The DH egos are off the charts right now

thats because majority of DH players are Retadin players after seeing that Ret paladins are garbo now.

The time of the Ret and casters is over. The time of melee and edginess, is nigh.


All these needs nerfs too

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Casually leaving out Arms is funny.


You forgot ele sham, bm hunter, mm, sub rogue is just broken, assa is broken worse, affliction and destro, unholy dk is the most damage by far now, caster cleaves and sp lololol…you are funny ignoring all that

For real, i dont think arms is OP like those specs i posted…

Of course you don’t. Arms should be an unkillabe W pressing machine. Anything less is under powered.


I don’t know why people roll whatevers supposed to be broken and get egos, period. I made a DH post SL when they were absurd, ran it to 2k doing literally nothing but tunneling something (was even extremely drunk for a session or two) and just got bored with it.

I genuinely don’t know how Ret rerollers were able to not sleep for a week to queue that much RSS, but the ones that did sure came here with attitudes. Who was that one idiot Ret who acted like they had been unjustly grieved over the nerfs, posted more than Kennie for like 2 weeks, then disappeared forever once they were back to never getting rating again? Lol


lol I don’t know, but that is funny. I might have to hop in my search bar Time Machine, because I think it would be fun to read.


dh needs nerfed. Enjoy floating around while you can cause it’s coming. Even my nub self understands that. You however. lol.

Because they’re children who think they’re cool.

Name started with an R I think, he’d get mad and make a post nerf ‘everyone are babies for complaining and getting me nerfed thread’ like every day. If Kasius sees this later he’ll remember the guy’s name. Lol

Ah so you haven’t fought a Cupid or retwar where the ret uses their 20 utility buttons yet


Does an actress with the last name of Zellweger share this name?

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We need a nerf. At least fel barrage needs a nerf.

The fact that you can immo×2 + vengful retreat into a full fel barrage with a 18% damage amp while still maintaining your regular rotation is sorta busted.

And then the fotm rerolls can move on to the next class. And I can stop receiving excess hate for the spec I main.


You’ve been added to my favorable DH list. Thank you for being sensible!



Everyone else…38 :joy:

What is this? Is this real life? :joy: I knew it was bad but not THIS bad!

i dont see a problem with Havoc DH. i also have 0 games played this season. Maybe ill que tonight :slight_smile:

So were just going to forget the back to back 400k rsk’s

Yea thats what i thought

I’m not defending that or saying it’s balanced. Nerf it. Arms players just seem to only think they’re okay when they’re topping damage and impossible to kill.

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Never, they never think. Even when arms is doing like 70% of someone’s health with MS they think they’re only just okay because “well I had to press avatar and war breaker so it’s fine”.

There’s so much stuff busted right now, and tier is going to make it worse lol.