The Death of Retail PVP

Have nothing to do with pvp

100000000% agree re: PvP realms. And:

That would be a glorious slaughter lol.

I’m honestly glad to see pvp go. PVPers do nothing but complain and I’m not going to miss their posts.


Daramatic cat meme. Death? As long as there are bg’s, arenas, what not, pvp will always be around. Unless you are talking about pvp gank squads roaming around areas like Crossroads making folks out questing lives miserable :crazy_face:

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At least we get a new battleground in the war within which was shocking to me.

Sadly Classic is where wpvp is now since that’s the era before pvp was set aside and warmode broke world defense alerts and created phasing/layers and killed wpvp. Retail has so much content (zones) that it made the old world irrelevant and only the concurrent patch drop is when you will see wpvp. It also doesn’t help they’re not making separate faction towns anymore to make questing easier to manage so everyone just shares cities now.

Any sane wpvp has left while arena players remained left in instanced pvp. I would just play overwatch or League at that point since imo arena just made pvpers overly sweaty and sucked the fun out of it.

I been playing SoD currently and it’s nice to see the devs actually implement faction balancing technology & pvp events like Ashenvale and Blood Moon however the balancing issues are horrific.

However I been playing Rust, that’s a pretty fun pvp game. so there are pros and cons about everything I suppose.

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PvP is dying because no one wants to sit in LFG for 15 minutes looking for partners in the dried up game mode that is 3s, and no one wants to sit in a 20-minute SS queue only to play two rounds and net -4 CR because a salty healer quits, or lose CR because not a single player besides yourself in the entire match interrupts a darn thing when you’re the priority target.


Once upon a time I use to get geared up for helping guild mates and Wpvp for world defense and protect cities like Darkshire, Lakeshire, Rebel camp, Honor Hold, Valiance Keep or any other alert form of defense since me and a buddy did that all day to defend and help people leveling be it randoms to guild mates and we formed many rivals with horde over the years in the good ol’days. We didn’t need a reward structure to do what was right and we enjoyed for our end game. Fun was our reward structure. ONCE UPON A TIME.


Yep, world pvp zones, the main ones were even more fun than organized pvp (BG, shuffle, etc)

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You can but you should have taken into account that you were on an either pure pvp server or a rppvp server. My guild was pushed out of our base in Stonewatch and decided to rp that the alliance pushed out of redridge. Wasn’t that big of a deal for all three months we skirmished with like two ally guilds.

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You’d be wrong. It was dead long before that because devs don’t take it seriously as content.

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That’s good stuff, sometimes I miss the big ED fights. Still can’t forgive WSB for making plenty of players quit ED because they never knew to reign it in and stop crashing the server.

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WSB did do damage and even when they switched factions on mass, no one could ever mass enough people to fight them off

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I’ve got to say I don’t think the loss of pvp servers were the reason for the death of pvp. I played on one was camped for 2 weeks and would never have played on one again. War mode at least opened up some world pvp for someone like me while being able to turn it off when I don’t want to participate.

  • The reliance on CC and being essentially stunned until your dead because everyone pops CD’s on you is part of it.

  • High end players having nearly 20 years of experience that you need to over come with seemingly no results for months on end. No matter what I seem to do the result is the same so there is no chance to learn what works.

  • Needing to memorize comps, diminishing returns etc. Its a ton of information if your new to it and the learning process itself isn’t fun.

  • Arena maps may change but its the same thing over and over. BG’s at least change objectives so those tend to be more fun.

  • Balance is horrendous.

  • Playing a healer puts a massive sign on your back saying kill me first which saps the fun out of trying to keep people alive. Instead its like pvp tanking how long can I stay alive and can I save CD’s for the hard swap I know is coming.

  • Getting :poop: on for taking the time to learn. I’ve never seen people get as tilted as they do in pvp.

There are a ton of other reasons as well and its having this many problems that deter a lot of people from attempting it.



Man my algorithm must be pulling up pvp articles, and you’re in all of them. News flash! If pvp realms were popular or remotely sustainable, they would still exist. End of story. Hard stop. You and your ganker ilk couldn’t sustain servers for the past 10 years, no reason to spend resources to bring it back. Inb4 tell me how you heal, lol.

Blizzard removed the ganking and you all quit. Pvp servers have already failed to the point of literal deletion. Good riddance.


Human nature is what kills pvp. In every game. The nerd try hards that feel they have to squeeze out every tiny advantage even if its premades or cheating outright, and the developers catering to that mentality to boot… It just sucks the life right out. Humans are doomed.

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WoW’s pvp seems to die just as often as WoW does. Every expansion someone ‘new’ comes to the forums to proclaim it’s demise, yet when I’m in game I still see plenty of players doing it.

I imagine the death of PvP as you call it has to do with how poorly some classes perform compared to others and how bad they feel to play because literally everything can stop them and their dmg.

Kinda funny when consensual, fair pvp is given it’s own modes, it gets abandoned… look at xp off bgs and warmode. Now that those modes are mostly fair fights, no one wants to do em.

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You literally replying to a guy that streams his world pvp content and yes, he likes to go for uneven fights but he loves to be the one at a disadvntage in 1vX situations and still bests them

OP been playing the game since TBC and he knows exactly how it was, pure absolute chaos in hellfire peninsula which we love