The day Classic + turned into retail -

I’m confused then, because this is about leveling experience, not about the idea of a progressive server.


If you want to speed up the leveling up process of doing dungeons and raids so you can get to max level and do dungeons and raids anyway I don’t know what to tell you.

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which one?

playing multiple classes is a better classic experience than leveling


I agree. This season was a cash grab and a mistake. If they won’t spend the money to do a proper classic + with new content but OLD philosophy then stop trying to milk money from us with this just release fresh vanilla.


Because the players don’t. Plain and simple. People rushed to 40 and cried nothing to do. People came late and cried they were behind. People cry they can no longer bid on gear through content with pugs.

The players don’t want to play this game and it boggles my mind why so many people are still here.


You do though. Its called classic era. That’s still available for you to play. You don’t like the new toy? That’s ok you don’t have to play with it just let the others who want too enjoy themselves.


People who “love” classic so much they use retail avatars on SoD forums pretending to be experts and when they have no leg to stand on revert to “go play era”

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Era needs fresh servers on a regular basis.


It really doesn’t take that many people to pull that off when you’ve got numerous quests forcing people to fight for small amounts of X named mob / Y quest item on the ground / Z quest loot drop that people don’t want to group up for. Four people fighting for the same mobs can easily create a bottleneck on launch even if only one out of ten people quest in the open world.

Meanwhile, SM’s entrance had hundreds of people just sitting outside the instance per layer for the first week of launch at all times.

I mean when the complaints are about changes happening to a non era server this I feel is an appropriate stance to take more often than naught.

Though I’d say there is equal amount people who haven’t touched retail since classic dropped because while there are some things in SoD that mirror retail, it isn’t retail. That is a rather over exaggerated.

I’d say SoD is the best we’ve gotten so far of a good middle ground. It isn’t perfect by any means and depending on who you talk to retail/classic player it is too much of one way but it is pretty good if you’re playing it how you’d play classic back t hen but now you’re older and don’t have the hours to sink into a game anymore.

Too many people wanted/believe(d) this is classic+ and it isn’t.

Agreed. How they haven’t announced/made a resetting server is interesting.


You aren’t one to talk.

I don’t know that fresh progression will be offered once the season concludes. The launch of new progression servers might not come until 2019 servers are done moving through content. They’re heading to Cataclysm and already the Mists fans are excited.

The fresh bus might be awhile.


Yeah yeah you weren’t asking in good faith, we get it.

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Not equivalent and you know it!

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They tried the classic cult path and the data showed the majority of SoD players weren’t happy with it.

Vanilla was only the most popular version of WoW when it was the only version.


I’ve never seen so many dramatic children in one place, especially over an XP buff.
eats popcorn


It was in good faith, but you have no logical argument and are based off emotion. How does QoL change effect the Progressive server with a cap? How does it negatively effect you or anyone who disagree the dev changes. So far what I’ve read so far most “arguments” are not arguments but more projection of a bigger inner thing that has be bothering you guys. If you can make a good argument that can show a negative impact to the game you might have something to stand. But good luck to you and your other buddies in trying to change something that is a QoL change that brings more positivity.


Welcome to the classic forum.
It happens a lot.
Don’t ever put the words “joyous” and “journeys” in the same sentence. Word to the sane.


She called me a troll earlier.


Can you believe that?


is this an admission that you buy boosts? lol :expressionless:

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