The day Classic + turned into retail -

inhales more copium before typing another completely wrong and biased comment


Yes, Era is for pvp players because it is the best pvp in wow.

WOTLK is widely regarded by a vocal majority as the greatest era of WoW PvP, followed by Mists of Pandaria. So once again, you’re wrong.


Cata/Legion for me, but I respect those responses.


By people who never found success in vanilla pvp. Or did a few games and realized they didn’t want to learn all the jumps, consumes, etc. required to be successful.

I think people say mists is best because it was static on one patch for a long time which gave players a chance to learn the meta - vanilla is like that as well except we’ve been at it for nearly 20 years.

They really aren’t.


They really are. It has 2 warlock specs, spriests, frost mage, and holy paladin in Stier. None of those are actual S tier in vanilla pvp.

Holy paladin is amazing but super succeptible to CS - making disc priest often better. Also alliance struggles with lacking purges so again the priest is huge. Outside a rocket helm, that holy paladin won’t be any use when the EFC us fapped and nobody is around to purge it off.

Warlocks are cool but you don’t really want to stack many of them on a team, there’s is huge diminishing returns going past 2 warlocks.

Frost mage is basically meh is phase 6, most good pvp mages go fire hybrid specs for big burst and the stun.

Shadow priest is meh, rather have a disc priest on the team. It isn’t bad but totally replaceable.

What you can’t replace is a good warrior, a good rogue on D, a good hunter mid for peels, a good FC druid, those are all S tier across all phases.

Most people who find success in something eventually move on from it lol. The fact that you’re still stuck in 2004 says alot about the “success” you found.


I think you have that statement backwards, people tend to gravitate to the areas they do find success in :joy:

not stuck anywhere, I just compare the different versions and that one is my favorite.

It is a game, like a work of art, often adding more doesn’t always make a better product.

You will say anything to fit your narrative, even if it is blatantly wrong. You’re entitled to your wrong opinion. Read the room. Every post like this where vanilla people cry because WAAAAH I dont like QoL, its 1 vanilla loser crying to every 20-30 people disagreeing with them. You are the minority. You will always be the minority.

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Yet you are playing in a season based on our game mode because the others are so terrible nobody could bear playing a seasonal mode of it.

Don’t worry about smelling the flowers, you can just bulldoze it into retail as did in the other versions.

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See, that’s where you’re wrong. I am not stuck playing 1 version of the game, because I know how to adapt. I play retail, I play SoD, I played 2019 classic, and id play it again. I just play world of warcraft. I will most likely play cata classic too, just like I played TBC and WOTLK classic.

I also play other games. Being stuck on one singular version of 1 singular game for over 20 years is not healthy, no matter how you view it.


Great, I have a minimum bar for the games I will play, and if they fall below that bar I have zero desires to interact with them.

WoW falls below that bar at TBC for me.

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SoD + Wrath have about 200k each.
Dragonflight has roughly 2.8 million daily users lol.

Get rekt.


Yet here you are, on SoD, complaining. If the bar dropped too low for your standards, shut up and nut up, quit. Go play a vanilla private server. Noone wants to listen to you cry.


ERA has 15k. Clearly the destination to be.


Do people think Classic has more players than Retail? :rofl:

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Did you even read the OP of this thread or are you just here to scream into the void?

You can let it out

I doubt dragon flight has over 500k players. Probably around 250k ish left if I were to guess.


Yeah you will just like the retail client see’s it along with all the other classic stuff.

Dragonflight is the most popular version of WoW, whether you like it or not. Daily player counts are tracked as well as daily M+ dungeon runs/clears, and logs. You can live in your fantasy world where 250k people play retail every day, but that’s all it is, a fantasy.

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