The Death of Retail PVP

And make those merged low pop servers into a pvp server? What about all the people on those low pop servers that don’t want to be on a pvp server?

A megaserver would single-handedly butcher and bury the RP scene in this game.

inb4 “ThAt’S a GoOd tHiNg!11!”

I didnt say mega server if they have 7 “dead” servers and could make 1 med pop server that would save money on the 6 other servers

my only pvp issue right now is the fact that alliance premades are running rampant in regular epic bgs to the point that i can’t even get the daily done most of the time. there is 6+ individual 30-40 man groups running 24/7 so getting a single win is pretty much impossible, especially on the weekends. it’s about time blizzard did some thing about it b/c it’s the worst it’s ever been. solution? cross faction bgs is about the only thing i can think of atm.

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If PvP is dead, nothing of value is lost.

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You’re right, but my arguments were from the perspective that a PvP server would function pretty much as a modern server would. With that restriction, it’s arguably worse. You’d be completely unable to play if your faction was ‘favored’ population-wise.

Lmao, this is what I mean by the weirdly aggressive responses. Do I take personal responsibility for making people transfer or quit? No, I don’t. I don’t gank lowbies or corpse camp, and most people who play on these servers don’t either. Does that stuff exist? Absolutely - I’ve had it happen to me multiple times. That being said, I’ve also had moments where horde would just wave at me and pass by. I’ve had moments where I got ganked and the person just moved on. I’ve had moments where I was impromptu dueling with horde. Etc.

Put aside that vitrol for a couple of seconds and realize that not everyone who plays on a pvp server is interested in making your day miserable. And that person certainly wasn’t me lol

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Adjustments to sharding could help fix this, allowing more players per zone, the ability to handle the capacity is already there. Personally I don’t think bringing PvP servers back will fix the problem, because some PvPers like me will not be paying $ to swap to one, and adding Warmode was necessary just came at a bad time.

Fixing Sharding alone isn’t going to fix Warmode, without addressing the reasons why PvP players left and are still leaving to begin with. (but it would feel alot better) Ultimately the things that have been causing PvP players to quit for years and years are as follows.
FOR CONTEXT - imagine you’re paying the same price as everyone else but the content you like is handled as follows below.

  • Same Reasons Others Quit - Poor Gear Acquisition Systems from Xpac to Xpac, Convoluted Borrowed Power Systems, Content Droughts, and Lack of Bang for your Buck in todays economy, Poor Narrative Choices effect everyone - cut content in WOD, Hastily Swapping from War Narrative to Lets burn down N’Zoth in a single patch as a little N’Zoth head inside N’Zoths head. SHADOWLANDS, I’d wager a lot of the PvP players we lost did more than just PvP (like me) and they left for the same reasons a lot of our friends did.

  • Poor Class Balance - Blizz has never really been able to keep themselves from allowing a couple classes to either 1shot, overpower entirely, our outperform others in a small group or arena setting. It sometimes takes Blizz 3+ Weeks to catch on to a single class that’s actually 1shotting people or tripling DPS in area or other content. This is likely due to a refusal to allocate resources to monitor these kinds of things or funding to actually fix them.

  • Lack of Innovation - No new Battlegrounds for years, with BFA and DF you’d think we’d have seen a Naval or Aerial themed BG at some point, should have been common sense, but it’s evident they aren’t interested enough in growing this “End Game Pillar”. Nothing new or exciting since Seething Shore in BFA (which c’mon now.) except for BG Blitz and Solo Shuffle which they haven’t been bothered to work out all the kinks. Players were really excited for Solo Shuffle but for the longest time Blizz refused to address it’s early onset issues like people leaving and or going afk, the mmr issues and Que Times, to the point where players begged and plead for months then just quit. Now that they’ve tweaked things a little it’s just too little too late.

  • Lack of Incentives - Some people will say the incentive to PvP is PvP itself and for me that’s enough and obviously for others just about everyone still playing it that’s enough but for the thousands of other players who had no new BGs, issues with Que times, Issues with mmr and watched for weeks on end or expansions on end as PvP was dominated by untuned classes there were simply not enough incentives to stick around through that level of neglect, obviously or they’d still be here.

  • Premades in Casual entry level Epic Bgs - See this Forum Post titled Pre-made Epic Battle Grounds Need to Stop + Buffs and Revamps (Community Council Requested)

  • Chromie Time - World PvP is a different beast but if you’ve ever leveled through chromie time with WM on you’ll know the odds of encountering another player are slim to none, not just because there are no leveling victims to gank but mainly due to sharding issues that go along with Chromie time that Blizz has never cared to work out.

  • Warmode - to a much lesser extent effected the PvP scene but allowing people to opt out was a smart and healthy move it just came at the start of WoWs massive player count decline in BFA which has been steadily dropping ever since.

I could go ON AND ON but this was a death due to years and years of neglect, we’re still hanging on against all odds, but to what avail? Fixing these issues would take some time and effort but with all the money they’ve saved neglecting it for so long, they can justify getting started.

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world pvp is just trash who is too afraid of pvping in a bg going out to gank lowbies then run away and hide when they bring their main.

the “idealistic world pvp” that “world pvpers” always cry they want never evolves because they are either alone ganking lowbies, or with a bunch of friends ganking lowbies, and as soon as they lose one fight they all hearth off to go harass some other lowbies somewhere.

world pvp is trash and for the type of people who like kicking puppies and taking candy from children.

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Skill issue. God fully PvP geared after hitting level cap in less than 2 hours.

Oh good for you, had the pateince to be useless in matches, I bloody dont.

What is with people and thinking their experience is indicative of others ability?

You are useless, not your character. You can easily be a distraction, flag run to someone who can easily hold it, be there to cap back, sit at a node to watch. Use CC since that is irrelevant to gear.

Skill issue, then forum crying. Typical

Uncalled for. Flagged as trolling.

Emerald dream was solid for the last hour, had a 5v5 Warcrate, then Superbloom popped off started with a 5v2 then snowballed into a 10v5 then 20v10. We had lower numbers but we were killing the Alliance 3:1 till the end, we still got the tag on the boss. Then we got another Warcrate had an awesome 10v10 +/- they ninjad the crate but we wiped them a couple times.

The Wpvp people want still exists but the way sharding works in Warmode, the numbers just aren’t high enough we need to increase the playercount/zone/shard by about 30% for it to feel proper.

Excellent text wall just to say that pvp wasn’t a popular enough game mode at any point in WoW’s development history for blizzard to put the resources into pvp.

First bullet point kinda starts with some claim about gear balancing then kinda just rambles into complaints about the pve story. Not too sure what pve story has to do with pvp. Like, at all. Second bullet point you make my point for me. Pvp is unpopular so they don’t spend resources on it. New bg? They give you new stuff after so much complaining but there is no keeping pvp players happy. Your solo shuffle point is a perfect example of pvp players ruining their own communities then blaming blizz design. Lack of incentives? Really? People gotta get paid to play something fun. Nah, people got a sense of entitlement. If they need to be paid to play pvp, its horribly unpopular. Premades, well I’m not typing out another post about it, definitely not reading one. Only thing to say is that premades are a result of the pvp community and its obsession with the path of least resistance where wins > fair competition. Remove premades and pvp participation plummets. Chromie time has nothing to do with world pvp. Full stop. If it were popular, war mode would be poppin.

You might be able to go on and on but your just going to be saying the same thing over and over. Pvp wasn’t worth the time and effort to develop two games alongside each other. Its time to stop spending resources on something the players themselves destroyed.

Pvpers have this magical idea that if they just got ONE MORE chance it would all be different this time. Its hilarious. They’ll do it in the same breath they use to talk about the masses that would return to the game. The same masses that killed it, lol.

Cave filled with massacred tuskarr . . .

but sure . . . cute and holding hands.

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PEOPLE would 100% flock to get a rare mount