The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

The things people say to deny the voice of another side…it’s just mindblowing.


Yeah, WoW tends to stumble with its representation because the character creator is so rigid. All Orc Males look identical in build, all Human Females share the same figure, and so on. Unfortunately, the only way they can make their playable roster more inclusive is through new additions, since they simply can’t make the existing races more customizable in this sort of way.


I don’t rewrite someone’s quotes, which is against the rules.

You’re sitting here claiming that I’m acting way too concerned after saying this shouldn’t be of any concern. Yeah, that’s gaslighting.


For queer people this is true but it has never been true for people who hate them. We are not seeing a ton of positive threads for queer people. We are seeing a lot of hate threads by people pretending to care about “the children” or “the agenda”. So my statement was not to queer people but the people on the other side of the fence.


I think you’re reaching a bit here.
But if there are people who are able to get this out of the race, then I’m happy for them

Looks in thread…nope…looks for the exit.gif

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Yeah. Like right now in the US you have the political right ignoring all medical science and orgs so they can harm trans kids, and they want to ban it for adults too. Along with horrible crap like dont say gay and attempts to undermine reproductive rights for women.

I cant lie, I’m a little scared.

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Will you acknowledge doing it first? Even perhaps gasp triggering the responses you got which led us all here. come on

No mention about the male Visage underwear options? Options there could potentially be used for a nonbinary look or simply because a player thinks it looks cool.

I think more than anything they intend to be more inclusive with the Dracthyr models than they have in the past, like less disparity in how underwear appears between male and female models (both male and female Dracthyr have options for boxer shorts and thongs) and including options that allow LGBTQ+ expression.

I think some elements of Dracthyr customization could find their way to other playable races, like the underwear customization (especially for races like Humans) and maybe the two-tone hair options.

What does this even mean? We all like underwear options, how on earth do you link this?

Not sure if a heavy attempt at trolling or if genuine post, but either way, you just invited the other trolls in with opinions that need to be left in the pre-trump era.

That’s a very good catch! It’s something that obviously wasn’t immediately evident to me, but again I think shows the intent of Blizzard’s design goal with the race.

For reference:

And you’ve just illustrated true inclusivity. :slight_smile:

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What? It’s underwear. I mean all humans wear them, some choose not to. This is not like the other claimed.

This is a good thing for everyone, not an agenda.

From my understanding tough and from questing and all. Dragon can actually use Male or female shape even tough they aint born that said sex.

Like during the mage class hall quest in legion you go to Dalaran bank and (I think its Khadgar or Kalec) talk to a little girl goblin who’s actually a dragon using a goblin shape. But if you listen to the dialoge the Npc with us is wondering if she still use the same shape as what he used to know her as. And also if she was still a girl. So Dragon can use whatever humanoid shape they feel they want too.

I just wish it was possible to do that for the visage form for dracthyr. You know use any playable race as visage form

If I can choose the underwear i’d pick the red one or the top on the blue one these 2 mix look quite good i think

Geez, some people will see whatever they want to see. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


And sometimes what they see has some good thought behind it.

That’s the beauty of the gender-neutral true form. It can be whatever you like. When choosing your gender, you’re only choosing the visage form. So like Chromie, you can choose whatever gender you like, regardless of biology.

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