Attacking nelf posters isn’t “criticism”
Keep your delusion to the video game lore, please. Insulting others on a forum isn’t a good look, nor is then attempting to say “you did it first!”
It’s been proven already that she lied. There is no way she didn’t know about the Kaldorei fighting in W3 and sacrificing their immortality or helping in Outland. She lied. Now stop fooling around and my check.
Liadrin is insane.
That or badly written, she acts insane either way. I’d give no thought to the words that character says beyond immediate consequences of what she wants you to kill or whatever. She makes no sense and even canonically flip flopped between hating the light and worshipping it.
She could just be right.
The night elves went ten thousand years (roughly) without doing anything.
To be fair Liadrin does strike me as Horde’s equivalent of Jaina. Changing the attitude depending on the patch.
That is true, Alliance experience was also very painful. And I guess the constant narration that they can do no wrong is even more nauseous than Horde’s constant villain batting.
Such approach is limiting gratly possibilities to write Alliance in more neuanced way.
No, she’s wrong.
And you are too.
Not according to Wowpedia. The Long Vigil is a big mclargehuge span of the night elves doing absolutely nothing.
And what where the Queldorei doing? Oh wait they fought in a war that they started.
May I remind you that it was during the long Vigil that the Night Elves saved the world for a third time when they fought in the War of Shifting Sands stopping C’Thun’s A’quir from swarming all over Azeroth.
I mean I’m not standing up for the quel’dorei, I don’t care about the ancient past.
I’m just pointing out that the night elves sat on their tuckuss after the quiraji were sealed up all the way to warcraft 3.
the long vigil lasted around 7300 years.
so? what is your point? and what does it have to do with what i said about liadrin?
You can’t be serious. The 3rd War?! No one could help during that. Arthas’ death march came and went to quickly. No one cod get to Quel’thalas and the Kaldorei were on the other continent and knew nothing about the place. But didn’t Tyrande risk her life to save Kael’Thas so he could get resources to his people?
The entire raid is actually mentioned by name:
- Members of the Horde and Alliance soon converged on the Sunwell and stood alongside the Shattered Sun Offensive. Liadrin directed the Horde’s champions to hunt down Kael’thas in the Magisters’ Terrace. Though the prince had grown more powerful since his defeat at Tempest Keep, so had the heroes he faced. The Horde slaw Kael’thas Sunstrider and ended him once and for all.
Meanwhile, the Alliance infiltrated the Sunwell Plateu, which housed the Sunwell itself.
You’ve rather undermined your own point about the Night Elves being part of the Alliance that helped defeat Kil’jaeden, as your comment about the High Elves is true.
The Night Elves did not win the Battle of Mount Hyjal alone. The Horde and Alliance, yes, including the High Elves that left the Eastern Kingdoms with Jaina, were vital in buying the Night Elves enough time for Malfurion to call the Wisps.
The High Elves helping doesn’t make Liadrin’s statement any less wrong, as having gotten help doesn’t change that the Night Elves were there at Hyjal and fighting the good fight.
Though perhaps it is plausible that Liadrin isn’t the most knowledgeable person about this, since at the time Quel’Thalas had just been devastated, and so its residents hadn’t actually participated in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, understandably.
Yes, but the aggression would have likely been kept because it suited Blizzard’s needs, for better or for worse. Point of the matter is, an alternate universe where the Forsaken were Alliance and Nelves were Horde is something I find to be fun thoughtfood.
Don’t bother. He’ll keep moving the goalposts.
Liadrin was wrong because night elves were there for the War of Shifting sands, War of the Satyr, they helped out the high elves in Quelthalas too (Shandris and Emmarel), they were active in the Third War as soon as they knew about it, and they’ve been involved in every conflict since then, which is a LOT more than can be said for high elves who were mostly dealing with nonsense their own people started.
Liadrin is also lying because her people have hardly been involved in any attempt to “save the world” before her heel-turning in Shattrath.
Tangent: if this description is meant to be taken as literal and complete, then the Shattered Sun Offensive did … what, exactly? Apparently they just stood at the Sunwell the entire time!
they set up the base of operations and they kept the demons at bay while the horde and alliance arrived to do the heavy lifting.
That is tedious but important work.
Bleah. Really takes the fantasy fun out of Shattered Sun stuff. In the game, they seem like this cool elite force, and now Chronicle tells us they were just the second-rate support team. Why’d I bother grinding rep with the second string, again? (Oh yeah, for the tailoring patterns.)
Eff Chronicle. I can’t think of a single instance where it’s made the story better over what’s in the game.
I think even Blizz started to realize that having canon raid clears was a bad idea and stopped doing it eventually.
BfA Horde was certainly a hot mess. Here’s to hoping that Horde from Shadowlands onward is more unified and solid now that all their more traditionally evil leaders have either been killed or ran away.