The day Classic + turned into retail -

Wait I am confused… if they are making changes that we like why do we have to go play retail? Why quit a game mode that is progressing the way we enjoy? Are you just deflecting on us cause you are the one being made to play another game version or… what exactly now?


Ya. You guys should play the game that suits your modern MMO preferences instead of coming over to one that doesn’t and whining until it changes to suit you, leading the players who prefer Classic MMOs with nothing that suits their preferences.

You won’t though. You’ll keep pushing for Classic to be removed, despite clearly liking games built on Classic more than you like retail.


Andys were never the core classic community… they’re the vocal minority. You’ve always been outnumbered, but as your opinions get more and more yikes, more and more people push back against you. People in SoD want to try new things, new classes, new runes, etc. They don’t want to have to spend a week or two leveling to max level just to have to do it all over again in a new phase. There’s literally -nothing- wrong with that and IT DOESN’T AFFECT YOU OR HOW YOU PLAY.

Go. Play. Era. This isn’t that. This is Season 2 of “lets do wonky stuff to WoW.” You can’t be for doing wonky stuff to wow and then go WAIT NO NOT THAT. It makes you look extremely foolish.

I don’t play retail. I enjoy Classic. Been playing Classic since it came out. Played WoW since vanilla. There’s nothing cool, or fun, or elite about leveling and grinding. Its tired and old. We’ve been there. We’ve done that. The devs understand and accept this and want people to play the game, not quit halfway through leveling because it boring. Theres nothing rewarding about it. It doesn’t make you good. I have no idea why the andys hold onto the WORST parts of classic like thats what made it magical. Vanilla was magical because you could talk and play with strangers across the world and for the majority of people that was an entirely new concept. The magic of Vanilla will -never- be recreated in another game, and no matter how hard you try and deathgrip it, it never will be the same again. Let. It. Go.


Every six months is far too often, and would divide the player base


its odd that you keep repeating this to people who are HAPPY with the direction of the game. why should they have to leave when you’re the one that’s unhappy?


Arielba found a bandwagon.
Or clown car. Or whatever this thread is.

holy cats
a true believer
dude no changes is a meme
put down the pipe


Classic will never be removed, in fact they kept the vanilla classic servers for people who love that version of the game and want to continue playing it without any xpacs or changes added. There should be an era tag when you launch world of warcraft classic. I recommend Mankrik Alliance for PvE or Whitemane (either faction they are pretty balanced) for PvP.

Was pretty nice of blizz to keep the spirit of vanilla around for the die hard fans!

You don’t know wtf you’re talking about, and clearly weren’t part of the conversation leading up to Classic. The core community is the no changes community.

It absolutely does affect the entire game to give everyone double leveling speed, increased quest hold, and cheaper mounts. It is either stupid, disingenuous, or both to insinuate otherwise.

Began in WOTLKC I’m sure.

It was alive and well in 2019. As was it in all the years of private servers between. You’re just a Vanilla wannabe “wall of no”-er.

Classic, old-school MMORPG design has a place in modern gaming. All it needs is modern dev philosophy to stay tf out of the way, and a couple thousand people willing to play it. We have the latter many times over.

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All this does is encourage people to make every alt possible, to support their Fom habit on a moments notice. Questers filling every zone with their alts for gold making it still a nightmare to do quests on someone’s main.


You can’t be progressive and have no changes, it contradicts each other.

You want Blizzard to release the basic era server bi-annually because you consume too much. Typical Locust behavior, always hungry and never satisfied.

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Content locusts is a focus group buzz word, its use has earned you .02 in your blizz account! Ahh who am I kidding. You do it for free!

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How rare they remember the wall of no huh? How similar the arguments agaisnt giving us a single fresh progressive vanilla on a 18 month cycle is, it’s quite fascinating.


I like that Era is around still, it just isn’t the same as a progressive server.

If all these seasonal “Classic” servers, or Classic+ servers, are gonna get the modernization treatment, all I’m asking for is a place where we can play a Vanilla-based old-school MMORPG.

By all means, add new stuff. Make new content if the devs feel inspired to. Keep the game Classic. Keep modernization out of it. I think P1 SoD did this really well.

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It really is interesting to see. Unfortunately we don’t have Nost forcing their hand right now.

The dumbest use of semantics I’ve ever seen used to attempt to dodge understanding a point. Bravo!

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You’ve yet to make one.

What Aguy is.


Its not, people returned to classic from all versions regardless of whether they were part of some conversation or not. The no changes community did do some great ground work to get classic rolling, but I’ve been here since day 1, as have a lot of other people. Also, this is irrelevant because THIS IS SOD AND NOT CLASSIC/ERA.

It really doesn’t.
How does people having more gold affect YOU?
How does people leveling faster affect YOU?
How does people getting cheaper mount affect YOU?
The amount of gold it will inject into the game is MINISCULE compared to what bots have done. Its inconsequential. It. Doesn’t. Matter.

I literally started in Vanilla. I was benediction classic Day 1. I still have my Vanilla characters although they’re massively under leveled because -I don’t play “retail”-.

It wasn’t. Take the blinders off. Classic was -nothing- like vanilla. The andys and pserver chads made it a completely different experience. Literally -nothing- like Vanilla, a game you probably never played.

Yawn. Guarantee I’ve played this game longer than you.

Vocal. Minority. Just look around at all the people telling you how wrong you are. THESE PEOPLE PLAYED CLASSIC. Some of them probably played Vanilla. You’re. Just. Wrong. “Old-school MMORPG” design doesn’t mean anything. “Retail” doesn’t have a definitive decision. These are just buzzwords you use to try and defeat arguments so you can pick and choose which parts of the game you like, and which parts you can deny and slap on that boogeyman retail label.


That happened the second they announced class runes. It was retail as soon as they started to try and make ret paladins work for pve.

Then it dove deeper into retail when they showed the insanely overtuned lvl 25 epics.

By now you are so deep into a retail game that nobody is left to complain about more retail additions.


You don’t get to claim to be the core community when you weren’t part of what got the game created in the first place, and you actively work to undermine the values of those who did.

Until today I’d remind you that this is still Classic, but the devs are working against Classic with these changes and should remove the Classic moniker, which I’m sure you’d agree with.

Inflation, AH prices, buying power.

Competition, having people to level with, culture (end game above all)

It absolutely matters. It becomes a requirement to remain competitive in the economy when everyone has such easy access to this much gold by leveling alts 2x as fast. With the bots you mentioned, this will easily outpace gold made by farming high level herbs and ore.

It was nochanges Vanilla. It was the best time I’ve spent in wow by a wide margin.

You wanna play Classic, but you don’t want any of the friction or design of Classic. Wannabe.

Dude, being in the minority doesn’t make you wrong. What are you even arguing against? Players that want to play progressive Classic MMORPGs having a place to play them?

You’re legit just being ignorant lol

They like to use this as a way to say “look, we’re the majority and are therefore right!!” Lol

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