The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

That may have been your first instinct but not everyone thought that way. Personally I made no assumptions but would have loved the stoneborn forms. I just really love the look of those. Our last added race/ class had bulky tanks (Demon Hunters…ugh) so we were over due for another healing class. The allied races also had a ton of bulky races as well. Also players have been asking for more slim options as well. We also have not seen all the customization options for Drac’thyr either. (Just say no to dragon boobies)

If this is the case then queer-coding has been in the game since the beginning. Just look at Druids and Taurens.

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You’re right. It has. What’s your point?

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It goes beyond that.

Azeroth is a paradise utopia for any of the LGBT. Where have you ever seen anyone hanged or beaten or even negative comments made by NPC’s against someone for their sexuality? The ideal utopia should NOT be a constant barrage and the almost literal shoving of forced LGBT content down the throats of everyone in a forced acceptance model but for it to be such a non issue that you’re free to just live your life and nobody else cares.

And Azeroth has that and HAS had that all this time.

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I find it pretty hilarious that you are being called out as ‘reading too far into it’ while the whole point is that actually no, its not deep at all.

It is so simple. Normal, if you will.

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Never cared to think about it or have it analyzed, because it’s just a dragonkin in a video game, not much different than Druid forms, which aren’t gender locked. Same with dragons in this game since day one.

So why is this suddenly such a big deal that we needed a thread to reach so far and come up with this?


That just took a very dramatic and nonsensical turn.

It’s a fantasy game rated T. Whwre exactly would any of that come into play for this to be even remotely considered?

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Yep. It’s elegantly simple. Integrated into the logic of the universe using well-established concepts. Nothing preachy, nothing evangelical about it. Just… normalized. Normal to the point that people can’t see the coding. Which is what makes it so effective.



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I must be blind.

Here I was thinking they looked like lizards that got stuck out in a cold rain for too long.

Queer coded? More like, “get that green weirdo a warm, dry rock to lay on, stat,” coded.

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I cant tell if the OP is being serious or doing a “mock-you-mentary” of the subject.


Oh look, another thread on this subject getting flagged for no reason. This community is something else.


Don’t change my quotes to try to twist my comment into something that wasn’t said.

You guys are way too concerned with something that is literally harmless.

Me commenting that it isn’t a big deal isn’t being “way too concerned.” You’ve got that backwards.


If you don’t care about it, anything beyond not commenting on the thread is being way too concerned.


You are reading way, way too hard into a race of lizards OP.


can’t really say i saw the dracthyr and immediately thought ‘yep, those are codified as queer culture/lgbt’

definitely saw them and though ‘MY F@#$_ING GOD I FINALLY GET TO PLAY AS A DRAGON’


OP: makes unassuming post about queer-coded lizard people as a net positive

The entire WoW community: “What is this? Why are you baiting us? Can’t you see that your positivity is harming this community by forcing a political agenda and making inflammatory remarks? Why are we more concerned about what OP has to say and not the people that will react negatively?”


That was my first thought, too. But after a week of them on the mind, dots were connected. :slight_smile:
But yeah, new main material immediately. Keldar here will finally get to retire, 20 years after the fact.


if that is a stretch you must be the least flexible person in the world.

yeah id say your a bit too concerned for something so elementary.

I did not need to tamper with you quote this time to illustrate something really simple, are we still good?