The day Classic + turned into retail -

Explain how.

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Just one 18 month progressive cycling vanilla please…

Then the vanilla community and retail don’t have to interact. Everyone wins.


cause only masochists like leveling in era.

why do you think boosting is so popular?

if you think running rfk, sm library/armory/cath half as many times as you need to now detracts from gameplay I dont know what to tell you


The leveling process in Phase 2 is daunting. It’s not quick and fun like Phase 1.

If you want a slow leveling process, go to era.

The majority of SoD players have leveled many many characters over the years and honestly a exp boost so we can level alts, try different runes on different builds, is definitely the right thing for the devs to do.

Well it would take an extremely long time to explain everything that’s different between SoD and Retail, but I’ll try and hit the big ones at least…

-Raid design: SoD raids are more like dungeon crawls akin to classic dungeons and raids, where you progress through a cave or some such killing bosses as you go. Raids in Retail, on the other hand, are way more cinematic, tied directly into the overall plot going on, with ingame and cinematic cutscenes all over the place, there’s a lot more spectacle and flare to them

-Story: The additional story elements brought on by SoD, such as the updated BFD story, or whatever is going on with the shadowy figure in the new crafting stuff, is in the background, such that there is no “overarching story”, things are just happening as you go on your adventure. In Retail, the story is front and center, with you as the “main character”. Every major quest is tied directly into the main events going on and how you, personally, are interacting with characters and resolving plotlines

-Gameplay: Classes are just fundamentally different. Even with the new additions via runes. Take Fury Warrior for example: in Retail, you are constantly mashing buttons nonstop to rapidly build rage with Raging Blow and Whirlwind, and expend it on a big Rampage hit, hitting procs and filling every single GCD possible. In SoD, the Fury warrior rotation consists of…hitting a thing until you slowly build up to over 80 rage, and then hitting Flagellation, occasionally filling a GCD with a rage spender to dip below 80 so you can go back up and reset Enrage.

-Leveling: Retail leveling is about choosing what you want to do, right down to which expansion you want to level in. Every zone (besides the current expansion’s zones) is scaled to your level so you never have to worry about outleveling the quests and you can experience whatever story you enjoy. Not enjoying the expansion you’re in? Just head to Chromie and choose another one. It’s very favorable to people who like to play a bunch of alts. In SoD, you have to do the same quests on every. Single. Character. Because they’re all fixed levels and you can’t just jump ahead to a zone you haven’t tried before. It’s not very alt friendly


they shoulda never mixed them to begin with. just look at these forums


Not trying to start an emotional argument here but for those who are complaining about the leveling experience change can you tell me why you dislike this QoL change so much. Doesn’t classic era exist and for that reason wouldn’t it maintain the integrity of your leveling experience you enjoy so much?

Just trying understand where you are coming from and what bounds you are trying to argue here.

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Cause, rEtAiL bAd ClAsSiC gOoD wah wah


The one thing we know for sure is a fresh pserver will be dropping soon lol

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You know they’d pile into that as well lol

Cause I’m not complaining about SoD?

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I enjoy leveling.

I’ve been doing it since 2004.

I love the XP boost.


This is a good point.


wdym, private servers are infamous for xp modifers…

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Classic era is not a progressive server

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They already said they weren’t getting deleted.


New quest hubs means more flight paths making travel less annoying, what alliance player wouldn’t of wanted a flight path closer to Tirisfal Glades or Silverpine forest or horde to wetlands?

If you really did it so many times, you should already have every class leveled up.

Heya, Eyr.

How’s SoD treating you?


Sorry, do you mean to say you DON’T want to play a classic server because you want to run off to a shiny new classic server?

Sounds like you’re not interested in community and longevity, so much as fresh. So how about you stop talking like you want anything more than that?