The day Classic + turned into retail -

Yes I’m sure questing in Barrens for the millionth time sure is engaging gameplay. Go here, kill 10 boars. “If you’re not miserable like I am, I’m going to cry”


Don’t have time right now to throw pearls before swine. Sorry.

Here’s a nugget explaining how SoD is retail minded and not Classic minded:

  • Leveling is a chore that is meant to be skipped by any means necessary. The game doesn’t start until end game and people need to “catch up” because the game doesn’t start at level 1.
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That has nothing to do with their design philosophies and everything to do with the personal opinion of individual players


Is it presumptuous when one of the main wants Purists were skreeching about all thru phase 1 was muh FREEEEEESSSSSHHHHH.

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Which day is it!? You never actually say.

Every day. People say this every day.

isnt there an option to turn the buff off? so what exactly is your problem?

Also, there is just not enough of you.

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You talking about me? I thought phase 1 was a great example of what Classic+ should be.

Not enough? Kekw. Big enough for dozens of massive pservers. Big enough to last for 20 years on eastern euro pent 3 servers.

Classic only happend becauae of the f r e s h vanilla community.

Massive cope.


Incorrect. When they make leveling over 2x faster it is the design of the game that leads players to believe that leveling is meant to be skipped and end game is the only thing that matters, and that if you aren’t max leveled you need to “catch up” (their words btw!)


You do it’s called era one click away

Everyone heard fresh servers on the classic client and decided it was gonna be “ F R E S E R A” it’s not stop treating it like it is.

Blizz shills are losing the narrative. I’ve never seen them seething this hard and arguing in circles this much.

That’s how bad the p2 pop drop is.

The single largest player drop for one patch in history.

Will Josh get the J.W. treatment and catch all the blame? Time will tell.


Shadowlands would like to speak with you.

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Era isn’t vanilla, progressive or fresh. If you were anything but a tourist you would know this. Head on back home friend.


Than what is it? It’s where you guys that want you clown fiesta bad game mechanics live. Call me a tourist all you want but I’ve played my fair share of all of the classic iterations.

People don’t want to spend literal days of /played time leveling in a temporary game mode when they had done it already a few years ago? Shocking!


Okay, you guys can keep advocating for this to be as bad as retail, and then you can have three versions of the game to hate.

If they gave us a progressive server to play on I wouldn’t have even tried sod lol


You can turn exp buffs off at the innkeeper. It’s on the individual player if they want to make use of it or not


I would rather raid & pvp than running SM for 100 times a day. If you want slow leveling turn the xp bonus off or play the other version.

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