The Death of Retail PVP

They can implement the same thing they did with SOD, whe. 1 side was overhwelming the other faction, theu stopped all character creations,faction changes,xfers for that faction intil it balances out

SoD as a thing is completely temporary, thatā€™s why itā€™s a season. I think, especially for the pvp stuff, itā€™s mostly a testing ground before putting similar/inspired events anywhere else

Pvp servers would notnsolve anything. Player balance is a player caused problem.

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Well stated and you are a valued member of the WoW community. I agree with all of this and let me add that I do find it perplexing that older expansions are more popular with PVP communities.

But it is not just the issues with warmode and the loss of PVP communities. PVP actually is more transparent and makes ense.

Current retail PVP has too many hidden modifiers which makes it too hard for newer players to learn understand.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

Yeah good for you and thanks for keeping the thread going with your contribution.

warmode is a fail , pvp minded players need their own servers , warmode you see 0 people advertising in chat to attack the city bosses, 0 people asking for people to join groups for bgs , 0 people asking to group up for world pvp , the pvp server i was on had all of this, warmode is just dead.

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I think it died a long time before warmode. Itā€™s always been kinda lame in WoW. World PvP in this game has long meant griefing other players. Corpse camping, guard massacring, and other ā€œpvpā€ activities.

Back in vanilla we had some epic battles in the Tarren Mill area. Tons of people, lots of back and forth. Actual pvp, not capture the flag. I hate that planned crap. Just give us world objectives that are meaningful. Back in DAoC if you captured one of the realm keeps your entire realm got a bonus until it was taken back or reset.

If we had something like that, you can bet people would be pvping more.

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Has nothing to do with pvp servers.

It has everything to do with how convoluted pvp became. Required add-ons, ungodly amounts of keybinds, ECT.

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This is a bit of a hot opinion but the PVP Incursions from BFA were a delight when there were people out there for it.

I canā€™t count the times where me and four buddies would roll up in there and start causing trouble; the Alliance would call for backup and steamroll us back with 15 people, then weā€™d come back with 25. Before you know it it was just an entire land war being fought which would potentially last for hours.

WPvP can be made relevant, but itā€™s just not in the cards right now I guess. And with the faction war seeming to come to an actual close, I donā€™t see big WPvP events coming back soon either.

Meh. I play shooters, or street fighter games to get my pvp fix. Wow pvp has always been a laughable meme. Gear scaling and removing resilience from pvp gear made it even more of meme. CC :popcorn: fest


World PvP been meh for a long time. Even before the change. It didnā€™t help it just put the final nail in the coffin.

Not all of us PVP for rewards and gear. A good portion of the PVP community was casuals who just want to do a few matches a night and log off. Yea it would be great to have new transmog sets, but for the Love of God just make random Bgs static stats. The PvP community is also consuming itself. People are exploiting queue system by making
Trade chat premades. Yes itā€™s an MMO and youā€™re supposed to play with friendsā€¦.yet this issue has gotten so bad that itā€™s killed casual PvP in classic, classic Wrath, and Retail. No version of the game is worth pvping at a casual level. Like it or not the casual community was always a majority of Wow. Blizzard has chased them all off and the Player base continues to chase off any casual that wants to come back. Look are how Meta chasing Classic modes are. lol my ā€œCasualā€ guild in Classic was more strict than my raiding guild in 2004

Wow PvP has never been great. Itā€™s always been an afterthought. Iā€™m not surprised itā€™s in this horrible state. Iā€™m just sad cause it was the only part that kept me playing wow from Cata-legion. BFA-DF Iā€™ve come back just to see my characters and or gear one main to test waters. Balance is so broken and the game is bursty.

Retail PvP has a serious amount of problems. When I didnā€™t like high level PvP I would just PvP level an altā€¦ā€¦you canā€™t even do that anymore. Why? Cause blizzard canā€™t seem to figure out how to make a level 70 the same scale as a 20 in a low level Bg.

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Zero response in the face of history and basic business logic, as expected. Oh boy, only one of us thinks pvp servers are so popular they think forum bumps will help, lol.

Why is warmode dead? If world pvp were actually popular, why are pvp servers gone?

You world gankers had your chance but it turns out even you didnā€™t want to keep pvp servers balanced or continue to world pvp without ganking.


The root of the problem is the philosophy of ā€œI want to play with my friendsā€ coupled with the fact that the balance people wanted on PvP realms was an IMbalance of something like 60-40% in favour of their own faction. Once you could faction swap, the walls were written on.

I LOVE world PvP, but when I came back WM had turned it intoā€¦ Well, this.

Daddy Blizz killed PvP with thier inability to balance between the two and refusal to separate them. PvE only players like me will NEVER want to PvP, and are sick of specs being gutted because of PvP issues. Warmode was a great thing because I am nearly separated from PvP, with balance being the only sticking point. I long for a return to Legion PvP, since templates greatly diminished the effect of balance on PvE. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


WOW pvp died a long time ago. It was neglected for like a decade.

Back in WOTLK\TBC is was so huge and was just left to die for years and years. Even now look at the rewards\queue times\ Lack of Balance changes.

Too many macros and addons, Lack of rewards and balancing, long queue times. It will just continue its current decline.

Wow PvP (world and instanced) has always suffered because it was tacked on at the last minute. They never sat down to try and think about what makes playing it fun (or not), only how to minimize its impact on the ā€œrealā€ part of the game.


Or maybe people just donā€™t like it as much as you guys think?

Or the ones that like it already went to classic?

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Back in WOD holinka said in a dev interview just as many people queued for PVP as they did PVE so historically that is not true. It use to be popular, even more so in WOTLK and TBC when it was pretty big in the esport scene before it was called esports.

Wow was like the fortnight of the world back in WOTLK\TBC, Everybody was talking about it and it was in media. It was huge.

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Yupp, itā€™s quite simple.
The majority simply doesnā€™t like PvP, and the fact that the few PvPers are upset that others prefer PvE is rather sad and probably one of the many reasons people donā€™t like PvP. The attitude of many PvPers is just not necessarily the best.

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