"The developers disrespect the Alliance player races"

i’m an alliance blood elf who forgot a ton of skills, in fact, as of today, its possible void elves, who are blood elves corrupted by void (i mean it must be a serious downgrade if ive forgotten entire classes) may never relearn pally or dh.

you are right, we are a cheap knock-off. whether a belf-velf or belf-helf, we’re screwed

Skinny Kul’Tirans would have solved all of this, yet they ignored us

I’m sure with time all races that currently lack Druid, Shaman, Paladin and Demon Hunter will gain it, I always had people telling me I’d never get Lightforged Draenei Warlock or Tauren Warlock and I did and I am grateful to Blizzard so my advice despite disliking Void Elves is keep the dream alive and it will hopefully happen eventually just not sure when.


the devs hate alliance lol

male kul’tirans are like super beefy dwarves who ate their cheerios as kids instead of subsisting on ale hehe

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Haymaker the best racial.

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um what in hell is this

sorry but im not an object you can pass around as one would a beer mug. that being said, i get lost in stormwind, hate that city, so no.

It is always amusing when they complain about getting what they wanted.


They’ll never be happy. That is why they just prefer to troll the forums.


how many new hairstyles do you have?
not me. i have 0 new hairstyles.
how many markings do you have?
not me. i have 0 markings and neither do blood elves.
how about necklaces/chokers?
not me. i have 0 necklaces
how about hair decorations?
not me. i have no vines, or headdresses or hair jewelry and neither do blood elves
how about body tats?
not me. i have no tats, face or body and neither do blood elves
how many classes can you play?
not me. i am apparently dumb, and cant remember how to demon hunt, nor can i be a pally OR - a *druid or a shaman, and neither can blood elves

and thats not counting lfd runes/sigils and nightbourne face jewelry or human face shapes

This may have been posted already - just getting back to thread, and you may already be well aware of it - but this is a solid choice, just can’t fly, unfortunately:

i have that one. took a bit cause not a fan of icecrown lol

What, you don’t like saving that expansions version of Cork’i over and over again? :upside_down_face:

So, if you want to request for more customizations for your Void Elves, or Blood Elf, then why not request for them? Why continue asking for the same thing that we’ve already have? Why continue beating the dead horse.

Don’t blame me for Blizzard taking a while to extend the class/race combo’s to remove the restrictions.

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And I’d say with things like dark rangers and man’ari that subsets like fel elves and what night would be more likely as that kind of add on rather than a whole new AR


Sorry no Fel Elves. I am not giving up my Fel to Fel the other Elves up :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

EDIT: Wait, why does this sound wrong.


sweeping generalizations like this make your arguments look very weak

I play 2 ill bring them on so you can see I have actually leveled them some


Oi! Nobody plays a Kul tiran eh?

Apparently not!