The Disjointed Horde

horde sux
please just do away with it and add black empire


I suppose perspective matters. The events at the Sunwell were also a world ending threat as Kilā€™jaeden was trying to come through. The Night Elves were no where in sight, and the blood elves saved the day there. (With the Draenei). Now Liadrinā€™s comments may not be correct, but from her perspective, the night elves were off sleeping and hiding while she and her comrades beat back the legion at the Sunwell.

Sure they were, there is nothing implying that the Alliance that did managed to push back Kilā€™jaeden did not included members of all the races.


Just because the Night Elves were not in Silvermoon does not mean they didnā€™t help fight the legion. They went through the Dark Portal just like everyone else did and the Cenarion Circle has an outpost in Zangermarsh. To say that the Kaldorei contributed nothing to that conflict is a lie. Itā€™s also fair to mention that what happened in Silvermoon was described by Lorā€™Themar as a civil war. So the Kaldorei wouldnā€™t have been there.

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Victory in the battle on the island as a whole was the doing of the shattered sun offensive.

And victory again Kilā€™jaeden and the Sunwell raid was an Alliance specific endeavor!


I took the liberty to re read chronicles and it supports this, you can read it yourself on warcraft chronicles vol 3. page 159, parragraph 6-7.

Lol it really makes her look like a slimey liarā€¦ and if its worth anything there is a boomkin on the raid illustration of page 161.

I really hope theyre making it on purpose to make a point.


It doesnt matter if one of the ā€œheroā€™sā€ was a night elf. The battle was won by the shattered sun offensive, and the night elves did not show up in a significant way, even though had the legion won the battle the world would have ended (Can you imagine a full legion invasion led by Kilā€™jaeden, right as the Scourge is about to attack the world?).

Yup, the moment this particular discussion started I had to recheck it and the boomkin certain pop up from the page for me too. Also, pretty cool that there was a draenei shaman there :stuck_out_tongue:

The most significant battle was won by the ALLIANCE.

And if anyone claimed the high elves didnt help protect the world they were a dirty liar.

You are making this up, there is no lore on how many showed up in the name of the Alliance or Horde. Or how many of each race showed up! Canā€™t you just accept Liadrin lied at worse and at best was horribly misinformed?


This is like saying High Elves were at the battle of mount Hyjal, so that was not the night elves saving the world, it was a high elf victory along with night elf victory.

In all fairness, the High Elves DID show up in significant numbers at Hyjal, making up a good chunk of Jainaā€™s forces. Meanwhile only one Night Elf druid showed up a the Sunwell.

The only evidence we have of night elves showing up is the artwork you mentioned, which only shows one night elf druid. So either its canon, and 1 night elf druid showed up, or its not canon, and we cant say any night elves showed up.> Blockquote


Ha! there is also a nelf rogue! take that i won! /s

In any caseā€¦ liadrinā€™s claim sounds really farfetched, making her seem a liar at worst or terribly ignorant at bestā€¦ i believe its intentional to show that the characterā€™s knowledge is not meta and they can be wrong.

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So about that 3 million gold you promisedā€¦

Whatā€™s this about 3 million gold?

Sheā€™ll have to route it to you through 4th party Goblin banks, then through 5th party couriers, but first you must send a prince of Unā€™Goro 15,000 gold to make the transaction possible.

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You must have missed this


Well the Forsaken made sure the Unelves got counseling. Selflessly sacrificing their own late game faction development in the process. So itā€™s clear Blizzard wants us to be torn up about it - at utterly random intervals.


I meanā€¦ you guys were the ones that killed those elvesā€¦ undead nelves shouldnt have happend on the first place, besides calia and derek arent forsaken and every forsaken ive seen on the forums denies it to death.


We found them like that.


Iā€™ve not yet been shown any instance of Liadrin lying. So, au contraire, Iā€™ll have what I am owed.

Nelf posters getting humbled is a particular delicacy.


Either Liadrin is lying or she is incredibly dumb with night elf history.

Your pick. No pressure.