The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

OP called it exactly what it is. Pathetic and genius at the same time. :man_shrugging:

Rainbow colored spells? Oh dear. There’s no way they can make this look good in the game.
And with the hold-down-button to charge abilities… I don’t know Blizz. The more I learn about the drakthyr the less I want to play them. We need the freedom to play them as other classes.

Sexuality isn’t a real thing and the vast majority of people will drop idea that it is if they get aroused enough. The fact that there are videos on youtube on how to properly prepare oranges and watermelon for such tasks very much attests to this.

We as a society really need to stop caring so much where other people want to stick their genitals. There are much bigger problems in the world :ukraine:


I was wondering that myself, then decided I really didn’t care enough to find out.

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Tell that to activist/teachers. they’re forcing children to learn all of that without parent permission and they’re really pissed off.

that but other huge problem in US that really needs to be address like Crime, immigration, inflation, and ect.


Oh look over there a male puppy!

How dare you call it a male puppy!

And this is why I left the forums
Ffs just live your life and play the game
Good God!


Well to give real deep thought. Dragons if they ever were in human form are really just demons. So yes demons are queer and evil of that stuff that shuns the light of the most high. Yes highway to hell

:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

why are you like this


It’s sadly controversial on these forums, but not in any respected area such as a college campus.

The thing is that there are sadly a lot of alt-right faux-‘allies’ here that will play devil’s advocate for literal transphobes:

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Just sayin… /shrug

So edgy and hilarious.
Literally get a grip over yourself, that is a horrible remark to make.


What the hell did I just read???


Who said I was angry?

I don’t get why you would think that’s an angry response.

Why are you trying to imply it takes anger to stand up to nonsense?

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Where is the nonsense? You have not engaged critically with the OP’s analysis.

You’re just throwing a fit over the fact that they did the analysis in the first place.

The only Queer are Blood elf paladins

The end

The more inarticulate and abstract a response in this thread, the more you can tell that person REALLY wants to say slurs but is afraid of being banned.

Gamers never recovered after not being allowed to scream the F-word everywhere :sweat:

Like on god I’m a scientist and I can’t find the point half of these posters are trying to make.

Like the most generous I can be is that these people are just really big fans of that “The curtains are just blue” post. And have an irrational fear of media analysis.

The other shoe of course is that they’re the type that holds intellectualism in contempt. Admitting that things like queer coding can exist, means acknowledging that the favorite media they’ve consumed throughout the years has had messaging they’ve completely ignored. Like a certain type of Star Wars fan who missed the overt anti-imperialism and anti-fascist narrative of the setting, and then complain about the sequel trilogy for being ‘political’ because they included a black man or what have you.


I’m really not sure if this whole thread is sincere or trolling.


How would it be trolling? Did you not read the entire post? It’s a well thought out theory.