The Drac'thyr are Queer-Coding Done Right!

Ok, and it’s your right to be offended by the word if that’s how you feel.
You may identify as gay, but folks from the gay, bisexual, pansexual, trans, and lesbian communities are all included as one community under the umbrella term “Queer”. That’s why it’s used.
Basically, the queer community isn’t about you. It’s about us.

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Yeah, I was very active in the forums on my DK when Shadowlands was in beta, but apparently because I use a different character to represent myself, that history doesn’t show here. Or something like that.

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I find this kind of a funny take.

“Youre free to identify how you want. But you’re still x”
Sounds a lot like the rhetoric people who are anti lgbt make.

But not only that, you’re disregarding individual people’s lives and experiences, and trying to boil them down into one collective hivemind.

This feels so regressive to what equality is meant to be all about.
Its meant to be about you as a person.

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Your whole point is that you don’t have a point? Is that what you’re trying to say?

Forget a letter?

This might be overly reductionist, but how about we call you Moritz? :smiley: Even “gay” is a reclaimed slur.

I’ve run into this situation working with First Nations. We went from “Indian” to “native” to “Aboriginal” to “First Nations.” Ultimately, these are all imposed labels with various degrees of connotated offensiveness: the best way to refer to these communities is to refer to them individually and specifically.

That being said, I fear we are getting a bit off-topic here.

I have absolutely no point in this overly-specific and unrelated line of discussion. Very correct.

Man. I would hate to be that poor sod that has to sweep the floors between customers.


What would you describe as a non binary option?

There’s a lot of assumptions happening here. There’s no collective hivemind (clearly, since we stand on far opposites on this)

You are a gay person. And that’s great! I love that for you. I, however, am a bisexual and trans person. These are all very different communities on their own. However, when discussing all of them as a whole, and the issues that we collectively face, the term that is most commonly accepted is Queer and Trans. Some folks still use LGBTQ or LGBTQ2IA+, but the push for Queer over the last several years has been for the purpose of inclusion, for those of us who may not feel welcomed within the lettered system.

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Someone likes the newly concocted dragon race, and a lot of people have feelings about the reasons they cited.


That being said, I still do find “queer” to be an odd term, given that it literally means just that: odd, or strange. I suppose the point, though, is to use the term unless its ascribed meaning is so commonplace that it loses that ascribed meaning and becomes useless?

I find the term “gay” faces a similar issue, but it seems to have been more enthusiastically embraced.

I can completely understand not liking the letters. I’m not a fan of them either.
I think we’re up to LGBTQQIP2SAA and that’s kinda ridiculous.
I just use lgbt as it’s the shortest one.

But I’m also not thrilled about a term that I spent years getting bullied with, being forced upon me.

I wish there was a better term out there.

But the OP is right we are getting off the subject.

Thanks for being honest, I guess. How is this unrelated? Saying an entire species is “queer-coded” just doesn’t make any sense because of the way biology and reproduction works.

Biology and reproduction do not necessarily align to identity and gender, nor do real-world biological concepts necessarily apply to an alchemically-created magical dragon species in a fantasy setting.


Only because you want it to feel that way. Which is fine. But don’t push it onto others.

It’s about everyone and not creating a set of rules that everyone needs to follow because one person says so.

Exactly. And the OP is doing that, as well.

No, the issue isn’t how the OP feels. The issue is how the OP set forth a list of rules that sounds like there’s no other option and this is absolutely what Blizzard did and absolutely how we all must see it.

Not quite correct. As I stated a few posts into the thread:

and unnecessary, just keep all this sexual relations stuff out of a fantasy game. You wanna read about gay/bi/trans/straight or whatever get a novel based on that. Quit adding unnecessary political crap in to the game.


Gender identity, at its core, is not about sexual relations.

Having a male character offhandedly mention that they used to be female, or another character seek out his husband, is not sexual in the slightest.

This is more about societal norms than it is about anything remotely sexual.

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Sexual preference and identity is political? Seriously?