The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

It’s not that juicy. :wink:

Thankfully, no one is getting disrespectful or raging or anything like that. Lots of misunderstanding, but I don’t think it got out of hand.

But… you’ve just done that. You literally just “othered” them by saying this is what this race represents, without even taking into account that your interpretation may not be theirs.

You just made it that way with this thread! :woman_facepalming:

Let people feel how they want to feel. Let the LGBTQ+ community decide as individuals what they think and how they feel. Let everyone decide that on their own— without pushing your mindset onto others, without making it front and center.

Indeed. That’s why I’ve got one friend having an anxiety attack over how they feel they’re being put into a specific group as trans and how this “outs” them again, while also making them feel more like they can’t play this race, because it’s not how they feel about things.

There were so many threads being disrespectful to so many people over this race… I just don’t want to see that happen again with this one.


none of these companies care about representation…

if they did they wouldn’t remove it when it comes to releasing it other countries.

like soldier 76 is gay in the US and EU but is not in china, just like in the star wars movie people go bonkers about a gay kiss scene that doesn’t exist outside the US and EU.

all they want is money, and they believing being woke means more money in the US and not so in china.

i am more upset the new dragon race looks like a androgynous furry - but not against small humanoid dragon with wings
(probably because the designer is a confirmed furry)
I want my masculine / feminine humanoid dragons… aka drakinoids/dragonsworn that have humanoid features with dragon features.

the visage forms seem ok, but i don’t like it limited to human female/belf male -
(i want my green dragon night elf)

also i really hope they use glyphs to customize ability color
(like a fire breath is red, but glyphs allow it to look like a frost/posion breath/etc…

cause while they imbued with all 5 flights…most people i know have a favorite flight


This was telegraphed a mile away with the Chromie Visage Day short story.

I have a trans niece, and she loves everything about the Dracthyr Envoker, so you might be onto something OP.

This might also explain why so many are demanding that the Dracthyr be more “masculine” and buff. Personally, I love the way they look.


Bull!@#%. You weren’t even participating.

Folds arms This is what we call reaching. If it were properly “queer coded” as you seem to imply then the colors wouldn’t specifically match the flights, which don’t really correspond with the rainbow’s colors, otherwise you’ll be calling Chromatus a queer hero.

I’m not into identity politics (using the OP’s words) at all. My views on our social justice state is what the kids (if you are under 35 you are a kid to me) of today would call “grumpy”, “old school” and probably a lot worse but trying to keep it clean.

I’m HIGHLY cynical of people and their agendas today, meaning I think there’s people that are genuine with how they feel but I also think a LOT of people use race cards, indentity politics, etc. etc. just to get a rise out of folks – just to stir the pot with no other meaning behind it. SO because that’s how I feel – my answer is WHATEVER DUDE with the identity stuff.

I just think Dracthry would have been very BA if their design inspiration was heavily influence from WotC’s (D&D) Dragonborn class.

I mean dragon riding is a heavy “borrow” from GW2, so no one can really play the “but that would be stealing” card at this point.


PDA has always made people uncomfortable. That’s why it’s so fun. Keep it up.

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What the hell is “queer-coding” by the way? I thought programming and coding was kinda agnostic.

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It just means subliminally putting in aspects of the culture without it predominantly weighing at the forefront. Like rainbow-colored attacks could be considered “queer-coding animations” I guess. It just adds an underlying layer to an existing system that makes it adhere to that specific type of persons or culture.

Also yes, it applies to coding. Code isn’t non-biased. Since humans are the ones creating the code you can be implicit or non-implicit things that can favor. An example of this is how facebook codes you in the backend as white, black, male, female, moderate liberal or conservative. A lot of coding does this actually.

Facebook actually had made coded as male, moderate, and most likely black based on what and how I used the platform. It was 2 for 3.

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its like aliens from independence day film. They go to a planet, they consumed all the resources and then go on to next planet and do it all over again. activist only cares to spread their culture ideals into everything, movies, video games, education and ect. They know the companies will bent the knee because companies want money and they do anything to get it.
Blizzard in this case, since the lawsuit is very damaging they’re trying to save face by caving to the 1% crowd on twitter and hoping that they rebuild their image…But that’s a problem with these activists its NEVER enough for them, they keep demanding more and more until the company loses customers because they don’t like what they’re doing. This won’t stop until either blizzard lose lot of money that they have to rethink of all this woke nonsense or company goes out of business.


It’s interesting to think that maybe op really does see it that way.

I’ve played D&D since 2nd edition came out ( though I started playing 1st edition d&d before 2nd), and dragons could and did polymorph into humans, elves what have you.

For me the dragon polymorphing was more of a nod to D&D.

Also of note I’d rather we look like draconians than this.


Eh, not so sure about that.

I am a straight man and I regularly go to lunch at work with a friend who is a bi man with some flamboyancies and we get looks all the time just from mingling. It takes nothing for people to judge and just assume that we’re a couple. There’s no escaping it.

I mean, personally I’m not a fan of direct PDA type stuff but that has nothing to do with sexuality, but I don’t judge anyone beyond “oh, they are really into each other” :joy:

I find it sad how judgmental people are in general though. I’ve met people and had many conversations with them where they insisted and seemed like they weren’t that way but then at some point it just comes out that they have created all of these false opinions and flags about you and suddenly want nothing to do with you, because everyone is silently judging in some way.

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Queer Coding?

How exactly are transgender lizards a coding achievement?

This is the weird kind of conflations you get with this post modern critical theory nonsense that tries to deconstruct things like coding and then redefine them so the only way to be good at coding is to do it in the service of the ideology.


Just let people choose between different body shapes, hairstyles, jewelry, etc.

Basically dont lock customization behind stuff like gendered models

Do you get angry when words have multiple meanings as well?

I legit don’t understand why you’re angry.

Like the word coding predates computer programming and just means “the process of assigning a code to something for classification or identification.”

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It has been a long a grueling Monday . . . Kudos to the OP for giving me a good laugh to finish the day off! :beer:

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Also I’ve noticed WoW, being a game and a particularly old game at that. Tends to have a few vocal dinosaurs still clinging to it and stirring crap every time an innocuous thread like this gets posted.

Like, we get it. Just say a slur and move on. Stop giving us these 3+ paragraph rants on how ‘the woke left is infiltrating Blizzard’.


As I see it there are two kinds of people in this game. Those who see everything as provocation, or a potential provocation; and those who act on facts. Sometimes a person shifts between one and the other too.

I’ve too have been guilty of judging Expansions or a Developers intent plenty of times. Hard not to when you consider the ration of crap that we’re fed on a daily basis by the news and other outlets.

Sometimes I’ve been correct. But other times it’s blown up in my face like Wile E. Coyote with some dynamite. So I’m gonna level. You guys and gals are gonna to have to make your own decision here. Are you going to hate Dragonflight because you THINK it’s intention is queer-baiting? Or are you just going to chill, relax and enjoy it?

Yeah I get it. There are some very obnoxious and ‘self-proclaimed’ LGBTQ posters like Humanbeak, Talonel, and countless others who sometimes act like they won’t be happy until their proverbially (not literally) shoving their unmentioned up every straight person’s hoo-hah to ‘make’ them like it, or make them accept them.

I’ve said plenty of times as well that I doubt said posters and their intentions or connection to said groups as the people I’ve met and worked with at Renaissance Faires are no where near as preachy, angry or zealous. Most are chill, happy humans I’m proud to call friends. I stress the word human, because that is what they are. Just like you.

But I get it folks. Is it frustrating to see that their threads seem immune to moderation because Blizzard appears to have a double standard or is being unequal in it’s practices? Oh definitely. It drives people from the game regularly.

I also am sure there’s plenty of LGBTQ people who are LIKEWISE frustrated that in their eyes everything is always straight. Both views are wrong and right at the same time.

So here’s my opinion. Taren Zhu was on to something when he said “Each reprisal triggers an act of aggression, and each act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal. It ends when you walk away.”

Even religions that are bashed routinely on the forums or cited as being “hateful” or Anti-LGBTQ, such as the Bible flat out say that only God is supposed to judge and that man is not to judge. So full-stop right there. Consider that before we go forward again. You did? Good.

IMHO instead of being collectively stupid, how about we ‘all’ stop judging people, leave that between the almighty and the individual; and instead focus on loving our neighbor?

Loving someone means according them respect. Goes for both sides here too. That means being cognizant of things that you know might make the other person uneasy or otherwise sad. This is not the same as stating facts.

Media often confuses the two for the sake of political brownie points. This is about empathy and remembering that the person is a fellow human being. Doesn’t mean it’s not alright to have a different view. The importance is not to denigrate or dehumanize the other side because their views were different. Case and point. I have Trans friends.

Do I worry for their future and wonder if the medical procedures they have undergone will someday come back to haunt them? Absolutely. Do I understand their choice? Not really. But then, if I am to be honest; it’s not something I ‘can’ properly understand, because I haven’t ever experienced it dysphoria.

But on the same token should I insult them? No. Why? Because suspending all of that, they are my friend. Their choice is theirs. My choice is mine, and I respect them enough as an individual to leave it right there.

This also applies equally to the LGBTQ and the Straight crowd. When you DO get representation, or a plot point you wanted you should be happy. By my estimates no one should try to engaging in some weird form of schadenfreud toward people that are not like you.

That doesn’t solve a thing either. Just gins up people against you. This can also apply to politics also, and hundreds of other scenarios. Regardless of who or what your sexuality or preference is, we all have ONE thing in common. World of Warcraft. We love it. We would not be here if we did not. So I’d focus on that. If you want something uplifting, then read this. It is the opposite of this Thread.

Be less focused on controlling others, and be more focused on controlling yourself. We don’t need Brainy Smurfs pontificating to everyone from a position of supposed moral and intellectual superiority. That gets him thrown out of the village time and time again to use a Smurfs reference.

Most important, all of you who read this; have a great day.

TLDR: WoW rocks and so do you!

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I think there’s still hope for a drakonid race for that Dragonborn-type power fantasy. But Drac’thyr are their own thing. And the further they are from drakonids, the better the chance of getting drakonids in the future.

If we double-dipped into the canine world for two races, why not for draconic races if they can be considered distinct enough?

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Ah, yes, Mardi Gras, from the bastion of gay rights known as 95% Christian Brazil.

Are you really sorry?