The Decision to Give us an Easier Sapphiron Foreshadows a Nerfed TBC

Their decision making regarding the Sapphiron post everyone is talking about can only mean one thing: We are going to get, once again, nerfed content for the version of Classic TBC.

If we get nerfed garbage content again I really won’t enjoy raiding like I was hoping.


Its disappointing because players are far more optimized now days due to the popularity of speed runs. With that in mind I don’t see why it would be a bad thing to use the originally intended 1 second damage interval rather than the 2 sec interval that they say they will use.

The probability of getting anything but a 2.4.3 game state in TBC now looks unfortunately certain.


Not necessarily. The Sapphiron decision was consistent with their overall approach to Classic, which was to preserve behavior rather than player experience. This was partially due to huge community pushback when Classic was announced against any mechanical changes to the game.

There’s a chance that they take a different overall approach to TBC that differs from Classic if player feedback drives them in that direction and they allocate enough resources to development. It’s the latter requirement that scares me, since there’s no indication that they’re going to expand the Classic team beyond the fledgling force they have currently, which would make it nigh impossible to release anything other than a 2.4.3 clone.


You spelled “original” and “authentic” wrong. They’re O-R-I-G-I-N-A-L, not E-A-S-I-E-R, and A-U-T-H-E-N-T-I-C, not N-E-R-F-E-D.

In all seriousness, “They’ll make the game harder!” was always as dead on arrival as any other “they’ll make the specific changes I want!” expectation. Humpty-Dumptying the word “nerfed” to mean “not strengthen” rather than actually “weaken” will not change that.


In this case you are correct, they aren’t “nerfing” it, but giving us the original.

Still, their thinking makes it seem clear, we will get the same process for TBC, pre WOTLK talents and all the weakest versions of the raids and heroics. And people will just raid log and clear everything in one raid night.

Isn’t getting the original what people want in TBC?

The original Gruul, Magtheridon, High Astromancer Solarian, Kael’thas?


It is. I doubt we will.

I don’t see how getting the original Sapphiron means you won’t get the original Solarian or Kael’thas.


If they had given in to the demands of forum wackos to change Sapphiron from the original, then you would have actual grounds to think that…which you would bizarrely be celebrating as evidence of the opposite.


They said they had all the patch data. So we will see. We’ll at least know going in.

Why are people finding it hard comprehending that Sapphrion is doing the 2 sec tick since vanilla release…

The 1 sec tick was the original design but the 2 sec tick has been a long time bug and they’re going to stick with the release from vanilla as guilds did when it was first released

That you’re really bad at making predictions.

I’m pretty sure the deal is that most of the people who wanted Sapphiron to be tougher than he originally was, didn’t actually want BC raids to be authentic at all; they wanted them randomly buffed as well, and have taken a blow to that hope.

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This was due to a bug in vanilla that never got addressed because TBC which was behind schedule took higher priority.

Ideally we would be fighting the PTR version of sappherion minus the iceblock bug.

Yeah i know, just wish people didnt vote on #NoChanges then things might of been different because then who knows how modern the game could of gotten… maybe even heroic / mythic modes (probably far fetched… but you just never know)

Don’t forget LFR and mechagnomes. THE SKY WOULD BE THE LIMIT, if not for people who actually care about authenticity!


I don’t know what world you live in where “tweak TBC to more closely match the original experience” implies LFR. These black and white arguments are really dumb and unproductive, any game re-release always lives on a spectrum between authenticity and modern relevance. All we’re asking is for Blizzard to not take the utter extreme of this spectrum like they did for Classic in order to make TBC more enjoyable.

Was it extreme? They’ve made plenty of changes. I’d say the dial was certainly leaning towards no changes, not slammed all the way on that side the way you seem to be implying.

It’s not a nerfed Sapphiron. It’s literally what raiders had to deal with in 2006. The blue post clarifying is in response to the “1 second ticks” reported on the PTR.

In 2006, it was the designer’s intent to have damage every one second, but due to the way the game was coded, damage was applied every 2 seconds with a rare 1 second tick.

It’s not nerfed to go from damage every 2 seconds to… damage every 2 seconds.


Somone needs to go read the most recent update for Saph

So it will work EXACTLY how it worked in 06. If blizzard is going for how things were in 06 to the extent they program in the double tick. That gives me MORE hope that they are going to offer us the before attunments TBC experience. Since they will have that data.