The DH egos are off the charts right now

Would you mind doing one for casters and healers, please? This hasn’t been mentioned here, but I feel like some of the casters are beyond broken.

Probably using the same script the kick scripts were being used for, just modified for when you disengage to grip

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That people are only used to dealing with Druid/Warrior/Paladin/Warlock being good and have an issue now that the playing field has been leveled. Probably WW monk players when they realize they can’t just burst/port repeat like mongs either.

DH isn’t hard to shut down, stick them in roots. Things like this show that the community gets handed rating moreso by dev tuning rather than gameplay skill which is bloody hilarious.

My first session today. 2 x Disc, Ele, Afflic, Demo. Root, Root, Death Coil, Shadow Fury, Root, Fear, Fear, sucked to totem, root, fear. Something needs to be done about the amount of cc in this game. Doesn’t matter how much damage you can do if you can’t touch the target. I recorded this fight, not sure where to post this kind of stuff, but it’s pretty frustrating.

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Ams, IBF, Deaths Advance and Lichbourne counter all of that respectively. My bad, forgot Wraith Walk.

Keep in mind that the second you don’t have any of that most teams will swap to you so when you’re out of defensives keep in mind that you can’t be in the middle or go behind pillar johnny rambo style.

Wait, my bad, you weren’t on DK were you?

I was not on my DK (I have not leveled him yet, I just came back last month after a long break), I am playing three classes atm. Going to make a post of the last 10 fight comps I have recorded. I could be bias which is why I record, and if I catch someone cheating I can report it. I haven’t arenad in years, it’s so different now. I normally play between 2300-2700 on the classes I focus on. My main from vanilla was Lock and Rogue. I prefer melee, however nowadays, I may go back to fire mage or demo lock. This just isn’t fun as melee.

Please nerf DH, all these FOTM players are inflating my SS q times.


In Sucio we trust.

DH is pretty busted for sure, but there are alot of other busted specs too. Demo lock, MM, Sub, Boomy all are doing insane dmg. My guess is some serious tuning coming soon for several classes.

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Honestly confused by this part. Not disagreeing, but every MM I have ran into is just getting destroyed. I have seen 0 bm hunters. DK damage is def very high and basically all the rogues specs are busted.

I’m not ignoring it, it’s just not a problem for me. It’s still early in the season, so I’m only commenting on what I have seen so far. The few shadow priests I have run into all got destroyed. That said, I’m sure they weren’t playing the best as I have seen some tanky ones.

I feel like the people playing arms were playing arms last season. The people playing DH right now are just rerollers and love to run their mouths.

Yea, guessing it’s something like that. Definitely a first. A friend was watching me stream and caught it as well. Was funny, I kept pressing disengage only to realize it was on CD already. :laughing:

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Yes, because heaven forfend that Paladin/Druid/Warrior/Warlock players not have an idiot tier advantage on everything else lol.

Most of the Warrior community is a re roll from S1 or SL and did the same though. Everyone has one of everything or one of most to play wheel of balance. Right now every class is on an even playing field, for once. I’d rather see this than S1-2 balance which literally destroyed each season.

If people don’t react to cd’s and peel someone dies. As it should be. You and I talked about this a week or so ago. People are generally not good at the game and it really shows when they evened out the damage for everyone.


I feel like the fact DHs are critting people for 500k and you’re defending it proves that you are mucho planto.

Holy smokes!! DH’s are critting for 500k? What are they using? That’s bonkers damage!!

Thats only what they’re critting his mind for. Leaving deep mental scars. He has DHDS (demon hunter derangement syndrome).


MB guess I imagined it. :crazy_face:

Guess you need to lie about DH damage when you have a 32% win rate on the literal training wheels spec.

Never happens in arenas nope

So giving us ignore pain that only pads out like 80k damage while you throw around 400k kicks makes us immortal?

So us having a 10 sec parry on a 1.5 min cd while you get FOF every 30 sec makes us immortal? You get port spam heals while we get a 20% every min makes us immortal?

Gawd monk players are literally annoying talking to.

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In that post, OP literally says this was in Open World pvp genius lol


OH my games this ssn so far? LOL ya I know. I am playing 2s with my RL buddy who’s learning Rdru. not typical.

I haven’t even played a single match on monk these season. I’m not looking at this as monk vs arms. Why are you fixated on monk? This is just the character I’m logged into on the forums.

I need to know this