The day Classic + turned into retail -

I pvp’d in 2004, 2005, on pservers, in 2019, and still to this day on Era.

Almost everyone who says it is unbalanced just doesn’t know how to play their class / teamwork. Every single class has a role to play in vanilla pvp.

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Citation needed.

Half the classes in vanilla wow were pigeonholed into roles and had poor itemization to even support them. Classic wow itemization was terrible. The class disparity was terrible, the class design was terrible lol. TBC is when classes finally started to feel good to play. If you think vanilla pvp was balanced, you’re really just inhaling copium


Playerbases say it all. ERA is the lowest population of all the servers. If all the “vanilla purists” were the majority, surely ERA would have more players right? Surely. Oh wait… era sucks, hence why people have been begging for classic+ for years


Which class doesn’t have good items for pvp?

Which class was OP?
Which class was boring to play?

Yeah totally. The world pvp tournaments had GREAT class representation lol

At least you’re honest.

OMG NO NOT MY NUANCE! What ever will I do while I log in my second account and trade to myself?! not. My. NUANCE! :sob:


See above comment.

Facts again.

Three for three!



So every class having a S or A tier spec is unbalanced?

TBC had more class balance than vanilla, so if that’s your only argument for “balance” then TBC pvp was god tier in your own words. GOTCHA.


Leveling process IS a pest when ‘end game’ isn’t 60 and only lasts a few months. Not everyone can no life it like you to 40 in 8 hours. Some people want to actually level and enjoy the process without feeling like they have to sweat and rush to get to 40 in time to enjoy the content before it’s plagued with “must be 6/6 with 1000gs and also a PhD”.

Leveling is an enjoyable process but only up to a certain point. There are extremes on both sides. Taking months to hit max level vs getting instantly boosted to max level. Both options cater to a specific crowd, some enjoy the journey (and that’s okay) and others want to enjoy the end game (and that’s equally okay).

Honestly, I doubt you’ll notice the difference in xp while leveling as much as you think you will. Why not wait and see before passing judgement?

Also, I hope you’re not in BFD every lockout farming that ‘fast xp’ if you love leveling and questing so much.

That all said, I do wish they had added an option to disable to xp buff, for people like you that want to take their sweet time getting to max level. Literally wouldn’t hurt to give people that option. Maybe they’ll add it as they have in the past for similar things.


If I really only played one version of an mmorpg for 20 years I’d think this too.

Might want to get out a bit.


That’s not my only argument - in tbc pvp everyone wore the arena gear and similar weapon / trinkets. There are no eng items, no consumes, and a ton of matchups you can predict at the opening.

In vanilla pvp - everyone wears pretty unique gear based on their goals, eng / consumes are key to playing well (greatly increases skill cap), and every class is limited to they have to work together for success.

Also the horde vs alliance RP is super strong with pally / shaman only on one side.

I see how you’re confused. The letters and pictures are right next to each other and make it seem like those tiers are close. They aren’t. Don’t let the pretty picture confuse you.


I tried TBC / wotlk / cata when I was yonger and they made me hate wow for a long time until I went back to vanilla p server.

Most my other gaming was in dota.

This lol. I loved every expansion, each one had something nice in its own way. I still have my favorites, but I am grateful that I gave every expansion a chance. TBC and MoP will always hold my heart, but man it’s nice to not be obsessed with 1 singular way to play wow to the point of mental illness like some of these “vanilla purists”


You better still be playing DOTA on warcraft 3, if you play DOTA 2 you’re a terrible person, because only the original way is the right way man. /s


What are you even talking about?

S and A tier on that list are basically interchangeable.

Warriors are 100% S tier and so are rogues in team pvp (which is what vanilla is about- competitive WSG).

Spriest should probably be knocked down a tier or two and swapped with disc in S tier (especially for alliance).

The list is not even accurate, the only thing accurate about it is that all classes are really good in pvp, nothing is OP, and every class has at least one really really good spec.

Sometimes I wish they had a classic dota, but unfortunately I’ve been playing dota 2 since the beta. There are some good patches and some worse ones.

Right now the patch is actually pretty decent, kinda feels more old school.

This is ok. Truly. Era is 100% for people like you. But stop trying to police SOD because of how you feel. It’s insane. Stop being the fun police.


Going to be real with you. The reason you stay with vanilla is because you’re terrible at every other version.

Not that it’s better. Facts.