The Disjointed Horde

You guys know that the chronicle says that the alliance is the ones who completed the sunwell raid right?

My pick is that Liadrin, like every other character in this fictional universe, is not omnipotent and all knowing. To scorn a character for not having Wowpedia open is truly a sin.


that or she lied to get a new ally

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That was established earlier in the thread yes, however, the shattered sun offensive won the battle overall.

Iā€™m going to transport myself into a new universe where Liadrin actively lied - read: deceived, as thatā€™s what lying is - Thalyssra in this instance.

Do you actually believe this has any bearing on Thalyssraā€™s decision to join the Horde? Truly?

no read what it says, it says the alliance not the shattered sun offensive

part of it, I dont see a issue of her lying to get a ally, its what nations do

Youā€™re right, it is. But not in this instance.

So youā€™re telling me that (again, weā€™re in an another universe where she did lie) Liadrinā€™s deception played an equal part in Thalyssraā€™s decision? The other side of the equation is empathy and actual desire for friendship not provided by Tyrande?

If so, then thereā€™s nothing else to say. You would be, as it were, beyond hope.

I also donā€™t understand why people take the viewpoint of ā€œSHE LIED!ā€ as opposed to the more reasonable (and correct) stance that Tyrande simply did not wish for friendliness. Her reasoning for distrust of the nightborne is well reasoned and well document. I feel that people just donā€™t want to admit that their favourite character did something to the detriment of their faction - or, perhaps, did something that ultimately caused the Horde to prosper.


The alliance only fought Kilā€™jaeden, thats all Chronicle says, it doesnt say they completed the entire raid, nor fought on the entire island. It does say the Shattered sun offensive fought on the whole island.

yea it does play a part your kidding yourself if you dont think it does, its not like thalyssra has nice things to say about the alliance

True, it would. If she did lie. But she didnā€™t. Arguing about what didnā€™t happen, in my opinion, has no merit.

Lady Liadrin: The Sinā€™dorei are also scorned by Tyrande and her prideful lot. Yet for many ages her people slept in dens and hid in trees while my people fought to save this world.

This is the quote, there are two ways to perceive it, either she is a liar or an incredibly ignorant officer (she is part of the horde, you mean to tell me she never heard or read about the night elves participation of the third war? i didnt knew it was her turn with the idiot ball).

personally i believe you chose a weird hill to die on, neither option is good for the character i perceived liadrin to be, then again you could take the third option and blame it on bad writing, like that time rexxar was handled the idiot ball and went senile.


BfA has been a huge disappointment filled with retcons.

I wish Teldrasill burning was handled better, it just didnā€™t make sense logistically to burn such a massive object so quickly and with ā€œshaman magicā€ if that was possible itā€™s a miracle it didnā€™t burn during Legionā€™s invasion.

Then we have serious White Washing of Kulā€™Tirans, their lore of slavers seems to be nonexistant, apparently it can be all just be blamed on Ashmane and thatā€™s it. And even wiping out the Drust is portrayed as heroic deed despite humans being the ones who pushed into Drust territory, not the other way around.
Alliance missed their chance to have darker story aspects incorporated to their faction. Dark Irons, Velves and Kulā€™Tirans shouldā€™ve been the ā€œnot so nobleā€ face of Alliance, and their usage of slavery would be first step to show how Alliance is changing their policy in order to win the war.

Then we have Zandalar experience where they shoved titan facility and made up old god and a$$pull trolls to be thrown in the middle of their continent despite Chronicles even reinforcing that Zandalari had no such a thing there. It also suggests that the iconic troll mesoamerican inspired architecture since vanilla is not really their own but borrowed from titans, thankfully the entrance to the Other side in Ardenwald in Shadowlands which predate Azeroth seems to retcon that too.

Itā€™s a clear example of devs doing something which they thought looked cool without thinking about the consequences or implications it brings.

As for Horde - it is a disaster. It showed that Horde is completely disjointed and dysfunctional, it feels like subfactions of Horde are sabotaging each otherā€™s efforts. Rokhan is working very hard to gain Zandalariā€™s trust and even tried to Kill Jaina in BoD, but right after the raid Baine is having a secret meeting with her and does her a favor. Saurfang who instead of meeting and consulting situation with other faction leaders, goes solo yolo and openly collaborates with Alliance in 8.2.5 patch.

It was incredibly painful to watch. I have lost any hope I had in this faction. Iā€™d rather contribute in expanding Zandalari empire than work for Horde (which is imo is absolutely disgraced faction at this point) if I had such an option. But game mechanics shows that I am red team.


That it happened? Yes.

That it was Sylvanasā€™ overreach and that Teldrassil was a civilian target? Maybe not.

Thatā€™s never brushed up on, though I could possibly imagine the lack of uproar from it (save from Saurfang and close followers) was from a lack of information surrounding it. If Teldrassil had been evacuated and all that remained were military assets, itā€™d be a lot more acceptable to put it to the torch (and that it could, somehow, is a mystery weā€™ll all be asking until the end of time.).

Liadrin be like ā€œTeldrassil fire make light! Light go brrrrrrā€


But thatā€™s the way it goes on both sides, the two factions lost their hearts on different levels, blizz told us in the letter that they will continue to take the cruelest route possible.

You can object all you like itā€™s a straight lie. Which is to be expected of Liadrin. But we shouldnā€™t expect someone who idolizes Nathanos to understand what right and wrong are.

Is this meant to be a personal slight? I enjoy Nathanos as a character, and I am also well versed enough in basic English that I know what ā€œlieā€ means.

Keep it civil, nelf poster.


Keep it civil with someone who exists to antagonize nelf fans. No thanks.

Iā€™m sorry if you feel that way. If you interpret ā€œcriticism against a fictional raceā€ as ā€œantagonisationā€ then truly, whatā€™s the point.