The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

Why are people so up in arms about it now, like it is something new? It is just baffling, where were all these people who are so concerned about sexuality in the game been hiding since it has always been in game? In your face, unavoidable, undeniable, examples of it but now we have all this whining about it.


Because back in 2004, talking about queer identity was a much more monumental task than it is now.

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Made all the more interesting when I could have laid out a thesis statement to the effect of this type of design is how you properly do not force an agenda. It’s full on integration. No pomp and circumstance about it.

long live kelthyr? dracdar?
you got a nice name reserved already? I’ve chosen to name mine after Ganondorf’s last name, Dragmire, personally

I have a couple candidates ready. I really want to see their names before I commit to something, though. It would be strange if they still adhered to typical draconic naming conventions after 10,000 years apart from the actual dragonflights.

that’s pretty fair, tbh
can’t say I’ve seen much 'x’tharion names since neltharion/deathwing fell to madness

Oh, this old trope. :roll_eyes:

“iF yOu CoMmEnT tHeN yOu ArE cOnCeRnEd!”

Just because someone makes a comment to say it isn’t a big deal so that people don’t blow it out of proportion, doesn’t mean someone is “way too concerned.”

Let’s not start gaslighting.


It’s generally referred as the LGBT community. Queer is generally used in a derogatory way by people outside those communities.

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It’s incredibly sad isn’t it?

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I was under the impression that the term had been adopted by the community as a way of robbing it of its potency as a derogatory term.


Oh gurl, get you one of them semi-colons.

The OP makes some good points. But jumping ahead
 this thread went exactly where one would expect.

So was the N-Word.
That doesn’t mean they like people outside of their community using it.

Fair point.

Call a PoC the N word, see where it takes you. Your use can be seen as derogatory as you are an outsider.

While I don’t think blizz intentionally “queer-coded” the spec or class, you articulated it well to the point of making some people anxious in here lol which i find hilarious. Some how your opinion will end up owning a spot in some sad peoples mind thinking " i have to play the “gay” race to try the new spec".


This is pretty good! As a trans woman I felt like Pelagos was kinda forced and they never did much with his character. Also the whole ‘transition suddenly after death’ feels weird.

And I am looking forward to the dragons! It makes me wish we had nonbinary options and more diverse bodyshapes and customizations.




Take your own advice.


Now who’s reaching?