The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

Same thing applies to trolling.

If I was trolling, I would have just left it at the title and let the thread burn. But I don’t troll. I explained my line of thought quite clearly. :slight_smile:

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In a game where there is no sex, yeah 100%. Political may not be the best word here.

When you push anything that isn’t there into it you are forcing an agenda, it’s really that simple.


Oh boy…here we go.

I believe you.

People merely existing isn’t political and there’s already LGBTQ+ characters in the game, lol


Which, as the topic states, is why Drac’thyr are queer-coding done right. There’s no agenda being forced here. No ham-fisted attempt to ascribe importance to a character or otherwise raise them out of obscurity simply because of their queer identity.

It’s there if you’re looking for it. If this type of representation matters to you, here it is! And if it doesn’t matter? Whatever, here’s your colourful dragon to play as! No harm, no foul. No overt pandering. Just inclusive representation, utilizing established lore creatively and unobtrusively.


Listen. I am not engaging with a bad faith poster like you, I was addressing another troll in the thread.

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“Bad faith”? :thinking: What have I done for you to have this impression?


why do we care about this again?

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That’s the beauty of it: you don’t have to!

But the people that do finally have something to get excited about!

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i feel bad for them

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I do, too! That’s why it’s great that they’re getting some legitimate representation! :wink:

  1. You have no idea if this is what they had in mind. You are very much impugning motives onto Blizz and their devs.
  2. It is much more likely that they would approach the Drak’tyr design from the point of view of their creator in the lore, Neltharion. I would very much doubt that DEATHWING would have any consideration for those kind of things.

I mean, good for you if that’s what you see but to me it is very much the equivalent of someone finding meaning in the random arrangement of thrown chicken bones.


Absolutely correct. Because you’re the one out here with this new set of rules you made up, forcing it onto others.

My whole point is that this isn’t “forced” upon others. Present, but unobtrusive.

You literally did with this thread. You created a set of rules that you expect everyone to follow.

Reread the post above yours and open up your perspective as to what you’ve done. Because fun fact: I just had a friend send me a message, telling me they aren’t comfortable playing this race now, because you just made them feel that they have to view this race in this way now.

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You are absolutely correct and Blizzard has said as much (although you wrote it more clearly than what they said). I was in a raid the other night and there were only 4 of us ranged people in it. We had to take double damage from the Skolex ranged debuff because of this. Meanwhile all of the melee just had to avoid their little blue circles.

I would rather they fixed ranged damage so that people would switch to a ranged class, but I guess dragon people will help – although I think one of their abilities is such that they have to run into melee to deliver it, so that might annoy some.

:dragon: ← BTW Dragon

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Can you elaborate on this? I’m not seeing where I make that assertion. I do see three points at which I mention that this is an unobtrusive integration, however.

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You made a numbered list of rules.

And that’s not true. You just lumped all non-binary into one category and said this is the only race that represents them. Let’s not think about how others may feel, let’s just outright tell them this is the only one they have.

Then you go on to make rules about how gender-fluid should feel and how the visage form is a drag queen.

All you’ve done here is make those that don’t fit into your concept feel like they’re wrong if they just want to play a dragonkin because it’s a dragonkin. Or that they can’t play this race, because they’re not non-binary and it’s only for non-binary.