The Disjointed Horde

I didn’t move them at all. Liadrin made a correct claim: Night elves have been utterly worthless for the vast majority of their existence, from the capture of the quiraji until Warcraft 3. As the world suffered through two whole warcraft games, they didn’t care unless it directly approached night elven territory.

Only when Archimonde approached their World Tree, did they care ABOUT THE BURNING LEGION’S RETURN.

They’re a selfish, petty race.

I mean a large part of that has to do with the fact that Night Elves weren’t even a thing in the franchise until Warcraft 3.


Yea… sacrificing their immortality so the world could live, truly a selfish race.


yeah only fighting the war of the shifting sands and the war of the satyr lol


Cause we are the elite force, did the shattered sun do the read or did the PC do it? Cause last thing I remember, it wasnt no npcs that did a raid

Oh, please. They knew what the Legion was about. They knew death was not the end for them if the Legion won.

To be fair, this was true even before Chronicle:


Then they should be questing to build rep with us. What do we care what the scrubs think of us?

The “of the Shattered Sun” title is pretty sweet sounding, regardless of context. I did the rep grind again on one of my Void Elves, since it sounds even more extra fitting on them.

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You move the goalposts then refuse to accept it, you were proven wrong but cant admit it, instead you double down on the belief that the night elven sacrifice is proof of them being petty.

yea i think im done.


You are moving the goal posts. As if the Queldorei cared about either war. They didn’t, but until they were at risk with the Trolls joining the Orcs.

This is just ridiculous.


Their was more then just those 2. Blizzard Edited: Kept it canon in patch 8.0 that the Kaldorei have been in many many wars during the Long Vigil. Via the 8.0 war campaign quest “The savage hunt” between Shandris and Keeshan:

Shandris Feathermoon says: Keeshan, you’re allowed to be at ease around me.

John J. Keeshan says: Ma’am, I read your file from SI:7. You’ve been alive for more than ten thousand years, fought in more wars than I can ever imagine.

John J. Keeshan says: Far as I’m concerned, I’m barely worthy of serving next to you. Least I can do is keep quiet and show you respect.

Shandris Feathermoon says: You are a hero in your own way, Keeshan, from your service in the first three wars to your acts of heroism in Redridge.

John J. Keeshan says: How does a decorated elven general know about someone like me?

Shandris Feathermoon says: You’re not the only one who requests files from SI:7.


To be fair to Dreadmoore, he already basically admitted he knows this:


Sure it is fun and thoughtful, but I do not think it thematically makes sense given reasons already stated.

I am sorry but the arguments that Liadrin ~didn’t know~ of Alliance involvement at Quel’Danas are so gd facile and laughable.

I tend to be pro-Horde NB, but even I won’t pretend that the high command, who is a prominent figure in both the martial force as well as governing body, would be unaware of the goings-on of a world-saving campaign. We aren’t talking about some piddly side-campaign here; the events at SWP are basically staving off Armageddon.

It makes zero sense logically that she would be unaware, and if for some reason you are still unconvinced, there has been nothing in-game to suggest that there was a breakdown of communication at the time.

Occam’s Razor suggests that she probably did brilliant politicking despite Blizzard presenting it in a very childish way (as they do everything - Note to Blizz, pull a JKR and grow the franchise up with your audience).

I am also not understanding the PoV that the SSO’s involvement is diminished by the Alliance/Horde victories at Quel’Danas. The isle is under heavy, concentrated siege from the Legion and it is the SSO’s efforts that have staved off them being overrun. And salient to note too is that the Horde and Alliance are very clearly integrated into SSO by the time of the conclusion of Sunwell (both for KT and KJ).

Let it be noted though that I agree with the poster who said that Blizzard decided to move away from canonical raid conclusions and how that is for the best.


There is no place for a Warchief in a time of peace!

Mountain-like silhouette of N’zoth lumbers into frame, reality begins to sunder and issue forth hosts of Faceless horrors




Do you know what moving the goalposts is, Karserd? I’ve repeatedly stated that they did nothing from the Quiraji until Warcraft 3.

You’re the one who says that doing something during Warcraft 3 makes them a saint. you are infact the one who moved the goalposts, smart guy.

To this. This is what you moved the goal posts to.



Liadrin’s claim: Night Elves do nothing.
My claim: The vast majority of 10,000 years, the Night elves, infact, did nothing.
Fact: Night Elves did nothing since the Quiraji, until Warcraft 3.

Meanwhile, you’re trying to say I made a claim that I didn’t: That Queldorei cared about a war.

I stated:

Reading comprehension practice would help a lot, friends.

You implied that The Kaldorei sat on their buts during times of conflict and that quite frankly is crap and you know it. So what if they had a ton of downtime during the long vigil they fought the legion TWICE! What was everyone wise doing during that time? Liadrin made it seem as if he people were always active defenders of Azeroth which is just a flat out lie. They resisted joining the second war and then left the alliance.


It’s fact. the Legion returned in Warcrafts 1 and 2. They did nothing. They continued doing nothing all the way through Warcraft 3 until orcs came to their forest.