The Death of Retail PVP

Oh my fault I didn’t realize you were an expert on that. And no, I’m just saying you are the one who keeps commenting when it’s not even something you would be interested in joining anyways. You’re just wasting your own time at this point.

Oh yea I know that.

World PVP was still very popular in MoP.

The sharding shenanigans started to hurt world PVP defense. It would allow attackers to coordinated into a shard while the defenders were splintered. If you could control which shard to enter that would solve issues like other MMORPGs have but BlizZard apparently doesn’t like to give players choices.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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Emerald Dream back in its’ heyday (probably TBC-Cata) pretty much policed themselves if it got out of whack. Players and entire guilds would faction change to the under-manned side and write an entire RP backstory on the forums explaining why. Rivalries between both players and guilds were very real and went on for years. I wonder if the old Emerald Drama forums are still around?

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WG battles on the tablet score board with horde and alliance was pretty even on ED for a long time.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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I have lost so much interest in playing wow it’s not even funny. I main assass and it just feels so butchered and AOE focused and it shouldnt be. I’ve stopped playing and my sub is up on the 28th.

There is also too much button bloat again. Why do warriors need shockwave, dragon roar, fear, berserker rage, and storm bolt? That’s already too much for cc.

The release of all these classic realms, hardcore, and even SoD is hurting retail way too much. Blizz is doing a good job of killing their own game. If they keep it up, the only wow killer is going to be wow itself.

You keep repeating this illogical idea that it wouldn’t cost anyone anything to give you what you want, so no one should object. Development, implementation, and maintenance are not magically free because pvp servers existed before. It’s been explained to you countless times. It would take away dev resources from areas of the game that haven’t killed themselves off. So it couldn’t possibly be a waste of my time to object to those resources not being wasted on a dead concept like pvp servers.

Pvp players destroyed their own pvp servers and proved its not worth the time and money to run. There is absolutely nothing to indicate a new iteration of pvp servers would be any different.

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he seems very passionate about pvp servers. blizz has abandoned them in retail and with good reason. the reason SoD works the way it does is because it’s temporary. they are experimenting. it’s an entirely different thing to have permanent servers where people are told they can’t play with their friends at any point forever unless the servers balance is restored. that’s a recipe for people unsubbing for good. i didn’t particularly care for the vibe of pvp servers myself. i don’t like ganking nubs or being ganked. it isn’t fun for me. that’s why warmode exists though. for those people to be able to still do wpvp if they’d like to. there hasn’t been server community in any sense in a long time. unless you count what they’re trying to do with crafting. the game is still fun enough for those people to sub to and play. i hope they find something to enjoy with warmorde or random/ranked pvp instances.

but wow has so many low pop or dead (by player standards) servers wouldn’t it be cheaper to merge them and make 1 new pvp server?

Can’t tell if I’m about to fall for a troll but I’ll answer anyway.

Pvp servers don’t currently exist… so no, you can’t just merge a series of supposedly dead servers currently using the warmode system into a pvp server. Plus low population or not, is everyone on the servers you choose to merge now forced to pvp? Is this how you guarantee you’ll have people to gank who don’t want to participate? If a pvp server happens at all it would have to be a fresh server, which leads into the point I’ve been making to our undead priest…

The infrastructure for pvp servers no longer exists. It would have to be redeveloped to work on the current retail game client. This development process is not free. It takes both time and money away from developing elements of the game that haven’t already failed countless times over decades due to a toxic fanbase. It is beyond illogical to assume that a pvp realm can be magicked into existence and left to run on its own without constant developer attention. Even more illogical to believe it would be different this time around.

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The argument of not wanting a server because some people don’t like it doesn’t really work because it’s completely optional. There will not be a single person making you play in that server. And if for some reason one of your “friends” wants to roll and alt on a PvP server for fun, why should you stop them? Just like if they would roll on SoD or classic, you shouldn’t want to stop them from playing on a server that isn’t your preference. I’m sure they will still game with you on your server if they want to, just like how things are now. There are other pvp realms they probably have a build on right now. Let them do what they want.

And as for server balance, they have proven they can make it work with how they are handling SoD. So a retail server would likely operate the same way. And if it happens that a faction is too full to create on, there is a chance you’ll have to roll on the other side with the people you want to game with. That would have to be a choice of you and your friends

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The faction balancing act only works if 100% of both sides are engaging in PvP. Hypothetically, if the server is split 50-50 in terms of pop percentage (and we know from SoD this can already skew), but, say, 15% of one side isn’t really engaging in or interested in PvP (as PvE players that got dragged onto PvP servers will attest), then the sides become imbalanced all the same even if the numbers are equal. This also assumes equal loot and numbers. If the numbers are, again, 50-50, but only 25% of one side is decently geared/max level and the other is well-prepped, then that’s a one-faction server even if the ‘other side’ is equal numerically.

There will always be an imbalance and that imbalance will snowball once people sniff it out and begin to exploit it. As you’re supposed to do in PvP; do whatever it takes to kill the enemy. This may even take the form of ‘alt-bombing’ the opposing side; create a couple dozen alts to ‘fill up’ their roster and then try to stall out potential reinforcements.

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The point of the server is to gather players who are interested in pvp though

The point of the server is to offer a different experience which, guess what, is going to attract everyone looking for something novel. This is going to include PvPers, PvErs, newbies, casuals, streamers, etc. Anything ‘new’ does.

Once the dust settles, it’s going to start to trend the way the majority of servers do. And, again, your numbers assume everyone is jumping at PvP 100% of the time. That every call for aid is answered by an equal and properly-geared force. That every duel or skirmish is evenly matched.

Once those numbers start to skew one way or the other, the snowballing happens. And that’s assuming players don’t take more underhanded means to game the system by, again, alt-bombing the opposing faction.

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I agree there should be PvP servers again. I’m not fond of PvP myself but it would make the PvP players happy and more players should be. Their branch of content has been far too neglected and that’s not cool.

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my mistake let me clear that up for you.

The merge all the realms together, is just that since so many people like to argue about money if all the low pop/dead servers get merged together that saves money.

this would free up some money and you are correct it wouldn’t magic it up but could make way for 1 server.

Eh, I do not think you need to force the story towards pvp to participate in pvp.

Warmode works just fine. Everyone in wm is ready to fight. There is no excuse to whine or complain if you are nonstop ganked in wm. This is why I wait until end game of an xpac to switch wm on. It’s the only way the world is dangerous. When you can solo world bosses… You need new danger, and fellow players are the most dangerous around.

I find wm is just fine for my pvp taste at least.

that’s not what killed WPVP or warmode.
stop it.


Pvp servers died already on their own. If server consolidation were to free up resources, use that money to develop new concepts. Makes no sense to spend resources on a proven failed concept. The entirety of my point.


PVP servers didn’t allow you to have characters on both factions.

I understand OP’s idea just doesn’t work and I’m not particularly interested in seeing PVP servers come back but I do remember that restriction.

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