is.

In the former case, the character was assigned a gender at birth, the implicit assumption being that the character agreed with that assigned gender. And given that we do have Druid forms that are coded male and female, stemming overtly from complaints that people disliked swapping into a different gender from their character when transforming, it’s more or less a moot point.

Whereas the Drac’thyr is inherently androgynous - a blank slate that can either be male or female or, potentially, neither. Their transformation into a gendered state being implicitly an expression of how they view themselves. Like Chromie.

i just started recently playing the game as of like a month ago, but i have a warlock im levelling thru shadowlands content rn. i have a bunch of alts to play thru each expansion

That was my impression. As I mentioned above, I wrangled the idea around a little with my wife, who is a sociologist and pretty dialed into these topics, to try to find the right terminology for what I was driving at without riling anyone up (well, without riling them up more than they otherwise would have). I was a little taken aback that “queer” is used so freely, and that “queer-code” is a term, given the history and usage it had when I was growing up.

And we can change our sex at the barber here.

You are reaching, to push a narrative that doesn’t exist. Plenty have pointed it out. The fact that you liken dragon to non-binary is abhorrent to me. It’s a race in a video game, that’s it. It’s not a political take or anything else. Your language is also troubling to me, as plenty others have pointed out too. Conveniently a pile of brand new posters made in the past 30 minutes are backing you.

I am tired of this stuff in general, we are here to kill stuff and save the world, not to discuss anything else, and frankly I am tired of the baiting.


Agreed. Options. I want something Heroic looking.

I’m gay, in my 20s, and personally I find the word offensive.
I really hate that people feel its okay to take a slur, “reclaim” it, and then blanket apply it to people

I’m gay, not queer


No baiting. And if you don’t wish to discuss the topic, it’s the same as any other: don’t participate. Your choice. The topic here is pretty clear. No reason to self-flagellate.

Also, Drac’thyr will be the only race for which the “gender swap” at the barber will actually fit in with established lore! :smiley:

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Fair enough. What terminology would you use in lieu of “queer-coding”?

relax its just a new race…lmafo.

i’m new to the game wanting to participate in the forums. i saw a thread about something im interested in discussing. just like i’ll see other threads about a bunch of other topics i’m interested in discussing and jump into those. there isn’t some grand conspiracy here.