The day Classic + turned into retail -

Even months ago they were saying ‘we’ve been there and done that’ as a reason why vanilla ideology was bad.

Every real vanilla player is still improving their skills at some aspects of the game and love the gameplay it provides, they don’t cry to simply, speed up, and otherwise invalidate huge aspects of the game so they can get their ‘alt dopamine rush’ a few days faster.

They understand doing those things ultimately destroys the foundations of the game and that keeping things somewhat grindy and making every toon earn their journey is a core feature, not a negative.

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Y’all are wild. You can’t admit that the concepts you desperately cling to don’t exist, so you punish people who want to speed things up BECAUSE those things don’t exist. It’s truly sad. eVeRy tOoN eArN tHeiR JoUrnEy lmao

Yes, lets earn journeys every year in every season just so you guys can cling to some ideology that hasn’t existed since OG TBC dropped… maybe if you had actually played Vanilla you wouldn’t be trying to recreate something in Classic :rofl:


Ehh who cares. It’s seasonal. Stop taking it so serious and have some fun.


Lol I did play vanilla, and pservers inbetween, and again in 2019, and I stayed on Era (outside a couple weeks to remind me how much retail trash is in TBC).

The first sign of a retail player talking nonsense is they go “If you played real vanilla” When their experience with vanilla was for only 2 years and nearly 20 years ago.

If you hadn’t notice there is a HUGE community of people that have continue to play and improve on that version because it is actually really good. And when you compare it to other versions they feel like you’re playing a shadow of the real game.

Every toon leveling with 50% or 100% exp bonus isn’t having a true journey, they are just rushing through zones, over level and overpower every mob, total waste of time. Instead of a fun journey it is a horrible grind for half the time.

If people don’t want to commit to making alts, then they shouldn’t have alts - making alts easier just makes the game worse for everyone leveling and makings it so much easier for botters and gold sellers to earn gold.


I have played WoW since 2004. Since I was a wee 12 year old. I am 31, going on 32 now. I played every expansion in between, and I was here for 2019 classic launch. Let’s get some things clear, because alot of these “classic purists” who think they know all and are the AUTHORITY on what classic is, are completely wrong. I remember 2019. I remember the recruitment forums full of people looking for 5 man dungeon spam cleave/spell cleave groups to speed to 60 with. I remember because I also was in one of them. I remember because I have this thing called a life and a job. I took off a week of work for 2019 launch, rushed to 60, rushed to pre-bis, along with probably half the entire 2019 classic playerbase, so we could be ready to raid comfortably before returning to our normal workweek. When I leveled alts, I boosted in RFC, Scarlet monastery, Maraudon, etc. I paid for every single boost I could, because time is valuable to me now, more than it ever was when I was younger. Classic has MORE boosters and summon sellers than retail ever will, because boosting is “the way” in classic. It is the most socially accepted form of paying for leveling and it all started in classic. Anyone who argues that more exp is somehow “problematic” is a hypocrite. All it does is speed up the time we will spend sitting in stocks while a mage AOE clears for us until level 28 when we transition to running a cleave comp in SM graveyard and then Library/armory/cathedral. We are weeks into the phase and barely anyone is out in the world questing, while SM still remains relatively packed, because people value efficiency and questing is inefficient. We leveled to 25 and 40 slow on our mains, and I for one am grateful for a 100% exp boost to level more alts and test them out and run gnomer on them. I am also someone who would gladly play another 2019 style progressive classic server, because I just love PLAYING WORLD OF WARCRAFT. I love hanging with the boys and drinking a nice cold sprite while i munch on some chips and kill stuff. REAL WoW players dont sit on the forums and cry all day about changes they dont agree with. They just play the game they love, because they love it.


Why are you boosting alts if time is valuable to you?

Having multiple max level toons does not save you any time, it actually takes more time to raid on multiple toons.

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This is exactly what I’m talking about with the “retail” boogeyman nonsense. You’re seriously sitting here calling TBC “retail”. :rofl:

Again, I was day 1 classic on benediction. Played all the way through till I killed Arthas. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension skills.

Did you just call Era “huge”? :rofl:
Source: ironforge pro
WotLK: 88855 Ally / 105020 horde
SOD: 101031 ally / 80698 horde
Era: 9972 ally / 5877 horde.
Vocal. Minority. If the classic purists, andys, and pserver chads were the -actual- majority, the Era numbers would reflect this. They don’t. They never have. Era was basically DOA. Why say things that are easily disproven?

How many times do people need to experience the same journey? Seriously? Its such a ridiculous and laughable notion. This is coming from someone who read EVERY quest line from Vanilla through Cata the first time he played the game. The magic gets lost after the 15th or so “journey” my guy. No one cares about the journey anymore. We’ve done the Journey. We want to experience new runes, new chars, etc. All of the best parts are at max* level. Let. It. Go. If you want to “experience the journey,” turn the buff off and experience it. Stop trying to police how everyone else wants to play.

Laughable. Bots don’t care how long the journey takes. They’re bots. They have no feelings. They will get there and do their thing regardless. Irrelevant. Other people getting their faster doesn’t affect you no matter how much you try to say it does.


Because the time it takes to clear gnomer is around an hour. It’s not that I don’t have enough time to play wow, it’s that I have alot less than I did long ago, and I like to optimize my time spent. I get 4-6 hours a night to play WoW on my work days, and that is probably alot more than people with wives and kids, and I would rather spend it raiding/BGing than grinding through tedious quests ive done 100 times before.


TBC is retail. Retail is a ideology on how to run the warcraft universe:

  • All raids are accessible to everyone (this can be ez raids or multiple modes)
  • Instead of rare items bosses drop things you turn into vendors (guaranteed gear progression)
  • Top tier pvp is limited to certain classes and pvp gear is cookie cutter with resiliance added
  • Getting epics is easy
  • Leveling is easy and fast, most of the game is endgame
  • dailies
  • microtrasactions (paid max level toons, wow token, etc.)
  • Dual spec, xmog, and other QoL that harm immersion

There are others but those are some of the ‘retail’ ideologies that drive the game design into bing retail versus vanilla.

No arthas in vanilla, soon as you stepped through the dark portal you’ve been playing retail again.

We will still be there enjoying Era when all these retail SoDers quit to another game version because they ruined this one.

You get better and faster each time. Doing a ‘new quest’ isn’t really any different than redoing one you’ve done before. It is just a new skin, slightly diff story, in the same digital world.

What is new is the adventures, pvp encounters, etc. that you make along the way - and running the same world achieves all that without unbalancing all the pvp everytime, like retail does. And adding a bunch of fluffy things that harm the world of warcraft immersion.

The bots don’t care but the people paying for the machines running them, and the accounts they are on, do. Faster the bot is high level and earning profits the better for them. The turnaround time of a bot being profitable is literally doubled.

No it doesn’t affect me, it takes away from every single one of their journeys.


Though from your previous post that you were talking about boosting alts in vanilla not SoD…

Regardless, the game is a waste of time for everyone, so taking away players ability to enjoy the leveling journey is harmful to everyone.

There are community solutions for people who want to level alts fast (boosting), but instead it is retail ideology to add exp boost and make the entire journey faster and worse since you outlevel every zone basically as you are halfway done with it.

Players can’t improve their leveling routes with these exp boosts, it is basically just a ez mode grind that takes forever.


Everything you said before this is 100% your opinion, which you’re entitled to, I guess. I disagree unequivocally. In regard to this statement… STOP TRYING TO POLICE HOW OTHER PEOPLE PLAY. Their journey is theirs. Not yours. Mind your own business. Stay in your lane.


Not policing anything. Just stating the fact that adding a 50% / 100% boost is retail ideology and bad for vanilla.

Idc what happens to SoD it was retail from the start. Doesn’t mean I can’t share that view when they add an additional retail feature.



  • TBC had raids that were gated behind attunements, far less accessible than classic wow raids
  • They put tier tokens into the game as a QoL to help make less “dead drops” happen
  • TBC was the first iteration of arenas and “high end pvp” so of course it had its flaws
  • Getting epics is easy in classic wow too? Getting epics in wow is easy in general, it’s called go into a raid, noob
  • Leveling in TBC isn’t “easy” it was just shorter than 1-60 because it was an EXPANSION aka 10 levels added, not 60. It still took around 3-4 hours per level for 60-70 if you quested like in vanilla, which is about how long it took on vanilla wow
  • Dailies were a massive improvement to the game, allowing players to have more reasons to log in
    -TBC did not have microtransactions, there were no paid max levels, no wow tokens, any of that.
    -TBC didnt have ANY of this lmao.

Not vanilla. Not classic. Not retail. SOD.

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Lol you throw around the word retail so much, you dont even know what you’re talking about. It’s actually sad how wrong you are.

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It’s the retail boogeyman bro.
Anything I like is classic.
Anything I dislike is retail.

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No I stopped after I remembered how much I disliked it.

Okay, that’s not a retail feature.


Okay, and vanilla has amazing pvp so I call that resiliance cookie cutter everyone wears the same bis gear in pvp - retail.

In p1 people don’t generally get epics until 60 and first raids which is quite a few days /played.

They added a paid level boost in recent tbc = retail.

Dailies are the worst part of wow to ever be created.

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Basically except the things we dislike were stated up above for you.

Incase you’re still unclear, ANY QoL will be called retail.

Maybe you need an example of what isn’t retail to help you understand. Hardcore isn’t retail. It add nuances and new complexity to the game. It makes people approach the game in a new light with new risks. Thus it align with vanilla mentality.

Now removing the 1h mail time - that is retail. It adds nothing to the game and removes the need to plan ahead. It simplifies the game and removes a nuance.

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All I can say to you is that you’re an idiot. Vanilla PvP was so unbalanced and terrible lmao, if you played in 2004 you would know this, but you clearly didnt. People didn’t get epics in TBC until they hit 70… most of the level 60 naxx epics carried you all the way to 70, so that argument is already dumb, just like you. Also, they added a paid boost in TBC classic to 60, so people could be ready for TBC launch and catch up with their friends if they were late, it’s not like you could pay and become level 70 instantly lol. You’re inhaling so much copium it hurts. Also, dailies are fun, you’re just wrong.


Who is this “we”? The majority of the WoW playerbase disagrees with you and people like you.