The Disjointed Horde

The way the horde was portrayed in the 4th war, there seems to be a serious disconnect between various parts of the horde as to what the hell actually happened.

For Example, Saurfang knew about the burning of Teldrassil and felt bad about it, yet Liadrin seemingly didnt know about it as she implied in the Stromgarde warfront that the light was on the hordes side.

Was the burning of Teldrassil common knowledge among the entire horde during the war?


To me it just appeared like nobody in the Horde really cared that they just commited genocide. This is obviously not in line with what the Horde is supposed to stand for, but it’s what the writers managed to portray.
Very few races in the Horde should’ve actually been okay with starting a war like that, and even fewer races and/or individuals should have been fine with commiting such an atrocity.

The writers didn’t seem to put much effort into what individual Horde members or leaders thought about Teldrassil and this made it all seem like entire Horde was just fine with it because well, in the end it benefited them. Also the aftermath of Teldrassil seems to be rather… non existent because at the very least, it should’ve been a topic in the peace treaty Anduin made or atleast some NPCs should still be mentioning it in both factions. Especially Baine would be like “maybe we owe some people an apology”, instead he just stands there in Stormwind and we don’t even know what he’s supposed to do.


Which is why it seems like Teldrassil was not common knowledge until after Sylvanas flew away. Otherwise Liadrin’s statements make no sense at all.

Depending on how good Sylvanas regime was at propaganda, she could have even spun the hordes war of aggression into a justified “pre-emptive strike”. Being morally correct isnt needed for this to work, merely convincing people of it is all that is needed.

For the most part, it seemed like only the racial leaders them selves were in the loop as to what had really happened.

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Well Liadrin has a history of being hateful towards Night Elves, she also lied to the Nightborne to manipulate them to join the Horde as far as I noticed.

Atleast they were used to represent the thoughts of their people, but it seemed like no racial leader other than Saurfang really cared much about Teldrassil. Baine should’ve been shocked immediately after what was done in the War of Thorns, instead Derek Proudmoore made him rebel. Burning tens of thousands of innocents alive isn’t quite the deal, but raising a dead human definitely is!


The burning isn’t a secret. One of the orc father/son dialogue exchanges brings it up.


It was known among horde forces in Kalimdor to an extent, but it doesnt seem to have been known by eastern kingdoms horde forces.

I think Liadrin is just a crazy level light fanatic. In her mind, if the Light allowed Teldrassil to burn, it must have been justified. Therefore the Light was on their side.


You guys are thinking more about this then blizzard did.

Here is the actually reason there is a disjoint, blizzard was refusing to admit it was just a retelling of mist for a good chunk of the early part of BfA. I think they thought the fans would be easier to lead on then anyone else.


Not this again. Delusional.

I’ll give you 3 million gold ingame if you can show me somewhere where she lied during the Suramar quest chain. If you can’t, don’t worry - you won’t have to give me anything; your embarrassment and, hopefully, realisation you are wrong is enough of a payout for me.


You’re going to be broke.


I’ll extend my offer to you as well, then. (I’d strikethrough this line, if I knew how)

Nevermind, I see what you mean. Broke indeed.

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When have I ever made the claim she lied?

I may have misinterpreted your comment. Whoops!

BFA’s entire story was a disjointed mess due to Blizzard thinkin’ it was a good idea to have two different teams writin’ the quests and story - one for Horde and Zandalar, one for Alliance and Kul Tiras. The Horde’s writers seemed to have been more focused on dinosaurs and old god stuff, while the Alliance writers hammered home how much of villain the Horde is.

It’s blatantly obvious that at their s’posed “weekly meetings” nothin’ of substance was discussed in regards to the story. If the Horde are meant to be the sadistic, Sith Empire, Blizzard, then at least get rid of NPCs like Baine who feel the need to shame my Horde characters for bein’ the villains.


I was agreeing with this up until it started turning into yet another post whining about the Alliance.

The fact that it happened seems to be common knowledge, but we don’t know how the details were spun to the average Horde citizen.

Oh, you know exactly which line she’s referring to. It just gets blown way out of proportion–and malice is attributed to Liadrin for something that can be adequately explained by stupidity on the part of the writers.


Oh yes, of course. At this point I could rattle it off with 98% accuracy.

I don’t agree. If we’re talking about her “ree seclusive night elves” line, it’s a perfectly reasonable stance for her to take, I feel. Oh Christ, have I invalidated my offer? What a shame!

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Yep, that’s the one. And I think the writers should have been more careful to come up with a reference to something specific, instead of leaving it so vague.

I wouldn’t even consider it writer stupidity. I just think “the Light is with us!” is a generic battlecry for any Paladin and people are grossly over-analyzing it.


Agreed. I was talking about the line back in Suramar that’s caused so much angst. The writers should have anticipated Alliance players’ reaction to Nightborne going Horde and made more of an effort to make Liadrin’s dialogue specific instead of vague.