The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

The most cringe I can muster was brought upon by this embarrassing post.

I’m gonna go shower.


Now see these kinds of threads don’t get locked, but damn if you open a thread on the other side of this argument then you are locked and banned…Strange.


Mm. This is some tasty bait. Good job, op.


Probably because those other threads exist to tear others down.

While this one is a positive outlook on a new feature.

Basically the same thing, right?


Is this an out of season April fools joke? (Ik it’s April but I had too)

This is precisely the thought process that brought me to this realization. I have been promoting a draconic class or race for well over a decade. The assumption being that they’d be another bulky addition like the Tauren if they were a race, and that they’d have a tanking specialization if they were a class. It just seemed like a no-brainer.

So when we finally got the actual implementation, you have to ask yourself: Why? Why didn’t we get that “first instinct” addition of drakonid tanks? And I think the answer is the original post. I have an Orc tank and a Tauren tank. That specific kind of fantasy is already well-represented with the playable options.

So what did this particular implementation of Drac’thyr bring that doesn’t exist in the current selection already?


Why are people so obessed with lizard genitalia?



How, where do you see this?

I mean I see the Drac’thyr and I see Drac’thyr, not a gender identity thing but a Drac’thyr.



Those threads tend to be offensive to the people in question. I know it is shocking that posting things that are offensive, hateful, and harmful to people will get your thread locked and the person banned.


It is, but none of that requires one to look a specific way

And the fact that the race CAN look a certain way does not mean it was coded specifically for queer people

You’re looking way to deep into it


I disagree with this. I think it tied in nicely-- he found his path re: gender in the afterlife, but his “career” path, so to speak, in Shadowlands was not clear. His entire character revolves around these motifs.

Also, imo, trans narratives don’t owe it to anyone to be “subtle” as opposed to “ham-fisted.”


Vulpera was an interesting case for me. I was right up there with the revulsion when they were first announced as a playable race, for the Horde no less.

I happened to make a snide comment about them to my brother, who is as close to an Orc Warrior as you’re going to get in real life. And he chastised me. They’re scrappy, downtrodden survivalists with a genuine interest in helping others and cooperation among equals.

In short?

They exemplify exactly the same virtues that made me fall in love with the Horde in the first place (or third place, if I’m being honest). They are the ideal for which Thrall’s Horde was founded.


You are reading way too much into it.

Wanna know why there are not currently melee/tank options for Dracthyr? Because Blizzard is acknowledging there is a MASSIVE tank and melee glut in the game and a decent chunk of that is brought on simply because EVERY new class that has come out has been a tank and melee class…coupled on with the removal of a ranged spec AND the constant shift to glorify and incentivize melee and tank strengths while constantly making casters harder and less fun (subjectively) to play to the point where gobs and gobs of people reroll melee/tank mains.

It 100% makes sense that a dragon would have a melee and tank form of combat (especially for ones themed around the black dragonflight who has the most lore ties to the physical aspects of their race) but Blizzard clearly wants to try and get casters/healers some love since they literally haven’t gotten any for almost 2 decades now.

All this queer-baiting nonsense is just fodder trying to stir the pot. It’s entirely possible we’ll end up seeing a good bit of those customizations options, minus the dragon-specific stuff, available to the core races down the line.


Because everything you just said in your OP was so reaching that I think even Elastigirl hurt herself trying to keep up with you.


That’s a fair point.

But literally any Kyrian (or anyone in the afterlife, really) could have been subject to the same transition. We just didn’t know about it. And therefore, they weren’t important to the plot. Add in the problematic overtone of death resulting in transition, and you’re not exactly setting yourself up for a successful story.

With better writing, they might have been able to pull it off. He could have been an important figure that happened to be trans. But it just felt like he was an important figure because he was trans, rather than any kind of internal narrative logic.

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Maybe OP was reaching in his suggestion that Blizzard intentionally made something out to be queer, but anyone who thinks Dracthyr aren’t innately queer-coded haven’t really read up on anthropomorphism/polymorphism as mechanisms for queer identity.


I would have mentioned that as well, but I think the whole “furry” can of worms has been opened elsewhere. No need to crack open another can here. :wink:

that is precisely why OP is right on the money, they can look a certain way, so people who wish to be represented that way in the game can, those who dont care and just see dragon people won’t care what it does for this other community, there is no depth here, if anything, it just illustrates how those who assiciate with the queer community can/are/should be part of society without anyone else caring about it.

The reason OP points it out is because customization was never done to this extent so far all the while having a gender neutral physical form. So as much as many posters are saying oh why do you care, that is the point, make it so seemless that nobody ends up caring because its normalized and open to everyone.


Tbh it’s up to them however they wish to interpret it. If it brings happiness to people, then let them be happy.

